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FAR TO THE south, a telepathic sentry stood atop a cliff and saw a score of monsters burst from the morning mist over the river. They bounded straight for the young man who had called them. The sentry was only a telepath; she had no other mental powers to help protect the poor idiot who had trusted the monsters' promises and invited them.

She turned away with a shudder and, with all her strength, the mental alarm north to the rest of the Royal Witchforce.

The monsters have broken out of the mist! The monsters are loose!

IN RUNNYMEDE, CORDELIA stiffened with a gasp— and so did Allouette and Gregory.

"I dare not go!" Cordelia wailed. "Not while my love is in danger!"

"We dare not go either," Gregory said grimly, "while the Crown may need us. Pray the monsters do no harm before this is ended!"

None of them believed that for an instant—but they v they had to stay and watch.

ON THE FIELD below, Geoffrey stiffened with alarm, but knew even better than his siblings that he dared not disappear—especially among a crowd who feared witches.

High in the tower, though, Magnus's eyes widened. So did Alea's, the alarm blasting through her mind, too. Then Magnus's eyes lost focus, and she cried, "Not without me!" She seized his hand, wrapped his arm about her, and tucked hers as far about his waist as she could. His arm tightened about her, lifting; then an explosion echoed and the world disappeared in a sickening slide of colors that churned all about her. An instant later, the earth jarred my against her feet, and she clung to Magnus until the dizziness passed, sure that she would never again envy his ability to teleport.

Then she looked up and saw the monsters bearing down on them.

THE BIG PEASANT jeered, "Will you stand there and wait all day, princeling? Have you the courage to strike the first blow?"

"Marry, that I have," Alain answered, "for I will not have it said that you attacked your prince. Still, I admire the courage of any peasant who dares fight a belted knight, and would know the name of so valiant a fellow."

"I am called Bjorn," the peasant returned, "and I must honor the courage of any man so little as you who dares stand against me!"

Alain took a step closer, smiling up at the man who stood a head taller than he and outweighed him by eighty pounds of muscle. "We fight with respect, then. Defend yourself!" He swung his staff like a baseball bat, up high and down at Bjorn's head.

Bjorn laughed and swung his own staff to block. Alain's cracked against it and, on the rebound, swung at Bjorn's ankles. He dropped it to block, then chopped down in a short hard blow that glanced off the side of Alain's head.

At the city gates, Catharine screamed.

Alain staggered backward, shaking his head, and Bjorn followed, tight-lipped and plainly disliking his work, but swinging at Alain anyway.

Somehow, the prince leaned aside at just the right moment, and the staff whistled past him. He gave his head one last shake and leaped high to swing a roundhouse blow at Bjorn.

Too late, Bjorn recovered and lifted his staff, but Alain's blow cracked on his collarbone. He howled in pain and swung the butt of his staff at the prince's belly. Alain blocked both that and the next blow at his head, then gave ground, blocking every blow as Bjorn grew more and more angry, then swung a two-handed blow at his head. Alain ducked and, before Bjorn could recover, advanced on him with three-strike combinations. Now it was Bjorn who fell back, trying frantically to block—until he missed, and one swing connected. Alain's staff cracked squarely against Bjorn's skull, and the big man's eyes glazed.

Alain leaped back.

Bjorn began to lean from side to side, dazed but managing to hold his balance—barely. Alain could have struck him down with impunity. Instead, he thrust with the staff as though it were a lance and struck Bjorn's breastbone. The big man overbalanced and fell like a tree. He slammed into the ground, and Alain was at his side in an instant, dropping to one knee to feel for the pulse in the man's throat.

The peasants held their breath.

Then Alain looked up grinning. "He lives!"

The peasants cheered and lifted him up bodily.

Geoffrey forgot his pledge and dashed forward. Then he saw that Alain was sitting on the broad shoulders of two peasants, while the others danced about him, cheering and waving their flails and scythes in triumph. They bore the victor back to his parents, chanting a war song.

Geoffrey started to run after them, then remembered and turned back to help Bjorn to his feet.

The crowd bore the grinning Prince before the King and Queen, then suddenly fell silent, shocked by the enormity of what they had done. Into the silence, Alain cried, "They are a people of whom we may be proud, my liege! And the one who dared fight me is surely a hero!"

"That he is," Tuan said gravely, then turned to the guardsman beside him. "Bid the castle cooks bring out food and ale for all these men, that we may celebrate my son's victory!"

The crowd stared, unable to believe they were to be rewarded, not punished. Then they let loose one massive cheer, and the dancing began again.

In the midst of it, Alain managed to slip down off the shoulders of his bearers and turned to face the still-dazed peasant who came before him with one arm slung about Geoffrey's shoulders. "Bjorn," said the Prince, "you are an honorable man who has had the courage to stand before his Prince this day, and fought a fair fight, cleanly and honestly. Will you take service with me?"

Bjorn blinked, coming out of his stupor. Then he bowed, albeit with Geoffrey steadying him. "Your highness," he said, "I shall."

"Lend me a groat, will you?" Alain asked the nearest soldier. The man stared, then fished in his pouch and held out a coin. Alain took it and pressed it into Bjorn's hand. "You have taken my pay," he told the big peasant. "You are my man."

"And you are my lord!" Bjorn grinned from ear to ear. "Hail, Prince of Gramarye!"

There was a commotion at the gate and people pressed back to let through a wagon bearing the first three casks of ale. The peasants cheered and pressed forward.

ALEA SAW MAGNUS standing poised for battle, glaring at the thousand monsters who raced to see who could be first to rip him open.

For a moment, she stared in horror at the nightmare army, shrinking in terror—but beside her, Magnus stood at bay, the man who had given her back her life, and she mastered the fear as she had mastered every fear that she had faced since her parents had died, and stepped up beside Magnus, clasping his hand to give him what strength she could, turning toward the horde of horrors that bore down on them, knowing that if she was going to die, she would at least meet death by the side of the man she loved.

ON THE BATTLEMENTS, Cordelia sagged with relief. "My love is safe!" Then she straightened, turning to her brother and clapping her arm about his waist. "Now, leaping wizard!"

On his other side, Allouette seized hold of him, too. Gregory threw an arm about each and teleported. The women heard two thundercracks—one for the implosion of air rushing into the space where they had stood, another from the explosion of the air they displaced as they arrived. Dizzy for a moment, they clung to Gregory and to one another, then looked up and saw a nightmare bearing down on them, a horribly distorted cow with talons instead of hooves and barbed horns that glinted with poison.

ROD SEEMED TO have inherited some of his son's talents, but teleporting wasn't one of them. He had to ride to the riverbank—but he had a steed with a tireless gait. Robots do break down occasionally, but Fess was in excellent repair.