The symbol of Baphomet is placed on the wall above the altar.


The candles used in Satanic ritual represent the light of Lucifer - the bearer of light, enlightenment, the living flame, burning desire, and the Flames of the Pit.

Only black and white candles are to be used in Satanic ritual. Never use more than one white candle; but as many black candles as are required to illuminate the ritual chamber may be used. At least one black candle is placed to the left of the altar, representing the Powers of Darkness and the left-hand path. Other black candles are placed where needed for illumination. One white candle is placed to the right of the altar, representing the hypocrisy of white light "magicians" and the followers of the right-hand path. No other light source is to be used.

Black candles are used for power and success for the participants of the ritual, and are used to consume the parchments on which blessings requested by the ritual participants are written. The white candle is used for destruction of enemies. Parchments upon which curses are written are burned in the flame of the white candle.


The shattering effect of the bell is used to mark both the beginning and the end of the ritual. The priest rings the bell nine times, turning counter clockwise and directing the tolling towards the four cardinal points of the compass. This is done once at the beginning of the ritual to clear and purify the air of all external sounds, and once again at the end of the ritual to intensify the working and act as a pollutionary indicating finality.

The tonal quality of the bell used should be loud and penetrating, rather than soft and tinkling.


In Satanic ritual the chalice or goblet used represents the Chalice of Ecstasy. Ideally, the chalice should be made of silver, but if a silver chalice can not be obtained, one made from another metal, glass, or crockery may be used - anything but gold. Gold has always been associated with white-light religions and the Heavenly Realm.

The chalice is to be drunk from first by the priest, then by one assistant. In private rituals the person performing the ceremony drains the chalice.


The stimulating fluid or Elixir of Life used by the Pagans has been corrupted into sacramental wine by the Christian faith. Originally, the liquor used in Pagan rituals was drunk to relax and intensify the emotions of those involved in the ceremony. Satanism does not sacrifice its god, as do other religions. The Satanist practices no such form of symbolic cannibalism, and returns the sacramental wine used by the Christians to its original purpose - that of stimulating the emotions necessary to Satanic ritual. Wine itself need not be used - whatever drink is most stimulating and pleasing to the palate is in order.

The Elixir of Life is to be drunk from the Chalice of Ecstasy, as indicated above, immediately following the Invocation to Satan.


The Sword of Power is symbolic of aggressive force, and acts as an extension and intensifier of the arm with which the priest uses to gesture and point. A parallel to this is the pointing stick or blasting wand used in other forms of magical ritual.

The sword is held by the priest and is used to point towards the symbol of Baphomet during the Invocation to Satan. It is also used, as indicated in Steps of Ritual, when calling forth the four Princes of Hell. The priest thrusts the point of the sword through the parchment containing the message or request after it has been read aloud; it is then used to hold the parchment while introduced into the candle flame. While hearing the requests of other participants, and while repeating same, the priest places the sword atop their heads (in traditional "knighting" fashion).

For private rituals, if a sword cannot be obtained, a long knife, cane, or similar staff may be used.


The phallus is a Pagan fertility symbol which represents generation, virility, and aggresion. This is yet another device which has been blasphemously converted to fit the guild-ridden ceremonies of Christianity. The phallus is a non-hypocritical version of the aspergillim, or "holy water sprinkler" used in Catholicism - quite a metamorphosis of the common penis!

The phallus is held in both hands of one of the priest's assistants, and methodically shaken twice towards each cardinal point of the compass, for the benediction of the house.

Any phallic symbol may be used. If none is obtainable one may be made from plaster, wood, clay, wax, etc. The phallus is necessary only in organized group rituals.


The gong is used to call upon the forces of Darkness. It is to be struck once after the participants have repeated the priest's words, "Hail Satan!". A gong is necessary only in organized group rituals. For the best tonal quality a concert gong is preferred, but if one cannot be obtained any gong with a full, rich tone may be used.


Parchment is used because its organic properties are compatible with the elements of nature. In keeping with the Satanic views on sacrifice, the parchment used would be made from the skin of a sheep which was, by necessity, killed for food. An animal is never slaughtered for the purpose of using all or a part of that animal in a Satanic ritual. If commerical parchment which has been made from already slaughtered sheep cannot be obtained, plain paper may be substituted.

The parchment is the means by which the written message or request can be consumed by the candle flame and sent out into the ether. The request is written on parchment or paper, read aloud by the priest, and then burned in the flame of either the black or white candle - whichever is appropriate for the particular request. Before the ritual begins curses are placed to the right of the priest, and charms or blessings are placed to the left of him.



Despite all non-verbalists' protests to the contrary, soaring heights of emotional ecstasy or raging pangs of anguish can be attained through verbal communication. If the magical ceremony is to employ all sensory awarenesses, then the proper sounds must be invoked. It is certainly true that "actons speak louder than words", but words become as monuments to thoughts.

Perhaps the most noticeable shortcoming in the printed magical conjurations of the past is the lack of emotion developed upon the reciting of them. An old wizard known to the author, who was once employing a self-composed invocation of great personal meaning in the light of his magical desires, ran out of words just as his ritual was moments short of its successful culmination. Aware of the necessity of keeping his emotional response generating, he quickly adlibbed the first emotion-provoking words that came to mind - a few stanzas of a poem by Rudyard Kipling! Thus, with this final burst of glory-charged adrenalin, was he able to finalize an effective working!

The invocations which follow are designed to serve as proclamations of certainty, not whining apprehension. For this reason they are devoid of shallow offerings-up and hollow charities. Leviathan, the great Dragon from the Watery Abyss, roars forth as the surging sea, and these invocations are his tribunals.

In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsi!