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I did not tell him that I did not think a meat saw had been used in this case, but let him talk.

'He's never been very social, which again fits the profile.' He continued spinning his fantastic web. 'And it's rumored among the other guys who work at the landfill that he's homosexual.'

'Based on what?'

'On the fact he doesn't date women or even seem interested in them when the other guys make remarks, jokes. You know how it is with a bunch of rough guys.'

'Describe the house he lives in.' I thought of the photographs sent to me through e- mail.

'Two-story frame, three bedrooms, kitchen, living room. Middle class on its way to being poor. Like maybe in an earlier day when his old man was around, they had it pretty nice.'

'What happened to the father?'

'Ran off before Keith was born.'

'Brothers, sisters?' I asked.

'Grown, have been for a long time. I guess he was a surprise. I suspect Mr Pleasants isn't the father, explaining why he was already gone before Keith was even around.'

'And what is this suspicion based on?' I asked with an edge.

'My gut.'

'I see.'

'Where they live is remote, about ten miles from the landfill, in farmland,' he said.

'Got a pretty good-size yard, a garage that's detached from the house.' He crossed his legs, pausing, as if what he had to add next was important. 'There are a lot of tools, and a big workbench. Keith says he's a handyman and uses the garage when things need fixing around the house. I did see a hacksaw hanging up on a pegboard, and a machete he says he uses for cutting back kudzu and weeds.'

Slipping out of his jacket, he carefully draped it over his lap as he continued the tour of Keith Pleasants' life.

'You certainly had access to a lot of places without a warrant,' I cut him off.

'He was cooperative,' he replied, nonplussed. 'Let's talk about what's in this guy's head.' He tapped his own. 'First, he's smart, real smart, books, magazines, newspapers all over the place. Get this. He's been videotaping news accounts of this case, clipping articles.'

'Probably most of the people working at the landfill are,' I reminded him. But Ring was not interested in one word I said.

'He reads all kinds of crime stuff. Thrillers. Silence of the Lambs, Red Dragon. Tom

Clancy, Ann Rule…'

I interrupted again because I could not listen to him a moment longer. 'You've just described a typical American reading list. I can't tell you how to conduct your investigation, but let me try to persuade you to follow the evidence…'

'I am,' he interrupted right back. 'That's exactly what I'm doing.'

'That's exactly what you're not doing. You don't even know what the evidence is. You haven't received a single report from my office or the labs. You haven't received a profile from the FBI. Have you even talked to Marino or Grigg?'

'We keep missing each other.' He got up and put his jacket back on. 'I need those reports.' It sounded like an order. 'The C.A. will be calling you. By the way, how's Lucy?'

I did not want him to even know my niece's name, and it was evident by the surprised, angry look in my eyes.

'I wasn't aware the two of you were acquainted,' I coolly replied.

'I sat in on one of her classes, I don't know, a couple months back. She was talking about CAIN.'

I grabbed a stack of death certificates from the in-basket, and began initialing them.

'Afterwards she took us over to HRT for a robotics demo,' he said from the doorway.

'She seeing anyone?'

I had nothing to say.

'I mean, I know she lives with another agent. A woman. But they're just roommates, right?'

His meaning was plain, and I froze, looking up as he walked off, whistling. Furious, I collected an armload of paperwork and was getting up from my desk when Rose walked in.

'He can park his shoes under my bed anytime he wants,' she said in Ring's wake.

'Please!' I couldn't stand it. 'I thought you were an intelligent woman, Rose.'

'I think you need some hot tea,' she said.

'Maybe so.' I sighed.

'But we have another matter first,' she said in her businesslike way. 'Do you know someone named Keith Pleasants?'

'What about him?' For an instant, my mind locked.

'He's in the lobby,' she said. 'Very upset, refuses to leave until he sees you. I started to call security, but thought I should check…' The look on my face stopped her cold.

'Oh my God,' I exclaimed in dismay. 'Did he and Ring see each other?'

'I have no idea,' she said, and now she was very perplexed. 'Is something wrong?'

'Everything.' I sighed, dropping the paperwork back on my desk.

'Then you do or don't want me to call security?'

'Don't.' I walked briskly past her.

My heels were sharp and directed as I followed the hallway to the front, and around a corner into a lobby that had never been homey no matter how hard I had tried. No amount of tasteful furniture or prints on walls could disguise the terrible truths that brought people to these doors. Like Keith Pleasants, they sat woodenly on a blue upholstered couch that was supposed to be unprovocative and soothing. In shock, they stared at nothing or wept.

I pushed open the door as he sprung to his feet, eyes bloodshot. I could not quite tell if he were in a rage or a panic as he almost lunged at me. For an instant, I thought he

was going to grab me or start swinging. But he awkwardly dropped his hands by his sides and glared at me, his face darkening as his outrage boiled over.

'You got no right to be saying things like that about me!' he exclaimed with clenched fists. 'You don't know me! Don't know anything about me!'

'Easy, Keith,' I said, calmly, but with authority.

Motioning for him to sit back down, I pulled up a chair so I could face him. He was breathing hard, trembling, eyes wounded and filled with furious tears.

'You met me one time.' He shot a finger at me. 'One lousy time and then say things.' His voice was quavering. 'I'm about to lose my job.' He covered his mouth with a fist, averting his eyes as he fought for control.

'In the first place,' I said, 'I have not said a word about you. Not to anyone.' He glanced at me.

'I have no idea what you're talking about.' My eyes were steady on him, and I spoke with quiet confidence that made him waver. 'I wish you d explain it to me.'

He was studying me with uncertainty, lies he had been led to believe about me wavering in his eyes.

'You didn't talk to Investigator Ring about me?' he said. I checked my fury. 'No.'

'He came to my house this morning while my mama was still in bed.' His voice shook.

'Started interrogating me like I was a murderer or something. Said you had findings pointing right to me, so I better confess.'

'Findings? What findings?' I said as my disgust grew.

'Fibers that according to you looked like they came from what I had on the day we met. You said my size fit what you think the size is of the person who cut up that body. He said you could tell by the pressure applied with the saw that whoever did it was about my strength. He said you were demanding all kinds of things from me so you could do all these tests. DNA. That you thought I was weird when I drove you up to the site…'

I interrupted him, 'My God, Keith. I have never heard so much bullshit in my life. If I

said even one of those things, I would be fired for incompetence.'

'That's the other thing,' Pleasants jumped in again, fire in his eyes. 'He's been talking with everyone I work with! They're all wondering if I'm some kind of axe murderer. I can tell by the way they look at me.'

He dissolved in tears as doors opened and several state troopers walked in. They paid us no mind as they were buzzed inside, on their way down to the morgue, where Fielding was working on a pedestrian death. Pleasants was too upset for me to discuss this with him any further, and I was so incensed with Ring that I did not know what else to say.