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"I don't want to go with them. Take me with you, and don't say much about it."

I was surprised, but I did as she asked.

We did not speak much on the way to town. I asked her where I should put her down.

"Harley Street."

I felt some faint apprehension, but I didn5! like to say anything. She continued:

"No, it's too early. Drop me at Debenhams. I can have some lunch there and go to Harley Street afterwards."

"I hope -" I began and stopped.

"That^ why I didn't want to go up with Magda. She dramatizes things. Lot of fuss."

"I'm very sorry," I said.

"You needn't be. Fve had a good life. A very good life." She gave a sudden grin.

"And it's not over yet."