I only have four children on the list who aren't six. Those are all older.

Ransom was demanded and paid. No ransom demands were made in any of the othercases though several of the children have been found and restored to theirparents."

Colonel Bruda looked at General Cado. General Cado looked at Colonel Bruda.

Everyone else looked at them. Cado said, "Get the dates of birth checkedtomorrow. For now we'll assume they're the critical connection. But that justsets up a whole new puzzle. Why does being bom that day make them importantenough to round up?"

Naszif had been translating everything for Sullo's benefit. Sullo's witch hadlistened but with apparent scant attention.

She rattled a sudden question in Herodian.

General Cado said, "She wants to know what state the restored children werein. Colonel Bruda doesn't know."

Aaron recalled what Billygoat had told him. "I heard about a couple who werefound wandering along Goat Creek. They had lost their memories of almosteverything."

Fa'tad, in Qushmarrahan dialect, said, "My men found several such children this week. They were as the veydeen says, blank stretches of sand."

Aaron watched the witch as Naszif translated. She became increasinglyagitated. Beads of sweat formed on her forehead. She asked a question whenNaszif finished.

"She wants to know who died that day," Fa'tad said. "What great man."

Most everyone knew but no one spoke till Aaron, puzzled, said, "Ala-eh-dinBeyh and Nakar the Abomination."

The witch moaned. For a moment it looked like she would faint. Then she pulledherself together and began rattling away in shaky Herodian.

Bel-Sidek had laid himself down certain he was too tense to sleep, butinvidious slumber had slipped up and taken him unawares. The touch of a handawakened him. He jerked up, flailing around after a weapon.

"Easy. It's Meryel."

He relaxed, searched her face in the wan light of the lone candle she hadbrought into the room. "Bad news?"

"It isn't good. The Herodians are rushing around everywhere. Colonel Bruda'smen. They've been through your place on Char Street. They raided Hadribel'shouse. He got out a step ahead. They tore apart a place in Rhatiq Lane thatwas used by a criminal named Ishabal bel-Shaduk. They hit a hostel operated bya man named Muma and arrested everyone there, but Muma and his family hadfled. They're still very busy in the Shu, rounding up suspected members of themovement."

"The traitor didn't stay in line. My fault. I shouldn't have pressed his wifeso hard."

"They've arrested him, too. And everyone involved in the fight in Char Street.

A child was stolen."

"I know."

"There's something big going on at Government House. Cado brought in Sullo andFa'tad."

Bel-Sidek thought a moment. "It has to be the traitor. He's given themsomething to make them think they can break us. We'll have to fight back. Idon't want to start a bloodbath but we can't stand still and take it." Zenobel would launch the counterattack. His men were the best prepared and his quarterheld the greatest number of sympathizers ready to spring to arms.

That was the traditional plan. Let Zenobel begin, draw the Herodians, thenloose Carza. While those two were embattled the men of the weaker quarterswould massacre all Herodians, soldier or civilian, and sympathizers in theirquarters before adding their weight to the forces of Zenobel and Carza.

"Did they actually put troops aboard their ships?"

"About twenty-five hundred. Including all their Herodian cavalry. Marco is incommand. They sail with the morning tide."

Good. That left him facing only one legion and some odds and ends, plus thebalance of the Dartars. 'Til move after the Dartars are back in their compoundtonight."

If the thing was to start at night, as preferred, Zenobel's first objectivewould be to seize the Gate of Autumn so the Dartars could not become a factor in the fighting.

His one question was, had the traitor been able to betray the strategy?

Unlikely. Only the khadifas were completely informed. Only Carza and Zenobelhad tactical roles so narrowly defined they had had to give their underlingssome information about what ought to happen.

"I'll need writing materials and someone to carry messages. Damn! It has tocome now, when the ruling council is in disarray and we're all on the run."

He could have Hadribel stay at the reins in the Shu and could cover thewaterfront himself. That would leave the Hahr one big piece of unknownterritory right in the middle of the city, and he could only hope theorganization there would take flame and do its part.

"You're sure you want to do this?"

"No. I don't want to. But I don't see any alternative."

Meryel went for writing materials. She seemed sad that the hour had come. Hegot himself up and together. He was sad himself, though he'd always known thatonly fire and blood would loosen Herod's chokehold on the city he loved.

Meryel was a long time coming back. He raised a questioning eyebrow. She said,

"One of my underworld contacts dropped by. I had to see him."


"He knew of no organized child-stealing operation. But he knew the name Azel."

She shivered.


"Azel is a professional killer. The most dreaded in Qushmar-rah. Nobody knowswho he is. Azel probably isn't his real name since Azel is the name of one ofthe seven demons who spring forth from Gorloch's navel to work his will in theworld. Azel the Destroyer."

Bel-Sidek nodded. "Like Nakar the Abomination." He knew the mythology, thoughhe had been born to a family that followed Aram. By the time of the conquestmost of the ruling class had, though they had kept the ancient names awardedthem during the primacy of Gorloch to distinguish themselves from the masses.

Meryel said, "This Azel learned his trade working for Nakar. He may havecommitted as many as a hundred murders on Nakar's behalf. He survived theconquest. A year later he seems to have gone into business for himself, butdoing only the biggest jobs. Some people think he killed most of the civil governors. But since nobody knows who he is and he seems to have no associatesto talk, nobody knows who paid him. Opinion divides up between Cado and theLiving. Except for the thing in the Hahr the other day, which may have been animitation of his style, he's been quiet for the past six months."

Bel-Sidek sat quietly, thinking, for so long she finally snapped, "Well? Don'tyou have anything to say?" "Yes. I want to go out on the balcony." He did notnotice her exasperated shrug, just followed her outside, stood above the fogstaring at the black hulk of the citadel of Nakar the Abomination. After tenminutes of silence, he said, "The murder was no imitation. The man was workingfor the General. I actually met him this morning." He related thecircumstances.

"Why are you so troubled?"

"Because now I think I see the General's great secret plan for deliveringQushmarrah. And it's a plan with both feet firmly planted in insanity. Hemeant to conjure Nakar, and restore him, so he could unleash his evil wrathupon the forces of Herod."

He saw Meryel looking at him like he was more than a little crazy himself.

"What do you know about sorcery?" he asked.

"Nothing. And I want to keep it that way."

"I'm no sorcerer. Never wanted to be one. But I've heard things here andthere." He jerked off onto a different tack. "I knew the boy who was carriedoff tonight. He was born the day Nakar was killed. His mother always mentionsthat when she talks about him. Not coincidentally, the traitor's son was bornthe same day. I'd wager most of the children taken this summer were born thatday."

Her look had not grown more understanding. "They're looking for the travelingsoul."

"The what?"

"In the agony of death the soul forgets and flees the dying flesh. After atime it seeks out flesh in the agony of birth and attaches itself to a babybeing bom. It has forgotten its past life, yet it carries within it memoriesof all previous lives forever. A skilled sorcerer can reawaken those memoriesand restore someone who has died."