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Now it was the Scientist who paused before answering.

"Commander," she began at last, "among my fellow caste members, I am considered old and knowledgeable. Yet I have only vague knowledge of life in the Black Swamps, and would have to go to the data tapes to obtain information of the War against the Day Swimmers you reference so easily."

"There is no doubt my veteran's status played a major role in my candidacy, if that is your point," I prompted impatiently.

"More than that, Commander. It means your attitudes were shaped and set in a period completely alien to today's Warrior's."

"Scientist," I said, "are you questioning my qualifications as a Commander of the Warriors' caste?"

"Not at all," she said hastily. "Hear me out, Commander. If my information is correct, the current battle plans allow for sixty-three to ninety-two percent casualties. In the early campaigns of the Empire, victory itself was uncertain. This could account for your difficulty in understanding the logic processes of the newer Hatchings."

"Clarify?" I requested.

I was growing increasingly aware of the time being consumed in this interview. What I had hoped would be answered with a brief statement was developing into a lengthy conversation.

"The newer Hatchings enjoy a security you never had, Commander. Whereas you were taught that the Empire hung in the balance in every battle, the younger Warriors have a strong conviction the Empire will survive. As such, they are more concerned with their standing in the Empire than you ever were. This is not to say they are not aware of the importance of the upcoming campaign against the Ants. They are still Tzen and Warriors and would never knowingly participate in any activity they believed would weaken the force. However, they also have an interest in their roles after the battle, and as such are not above trying to create the best possible impression on their superiors, in this case you."

I decided it was time to bring this discussion to a close.

"Your comments and observations have been most beneficial," I said formally. "I shall be on my guard to insure this new feeling of security does not endanger the force's preparations for battle."

"But, Commander-" the Scientist began.

"My duties require my presence elsewhere," I interrupted. "As always, the Scientists have proved their undeniable value in support of the Warriors' caste and the Empire."

I turned and strode away before she would resume her oration. As I went, I chided myself briefly for having attempted to pose a nonspecific question to a Scientist. As expected, the answer had been cryptic and had not directly addressed the question posed.

I resolved not to enter into another briefing session without Zur's accompanying me. Perhaps I would even delegate that portion of the preparations completely to him. My duty was to prepare my force for battle, not play word games with a Scientist.


The tri-D projection maps of the anthills were a minor marvel. They were possible through a modification of the jury-rigged device the Technicians had developed on our last mission. The original device simply indicated the presence of a subterranean hollow such as a cave or a tunnel. This had proved to be an invaluable aid in setting our defenses, giving us forewarning of the Ants' attempts to tunnel toward our fortification.

The new modification, however, made the device a powerful addition to our offensive effort as well. Instead of simply indicating the existence of a tunnel, the new devices could also determine its size. And depth from the surface. A scout flyer armed with one of these devices crisscrossing the air over an anthill could now bring back a map of the tunnels and caverns composing that network.

My staff was currently assembled in front of one of those maps, the map of the second anthill, Raht's assignment.

"The difficulties in assaulting this particular anthill are obvious," I stated in opening. "As you can see, one of the major egg chambers lies here, under this lake."

I indicated the specific location on the map.

"I have called this meeting to seek your counsel on a problem which has arisen, or more specifically has failed to be corrected. The latest progress report from the Technicians indicates they have been unable to perfect a watertight Borer unit. What is more, their current projections for a completion time on that task fall well beyond our anticipated departure date. That means our original plan to bore directly to that chamber is no longer valid. We will have to formulate and implement a new plan if the assault is to be successful."

I waited as they pondered the problem. Raht bent over to examine the map more closely, a gesture I realized was merely a formality to help her think, as she had long since committed the map to memory.

"Commander," began Zah-Rah," am I correct in assuming a force will have to traverse the tunnels from one of the other bore points? If so, it seems logical that they would have to come from this point, as it is the nearest to their objective."

"With your permission, Commander?" Raht requested.

"Certainly, Raht."

"That is not a viable possibility, Zah-Rah," she began. "They would have to travel one of these two tunnels. Our current plans call for both those tunnels to be collapsed by Surface Thumpers. Failure to do that would allow the Ants to bring support units into position to protect the queen's chamber, here."

"Have you considered the possibility of creating our own tunnels?" suggested Heem.

"Clarify?' I requested.

"It is a known fact that Ants utilize cold-beams in the construction of their tunnels. As we also have cold-beams, it occurs to me we could employ them in a similar fashion. If we sank a Bore shaft, say here, we could then use the cold-beams to tunnel horizontally to reach the egg chamber."

I considered the proposal. It seemed to be an effective and ingenious solution to the problem. I was about to comment to that effect, when I noticed Zur was consulting the data tapes.

"Do you have something to add to the discussion, Zur?" I asked.

"One moment, Commander. I seem to recall...yes, here it is."

He studied the data tape before continuing.

"I regret to say horizontal tunneling will not be possible in this situation."

"Explain?" requested Heem.

"Although it is true the Ants employ cold-beams to bore their tunnels, it is merely to supplement their own abilities. Constructing a tunnel requires more than boring a horizontal hole. It also involves some type of bracing to prevent its collapse. The Ants accomplish this with a form of cement they make with their own saliva. We have no such ability, and to attempt to construct a tunnel without support could only be disastrous."

"What if the tunnel is through solid rock? Wouldn't that negate the necessity for additional bracing?" Heem asked.

"That is what I was checking on the data tapes," Zur replied. "The region of the second anthill is characterized by loose, sandy soil, not solid rock."

"Perhaps the Technicians could devise a spray cement for us to use," Heem persisted.

"I will inquire as to that possibility," I intervened. "However, realizing we are in this predicament due to the Technicians' inability to comply with a simple request, and considering the lack of time before our departure, I do not feel it would be wise to rely completely on a new discovery as a solution to our problem. Another answer will have to be devised."


"Yes, Zur."

"Perhaps we are treating the lake as an obstacle instead of utilizing it."

"Explain?" I requested.

"We know the eggs are vulnerable to water. Couldn't we simply drop one of the water darts we used against the Aquatics into the lake with instructions to direct its cold-beams against the lake floor at this point? Such an attack would flood the chamber, effectively destroying the eggs with minimal loss of personnel."