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I grinned at him. "No sweat. Okay, well worry when we get there. So let's quit talking."

"Yes, milord husband," Star seconded. "We had best get several hours' sleep."

Something in her voice had changed. I looked at her and she was subtly different, too. She seemed smaller, softer, more feminine and compliant than the Amazon who had fired arrows into a beast a hundred times her weight less than two hours before.

"A good idea," I said slowly and looked around. While Star had been sketching the mazes of the Tower, Rufo had repacked what we couldn't take and—I now noticed—put one sleeping pad on one side of the cave and the other two side by side as far from the first as possible.

I silently questioned her by glancing at Rufo and shrugging an implied, "What now?"

Her answering glance said neither yes nor no. Instead she called out, "Rufo, go to bed and give that leg a chance. Don't lie on it. Either belly down or face the wall."

For the first time Rufo showed his disapproval of what we had done. He answered abruptly, not what Star said but what she may have implied: "You couldn't hire me to look!"

Star said to me in a voice so low I barely heard it, "Forgive him, milord husband. He is an old man, he has his quirks. Once he is in bed I will take down the lights."

I whispered, "Star my beloved, it still isn't my idea of how to run a honeymoon."

She searched my eyes. "This is your will, milord love?"

"Yes. The recipe calls for a jug of wine and a loaf of bread. Not a word about a chaperon. I'm sorry."

She put a slender hand against my chest, looked up at me. "I am glad, milord."

"You are?" I didn't see why she had to say so.

"Yes. We both need sleep. Against the morrow. That your strong sword arm may grant us many morrows."

I felt better and smiled down at her. "Okay, my princess. But I doubt if I'll sleep."

"Ah, but you will!"

"Want to bet?"

"Hear me out, milord darling. Tomorrow...after you have won...we go quickly to my home. No more waitings, no more troubles. I would that you knew the language of my home, so that you will not feel a stranger. I want it to be your home, at once. So? Will milord husband dispose himself for bed? Lie back and let me give him a language lesson? You will sleep, you know that you will."

"Well...it's a fine idea. But you need sleep even more than I do."

"Your pardon, milord, but not so. Four hours' sleep puts spring in my step and a song on my lips."


Five minutes later I was stretched out, staring into the most beautiful eyes in any world and listening to her beloved voice speak softly in a language strange to me...

Chapter 14

Rufo was shaking my shoulder. "Breakfast, Boss!" He shoved a sandwich into my hand and a pot of beer into the other. "That's enough to fight on and lunch is packed. I've laid out fresh clothes and your weapons and I'll dress you as soon as you finish. But snap it up. We're on in a few minutes." He was already dressed and belted.

I yawned and took a bite of sandwich (anchovies, ham and mayonnaise, with something that wasn't quite tomato and lettuce) -- and looked around. The place beside me was empty but Star seemed to have just gotten up; she was not dressed. She was on her knees in the center of the room, drawing some large design on the floor.

"Morning, chatterbox," I said. "Pentacle?"

"Mmm—" she answered, not looking up.

I went over and watched her work. Whatever it was, it was not based on a five-cornered star. It had three major centers, was very intricate, had notations here and there—I recognized neither language nor script—and the only sense I could abstract from it was what appeared to be a hypercube seen face on. "Had breakfast, hon?"

"I fast this morning."

"You're skinny now. Is that a tesseract?"

"Stop it!"

Then she pushed back her hair, looked up, and smiled ruefully. "I'm sorry, darling. The witch is a bitch, that's certain. But please don't look over my shoulder. I'm having to do this by memory; I lost my books in the marsh—and it's difficult. And no questions now, please, please. You might shake my confidence—and I must be utterly confident."

I made a leg. "Your pardon, milady."

"Don't be formal with me, darling. Love me anyhow and give me a quick kiss—then let me be."

So I leaned over and gave her a high-caloric kiss, with mayonnaise, and let her be. I dressed while I finished the sandwich and beer, then sought out a natural alcove just short of the wards in the passage, one which had been designated the men's room. When I came back Rufo was waiting with my sword belt "Boss, you'd be late for your own hanging."

"I hope so."

A few minutes later we were standing on that diagram, Star on pitcher's mound with Rufo and myself at first and third bases. He and I were much hung about, myself with two canteens and Star's sword belt (on its last notch) as well as my own, Rufo with Star's bow slung and with two quivers, plus her medic's kit and lunch. We each had longbow strung and tucked under left arm; we each had drawn sword. Star's tights were under my belt behind in an untidy tail, her jacket was crumpled under Rufo's belt, while her buskins and hat were crammed into pockets—etc. We looked like a rummage sale.

But this did leave Rufo's left hand and mine free. We faced outward with swords at ready, reached behind us and Star clasped us each firmly by hand. She stood in the exact center, feet apart and planted solidly and was wearing that required professionally of witches when engaged in heavy work, i.e., not even a bobby pin. She looked magnificent, hair shaggy, eyes shining, and face flushed, and I was sorry to turn my back.

"Ready, my gallants?" she demanded, excitement in her voice.

"Ready," I confirmed.

"Ave, Imperatrix, nos morituri te—"

"Stop that, Rufo! Silence!" She began to chant in a language unknown to me. The back of my neck prickled.

She stopped, squeezed our hands much harder, and shouted, "Now!"

Sudden as a slammed door, I find I'm a Booth Tarkington hero in a Mickey Spillane situation.

I don't have time to moan. Here is this thing in front of me, about to chop me down, so I run my blade through his guts and yank it free while he makes up his mind which way to fall; then I dose his buddy the same way. Another one is squatting and trying to get a shot at my legs past the legs of his squad mates. I'm as busy as a one-armed beaver with paperhangers and hardly notice a yank at my belt as Star recovers her sword.

Then I do notice as she kills the hostile who wants to shoot me. Star is everywhere at once, naked as a frog and twice as lively. There was a dropped-elevator sensation at transition, and suddenly reduced gravitation could have been bothersome had we time to indulge it.

Star makes use of it. After stabbing the laddie who tries to shoot me, she sails over my head and the head of a new nuisance, poking him in the neck as she passes and he isn't a nuisance any longer.

I think she helps Rufo, but I can't stop to look. I hear his grunts behind me and that tells me that he is still handing out more than he's catching.

Suddenly he yells, "Down!" and something hits the back of my knees and I go down—land properly limp and am about to roll to my feet when I realize Rufo is the cause. He is belly down by me and shooting what has to be a gun at a moving target out across the plain, himself behind the dead body of one of our playmates.

Star is down, too, but not fighting. Something has poked a hole through her right arm between elbow and shoulder.

Nothing else seemed to be alive around me, but there were targets four to five hundred feet away and opening rapidly. I saw one fall, heard Zzzzt, smelled burning flesh near me. One of those guns was lying across a body to my left; I grabbed it and tried to figure it out. There was a shoulder brace and a tube which should be a barrel; nothing else looked familiar.