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Chapter Eleven

The pirates held Vanessa on board Auda's yacht for four days before sailing back to Rouassa. Both Vanessa and the pirates had imagined Auda would have been searching for them but to her dismay she discovered that Auda had fled the very day that Zoe had been auctioned. Only hours after the auctioned girls had been shipped out, three military helicopters had swept over the slave trader's fortress and pandemonium had broken loose. Leaflets were dropped warning Delgardo to hand over Auda bin Yasel and the British Secret Agent Zoe Farquerson or to face the consequences. Whilst Delgardo was deliberating, Auda fled on foot into the jungle.

The contingent of British Marines was too small to assault the fortress but Delgardo played the diplomat anyway and told them that Auda had made a run for it already and alas the girl had been sold and was gone, he knew not where.

So the pirates brought Vanessa to Delgardo and a sum was agreed. They quickly left on Auda's luxury yacht only to cover a few miles before one of the three military helicopters spotted them. By lunchtime the next day the Head of the British Secret Service was brought up to date with the turn of events. The Marines had captured Auda's yacht. Auda had vanished into the jungle. Zoe Farquerson was still missing, whereabouts unknown.

Vanessa had only been held at Karunga a couple of days when two men arrived with payment for her and she was handed over to them.

'A pleasing young thing,' Delgardo smiled ingratiatingly, rubbing his hands together, a fat wad of American hundred-dollar bills in his back pocket.

'Indeed, the Colonel always prefers English girls. She'll do nicely for him.'

Vanessa was forced to listen to this amicable chitchat whilst two of Delgardo's henchmen roped her arms tightly behind her back.

'And you say she's nineteen?'

'Yes and already well trained. She's been briefly in an Arab's possession and before that she was trained as a submissive.'

Vanessa saw Delgardo glance down at her as he spoke. She winced as a rope was drawn unfairly tight around her elbows, twisting her arms back against each other and pinning them into the small of her back. She grunted in objection but they'd already ball-gagged her and her muffled groaning went unnoticed.

'So how is the Farquerson girl settling in?' Delgardo asked.

Vanessa pricked up her ears at the mention of Zoe then swore through the gag as a rope bit into the soft flesh of her thighs. Having bound her ankles and wrists they were now immobilising her arms and legs with more ropes. Why did the bastards have to make them so tight? Vanessa struggled in protest and for her efforts was rewarded with a sharp slap across her naked rump.

'Oh, she's getting used to life at Shrevra. The Colonel is enjoying supervising her breaking in.'

'Signor Delgardo, this one's ready.'

'Good work Pepe, into the crate with her then. Give her a jab first to quieten her down.'

Vanessa was injected and lowered into a small crate. Bastards... she thought as the lid was fitted over her and she listened to them hammering it down. So, it looks like I'm going to meet up with Zoe again, I wonder whether...

Her thoughts remained unconcluded as the drug they'd administered swiftly took effect and she slumped unconscious against the side of the crate.

* * *

She woke dazed to find herself on board a plane. The crate had been opened and she had been dragged out on her stomach. She was vaguely aware of some men unfastening the ropes around her ankles and thighs then drawing her legs apart.

'English girl looks so sleepy.'

'Pretty blonde hair... you too tired to mind anything we do with you, yes?'

Vanessa tried to focus on the leering face close before her. Someone was holding her head up by grasping her hair as someone else drew her legs apart.

'You like to do this, yes? You know what we do with you?'

The man behind her nudged her thighs further apart, then his weight settled over her. His cock was thick: opening her sex with his fingers, he rammed it into her. Vanessa sighed through the ball-gag; the man holding her hair grinned.

'Quick fuck and no-one knows... you good girl... good girl.'

Vanessa had no strength in her limbs and her mind felt too dazed for her to object as the men took it in turns to use her body for their pleasure. After they finished with her, the ropes were fastened back around her legs and she was left to slide back into the welcome escape that sleep offered.

When she came to again the plane had landed somewhere and preparations were being made to unload the plane's cargo. She drifted in and out of sleep as she was transferred to a truck but remained oblivious of what happened from then until the moment the loud clatter of the truck's tailboard falling open woke her with a start.

She lifted her head weakly and gazed around her. As the dust settled from the swinging tailgate she saw three men watching her. Two were natives and the third was a European man of late middle age attired in a white suit with a coloured cravat with a wide brimmed Panama hat shielding his eyes from the fierce sun.

'Welcome to Shrevra, my child.'

He smiled benignly then gestured to the two men who jumped into the truck and clasping Vanessa by her bound arms hauled her from the vehicle.

'Signor Delgardo did not exaggerate when he described you. And so cheap! But then of course he doubtless wished to wash his hands quickly of you.'

The two natives held Vanessa as the man spoke to her. She was still wearing the bikini which the pirates had dressed her in before taking her to the slave market. Her long blonde hair was dirty and tangled and her body was covered with dust from the journey in the truck.

'Get her cleaned up then bring her to my quarters.'

Vanessa was dragged away by the arms, her heels dragging through the dusty earth. She could see the monastery was ringed by high hills lushly planted with rows of green bushes and beyond these in one direction were snow-capped mountains.

'Where the hell is this place?' she asked the girl who was diligently washing her legs with a large soapy sponge.

'Shrevra is in northern India, those are the Himalayas,' she answered, encouraging Vanessa to part her legs so she could wash up the inside of her thighs more easily.

'What's your name, where are you from then?' Vanessa asked.

'Mandy. My name's Mandy.'

'And where are you from Mandy?'

The girl looked at her for a moment, as she seemed to have to think hard about the answer to this simple question. Finally, when she replied, her tone had changed and her answer was mechanical.

'Oh, I lived in England before here, but this is my true home.'

Vanessa shook her head in disbelief and glanced across to where a monk stood sternly watching over the two girls. Although her restraints had been removed, the leather straps lying pooled on the flagstones nearby, she knew she'd have no chance of escape in her present condition. Everywhere around the monastery monks were to be seen as well as the native guards that they employed to man the heavy gates and to patrol the high stone ramparts that encircled the buildings. The more Vanessa looked around her the more she realised that the place was as much a fortress as it was a supposed spiritual retreat. What Vanessa found most alarming was the way that Mandy seemed resigned to her life here.

'I have to wash you properly so this has to come off,' Mandy announced, fingering the black bikini thong that Vanessa wore.

'Oh, sure...'

Vanessa lifted her bum up, taking her weight on her hands and allowing the other girl to pull the material down her legs.