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"There has to be a transition. To all of you--please go back to work, resume normal lives. To those who worked for the Authority, the need is the same. Go back to work. Wages will go on, your jobs stay the same, until we can decide what is needed, what happily no longer is needed now that we are free, and what must be kept but modified. You new citizens, transportees sweating out sentences pronounced on you Earthside--you are free, your sentences are finished! But in the meantime I hope that you will go on working. You are not required to--the days of coercion are gone--but you are urged to. You are of course free to leave the Complex, free to go anywhere... and capsule service to and from the Complex will resume at once. But before you use your new freedom to rush into town, let me remind you: 'There is no such thing as a free lunch.' You are better off for the time being where you are; the food may not be fancy but will continue hot and on time.

"To take on temporarily those necessary functions of the defunct Authority I have asked the General Manager of LuNoHo Company to serve. This company will provide termporary supervision and will start analyzing how to do away with the tyrannical parts of the Authority and how to transfer the useful parts to private hands. So please help them.

"To you citizens of Terran nations among us, scientists and travelers and others, greetings! You are witnessing a rare event, the birth of a nation. Birth means blood and pain; there has been some. We hope it is over. You will not be inconvenienced unnecessarily and your passage home will be arranged as soon as possible. Conversely, you are welcome to stay, still more welcome to become citizens. But for the present I urge you to stay out of the corridors, avoid incidents that might lead to unnecessary blood, unnecessary pain. Be patient with us and I urge my fellow citizens to be patient with you. Scientists from Terra, at the Observatory and elsewhere, go on with your work and ignore us. Then you won't even notice that we are going through the pangs of creating a new nation. One thing-- I am sorry to say that we are temporarily interfering with your right to communicate with Earthside. This we do from necessity; censorship will be lifted as quickly as possible--we hate it as much as you do."

Adam added one more request: "Don't try to see me, comrades, and phone me only if you must; all others, write if you need to, your letters will receive prompt attention. But I am not twins, I got no sleep last night and can't expect much tonight. I can't address meetings, can't shake hands, can't meet delegations; I must stick to this desk and work--so that I can get rid of this job and turn it over to your choice." He grinned at them. "Expect me to be as hard to see as Simon Jester!"

It was a fifteen-minute cast but that was essence: Go back to work, be patient, give us time.

Those scientists gave us almost no time--I should have guessed; was my sort of pidgin.

All communication Earthside channeled through Mike. But those brain boys had enough electronic equipment to stock a warehouse; once they decided to, it took them only hours to breadboard a rig that could reach Terra.

Only thing that saved us was a fellow traveler who thought Luna should be free. He tried to phone Adam Selene, wound up talking to one of a squad of women we had co-opted from C and D level--a system thrown together in self-defense as, despite Mike's request, half of Luna tried to phone Adam Selene after that videocast, everything from requests and demands to busybodies who wanted to tell Adam how to do his job.

After about a hundred calls got routed to me through too much zeal by a comrade in phone company, we set up this buffer squad. Happily, comrade lady who took this call recognized that soothe-'em-down doctrine did not apply; she phoned me.

Minutes later myself and Finn Nielsen plus some eager guns headed by capsule for laboratory area. Our informant was scared to give name but had told me where to find transmitter. We caught them transmitting, and only fast action on Finn's part kept them breathing; his boys were itchy. But we did not want to "make an example"; Finn and I had settled that on way out. Is hard to frighten scientists, their minds don't work that way. Have to get at them from other angles.

I kicked that transmitter to pieces and ordered Director to have everyone assemble in mess hall and required roll call--where a phone could hear. Then I talked to Mike, got names from him, and said to Director: "Doctor, you told me they were all here. We're missing so-and-so"--seven names. "Get them here!"

Missing Terrans had been notified, had refused to stop what they were doing--typical scientists.

Then I talked, Loonies on one side of room, Terrans on other. To Terrans I said; "We tried to treat you as guests. But three of you tried and perhaps succeeded in sending message Earthside."

I turned to Director. "Doctor, I could search--warren, surface structures, all labs, every space--and destroy everything that might be used for transmitter. I'm electron pusher by trade; I know what wide variety of components can be converted into transmitters. Suppose I destroy everything that might be useful for that and, being stupid, take no chance and smash anything I don't understand. What result?"

Would have thought I was about to kill his baby! He turned gray. "That would stop every research... destroy priceless data.., waste, oh, I don't know how much! Call it a half billion dollars!"

"So I thought. Could take all that gear instead of smashing and let you go on best you can."

"That would be almost as bad. You must understand, Gospodin, that when an experiment is interrupted--"

"I know. Easier than moving anything--and maybe missing some--is to take you all to Complex and quarter you there. We have what used to be Dragoon barracks. But that too would ruin experiments. Besides-- Where you from, Doctor?"

"Princeton, New Jersey."

"So? You've been here five months and no doubt exercising and wearing weights. Doctor, if we did that, you might never see Princeton again. If we move you, we'll keep you locked up. You'll get soft. If emergency goes on very long, you'll be a Loonie like it or not. And all your brainy help with you."

A cocky chum stepped forward--one who had to be sent for twice. "You can't do this! It's against the law!"

"What law, Gospodin? Some law back in your hometown?" I turned. "Finn, show him law."

Finn stepped forward and placed emission bell of gun at man's belly button. Thumb started to press down--safety-switched, I could see. I said, "Don't kill him, Finn!"--then went on: "I will eliminate this man if that's what it takes to convince you. So watch each other! One more offense will kill all your chances of seeing home again--as well as ruining researches. Doctor, I warn you to find ways to keep check on your staff."

I turned to Loonies. "Tovarishchee, keep them honest. Work up own guard system. Don't take nonsense; every earthworm is on probation. If you have to eliminate some, don't hesitate." I turned to Director. "Doctor, any Loonie can go anywhere any time--even your bedroom. Your assistants are now your bosses so far as security is concerned; if a Loonie decides to follow you or anybody into a W.C., don't argue; he might be jumpy."

I turned to Loonies. "Security first! You each work for some earthworm--watch him! Split it among you and don't miss anything. Watch 'em so close they can't build mouse trap, much less transmitter. If interferes with work for them, don't worry; wages will go on."

Could see grins. Lab assistant was best job a Loonie could find those days--but they worked under earthworms who looked down on us, even ones who pretended and were oh so gracious.

I let it go at that. When I had been phoned, I had intended to eliminate offenders. But Prof and Mike set me straight: Plan did not permit violence against Terrans that could be avoided.