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"Means nothing. There was a way through this, wasn't there? Weld never see it from here."

"Right. But we hoped there would be a ladder to the top. Do you see one?"


"Right again. I thought those stairs meant a way had been pro- vided to walk to the top, if necessary. Now I think it's likely that a walk to right here, this spot, was all the builders had in mind." "Maybe.' Gabys eyes had narrowed. "But they must have left

way to get to the hub. Probably these trees weren't meant to be ere. They've overgrown everything, like they did on the cable." "In which case..." What?

"We have a hell of a climb ahead," Gaby finished for her.

"Right for the third time. I'm just trying to reason it out, you see. It had entered my mind that if-say four or five years from now-if we get to the top and find there isn't a stairway... we've got another long climb. Down."

Gaby laughed this time.

"If you're saying let's turn back, I wish you'd come out with it. I won't freeze you with contempt."

"Let's turn back?" She hadn't meant the question mark, but there it was.

"Ah. I see." She did not mind. They had long forgotten the relationship of Captain and crew. She laughed, and shook her head. "All right. What's your plan?"

"First look around. Later-four or five years from now-we'd look pretty foolish if me of the builders asked why we didn't use the elevator."