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"What if they go more to the west as they move north, skirt the mountains and head up through the wilds?"

"Then we have this army to sweep in behind them when our other forces are sent south to meet them. The enemy would have to split their force and fight against us on two fronts. On top of that, it would limit their options by making it difficult for them to move freely."

Verna considered his words. She had read of battles in the old books, and understood the sense of his strategy. It seemed more prudent than she had thought at first. The man was bold, but he was no fool.

"With our troops in a strategic location," he went on, "we can send messengers to Aydindril and the People's Palace in D'Hara. We can get reinforcements from D'Hara, and from the lands of the Midlands that join with us, and Lord Rahl can send us his instructions. If the Order invades, well, then, we're already here to know about it. Information is a valuable commodity in war."

"Richard may not like it that you hunker down here, instead of returning to protect Aydindril." "Lord Rahl is a reasonable man-"

Verna interrupted with a guffaw. "Richard, reasonable? Now you stretch my credulity, general."

He frowned at her. "As I was saying, Lord Rahl is a reasonable man. He told me that he wants me to speak up with my advice, when I think it important. I think it's important. He considers my advice on matters of war. The messengers are already on their way with my letter. If he doesn't like my advice, then he can say so and order me north and I will go; but until I know for sure that he wishes it, I think we should do our job and defend the New World from the Imperial Order.

"I asked your advice. Prelate, because you command magic. I don't know anything about magic. If you or the Sisters of the Light have something to say that would be important to us in our struggle, then I'm listening. We're on the same side, you know."

Verna relented. "Forgive me, general I guess I sometimes forget that." She offered him a smile. "The last few months have turned my life upside down."

"Lord Rahl has turned the whole world upside down. He has reordered everything."

She smiled to herself. "That he has." She looked back at the general's grayish-green eyes. "Your plan makes sense-at the very worst it would slow the Order, but I'd like to talk to Warren first. He. . he sometimes has surprising insights. Wizards are like that."

The general nodded. "Magic is not my part. We have Lord Rahl for that. And you, too, of course."

Verna repressed a laugh at the idea of Richard being the one to wield magic for them. The boy could hardly get out of his own way where magic was concerned.

No, that wasn't entirely true; Richard often did surprising things with his gift. The problem was that it usually surprised him, too. Still, he was a war wizard, the only to be born in the last three thousand years, and all their hopes hung on his leadership in this war against the Imperial Order.

Richard's heart, and his determination, were in the right place. He would do his best. It was up to the rest of them to help him, and to keep him alive. The general shifted his weight and scratched under his chain-mail sleeve. 'Prelate, the Order claims to want to end magic in this world, but we all know that they use magic in their attempt to crush us." "That they do."

She knew Emperor Jagang had most of the Sisters of the Dark at his beck and call. He had young wizards to do his bidding, too. He had also captured a number of the Sisters of the Light, and dominated them through his ability as a dream walker. It was this that nettled her conscience; as Prelate, it was ultimately up to her to see to the safety of the Sisters of the Light. Some of her Sisters were anything but safe in the hands of Jagang.

"Well, Prelate, seeing as how their troops are likely to be accompanied by those with magic. I'm wondering if I can count on you and your Sisters to be the counter to them. Lord Rahl said: 'You'll have more protection with them, and they with you. That sounds to me like he intended you to use your magic to help us against the Order's army."

Verna would like to think the general wrong. She would like to think that Sisters of the Light, those charged with doing the Creator's work, would be above bringing harm to anyone.

"General Reibisch, I don't like it; however, I'm afraid that I concur. If we lose this war, we all lose, not simply our troops on the field of battle; all free people will be slaves to the Order. If Jagang wins, the Sisters of the Light will be executed. We all must fight or die.

"The Order would not want to fall into your plans so conveniently. They may try to sneak past undetected-farther to the west, possibly even to the east of you. The Sisters can be of use in detecting the movements of the enemy, should they advance into the New World and try to slip past you.

"If those with magic mask the Order's movements from you, our Sisters will know it. We will be your eyes. If fighting comes, the enemy will use magic to try to defeat you. We will have to use our power to thwart that magic."

The general considered the flames for a moment. He glanced off toward the men bedding down for the night.

"Thank you. Prelate. I know that decision can't be easy for you. Since you've all been with us, I've come to know the Sisters as gentle women."

Verna barked a laugh. "General, you have not come to know us at all. The Sisters of the Light are many things, but gentle is not one of them." She flicked her wrist. Her dacra sprang into her hand. A dacra resembled a knife but had a sharpened rod instead of a blade.

Verna twirled the dacra. "I have had to kill men before." Reflected flashes of firelight sparkled and danced as she spur the weapon with graceful ease, walking it over her knuckles and back. "I can assure you, general, I was anything but gentle."

He lifted an eyebrow. "A knife in talented hands, such as yours, is trouble, but it's hardly a match for the weapons of war."

She smiled politely. "This is a weapon possessing deadly magic. If you see one of these coming for you, run. It only must penetrate your flesh-even if it's your little finger-and you will be dead before you can blink."

He straightened, and his chest grew with a deep breath. "Thanks for the warning. And thanks for your help. Prelate. I'm glad to have you on our side."

"I regret that Jagang has some of our Sisters of the Light under his control. They can do the same as I, maybe more." She gave him a reassuring pat on the shoulder when she saw that his face had paled. "Good night, General Reibisch. Sleep well-the red moons are gone."

Verna watched the general make a zigzag course through his officers, speaking with them, checking on his men, and issuing orders. After he had disappeared into the darkness, she turned to her tent.

Deep in thought, she idly cast her Han and lit the candles inside the small field tent the men had provided for her use. With the moon up, Annalina-the real Prelate-would be waiting.

Verna pried the little journey book from its secret pouch in her belt. Journey books had magic that allowed a message written in one to appear simultaneously in its twin. Prelate Annalina had the twin to Verna's. She sat cross-legged on her blankets and opened the book in her lap.

There was a message waiting. Verna pulled a candle closer and bent in the dim light to better see the writing in the journey book.

Verna, we have trouble here. We finally caught up with Nathan, at least who we thought was Nathan. The man we had been pursuing turned out not to be Nathan. Nathan tricked us. He is gone, and we don't know where he went.

Verna sighed. She had thought it had sounded too good to be true when Ann told her that they were closing in on the prophet.