

Страниц: 70
Символов: 432743
ID: 88238
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Год печати: 1996
Издательство: A TOR Book
Создана 1 декабря 2010 19:47


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“Let me tell you who I am, on the chance that these scribblings do survive...

I am Murgen, standardbearer of the Black Company, though I bear the shame of having lost that standard in battle. I am keeping these annals because Croaker is dead, One-Eye won’t, and hardly anyone else can read or write. I will be your guide for however long it takes the Shadowlanders to force our present predicament to its inevitable end...

I expect these writings to blow away on a dark wind, never to be touched by another eye. Or they might become the tinder Shadowspinner uses to light the pyre under the last man he murders after taking Dejagore...”

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