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Jennsen held her hands out in frustration. "But, but, I tried, I did. He got away. There was so much going on-"

"And you think it will be easier to kill Richard Rahl? Words are easy. When it comes to true commitment, you couldn't even stop the threat from his doddering old grandfather!"

Jennsen refused to allow herself to fall to tears. It was a struggle. She felt foolish and shamed. "But I-"

"You came here for the help of the Sisters. You said you wanted to kill Richard Rahl."

"I do, but what does that have to do with Sebastian-"

Sister Perdita held up a finger, commanding silence. "Sebastian is in grave danger of dying. He was struck by a dangerous form of magic cast by a very powerful sorceress. Those shards of magic are still in him. Left alone, they will shortly kill him."

"Please, you must hurry then-"

An incensed expression silenced Jennsen. "That magic is also dangerous to us, to those trying to heal him. For us Sisters to attempt to remove those embedded shards of magic endangers our lives, as well as his. If we are to risk the lives of Sisters, then I want in return your commitment to kill Richard Rahl."

"How could you place a condition on the life of a man!"

The Sister straightened with contempt. "We will have to let many others die in order to devote the necessary numbers and time to healing this one man. How dare you ask that of us? How dare you ask us to let others die so that your lover might live?"

Jennsen had no answer to such a terrible question.

"If we are to do this, then it must be for something worth more than those lives that will be lost without our help. Helping this one man must count for something. Would you expect less? Would you not want the same? In return for us saving this man so dear to you-"

"He's dear to you, too! To the Imperial Order! To your cause! To your emperor!»

Sister Perdita waited to see if Jennsen would now be silent. When Jennsen's angry gaze faltered, and finally sank, the Sister continued.

"No one individual is important except for what value he can contribute to others. Only you can provide that value for him. For us saving this man so dear to you, I must have in return your unqualified commitment to stopping Richard Rahl, once and for all. Your material commitment to killing him."

"Sister Perdita, you have no conception of how much I wish to kill Richard Rahl." Jennsen's hands fisted at her sides. "He ordered the murder of my mother. She died in my arms. His rule resulted in Emperor Jagang nearly being killed. Richard is responsible for hurting Sebastian! For suffering beyond any imagining! For murders beyond estimate! I want Richard Rahl dead!"

"Then let us free the voice."

Jennsen stepped back in shock. "What?"


Jermsen's eyes went wide at encountering that word aloud.

"Where did you hear that?"

A self-satisfied smirk settled comfortably on Sister Perdita's face. "From you, dear."

"I never-"

"At dinner with His Excellency. He asked you why it was you wished to kill your brother, what was your reason, your purpose. You said Grushdeva.»

"I never said any such thing."

The smirk soured to condescension. "Oh, but you did. Are you going to lie to me? To deny that word has been whispered in your mind?" When Jennsen stood silent, Sister Perdita went on. "Do you know what it means? That word, Grushdeva?"

"No," Jennsen said in a very small voice.


"How do you know?"

"I know that tongue."

Jennsen stood rigid, her shoulders drawn up. "What is it, exactly, you are proposing?"

"Why, I'm proposing to save Sebastian's life."

"But, what else?"

Sister Perdita shrugged. "Some of us Sisters will take you out to a quiet place, where we can be alone, while some of us stay here and save Sebastian's life, like you want. In the morning, he will be better, and then you and he can be on your way to kill Richard Rahl. You came here for our help. I am proposing to give you that help. With what we do for you, you will be able to accomplish your task."

Jermsen swallowed. The voice was strangely silent. Not a word. It was somehow more awful that it was silent, right then.

"Sebastian is dying. He has only moments before it will be too late for us to save him. Yes, or no, Jennsen Rahl?"

" But, what if-"

"Yes, or no! Your time has run out. If you want to kill Richard Rahl, if you want to save Sebastian, then utter but one word. Do it now, or forever wish you had."