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Riding theunderground tram from the Senate Office Building to the Senate Dining Room, Senator Robert Wilson (D-Vermont) turned to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California) and said, “I think we ought to be more proactive on this genetic thing. For example, we should consider a law that would prevent young women from selling their eggs for profit.”

“Young girls already doing that, Bob,” Feinstein said. “They sell their eggs now.”

“Why, to pay for college?”

“Maybe a few. Mostly, they do it to buy a new car for their boyfriend, or plastic surgery for themselves.”

Senator Wilson looked puzzled. “How long hasthat been going on?” he said.

“A couple of years now,” Feinstein said.

“Maybe in California…”

“Everywhere, Bob. A teenager in New Hampshire did it to make bail for her boyfriend.”

“And this doesn’t trouble you?”

“I don’t like it,” Feinstein said. “I think it’s ill-advised. I think medically the procedure has dangers. I think these girls may be risking their reproductive futures. But what would be the basis for banning it? Their bodies, their eggs.” Feinstein shrugged. “Anyway, the boat’s sailed, Bob. Quite a while ago.”