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When they were seated, she said, "Let's start over, shall we? I have no sister." Tanner looked at her, confused. "But you told me-?" She smiled. "I just wanted to test your reaction, Tanner. I've heard a lot about you from some of my friends, and I became interested." Was she talking about sex? He wondered whom she had spoken to. It could have been so many"Don't jump to conclusions. I'm not talking about your swordsmanship. I'm talking about your mind." It was as though she had been reading his thoughts. "So, you're— er-interested in minds?" "Among other things," she said invitingly.

This is going to be an easy home run. Tanner reached over and took her hand.

"You're really something." He stroked her arm. "You're very special. We're going to have a good time together tonight." She smiled. "Are you feeling horny, darling?" Tanner was taken aback by her bluntness. She was an eager little thing. Tanner nodded. "Always, princess." She smiled. "Fine. Get out your little black book and we'll try to find someone who's available for you tonight." Tanner froze. He was used to making sport of women, but none of them had ever mocked him before. Tanner stared at her. "What are you saying?" "That we're going to have to improve your line, love. Do you have any idea how trite it is?" Tanner felt his face getting red. "What makes you think it's a line?" She looked him in the eye. "It was probably invented by Methuselah. When you talk to me, I want you to say things that you've never said to any woman before." Tanner looked at her, trying to conceal his fury. Who does she think she's dealing with-some high school kid? She was too damned insolent for her own good.

Strike one. The bitch is out.


THE WORLD HEADQUARTERS of Kingsley International Group was located in lower Manhattan, two blocks from the East River. The compound occupied five acres of land and consisted of four large concrete buildings, along with two small staff houses, fenced in and guarded electronically.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Detectives Earl Greenburg and Robert Praegitzer entered the lobby of the main building. It was spacious and modern, furnished with couches and tables, and half a dozen chairs.

Detective Greenburg glanced at the assortment of magazines on a table: Virtual Reality, Nuclear and Radiological Terrorism, Robotics World… He held up a copy of Genetic Engineering News and turned to Praegitzer. "Don't you get tired of reading these in your dentist's office?" Praegitzer grinned. "Yeah." The two detectives approached the receptionist and identified themselves. "We have an appointment with Mr. Tanner Kingsley." "He's expecting you. I'll have someone escort you to his office." She gave them each a KIG badge. "Please turn these in when you leave." "No problem." The receptionist pressed a buzzer, and a moment later, an attractive young woman appeared.

"These gentlemen have an appointment with Mr. Tanner Kingsley." "Yes. I'm Retra Tyler, one of Mr. Kingsley's assistants. Follow me, please." The two detectives walked down a long, sterile corridor with tightly closed office doors on each side.

At the end of the corridor was Tanner's office.

In Tanner's waiting room, Kathy Ordonez, Tanner's bright young secretary, was seated behind a desk.

"Good morning, gentlemen. You can go right in." She got up and opened the door to Tanner's private office. As the detectives stepped inside, they stopped to stare, in awe.

The huge office was crammed with arcane electronic equipment, and the soundproof walls were lined with wafer-thin television sets displaying live scenes from cities around the world. Some of the views were of busy conference rooms, offices, and laboratories, while others showed hotel suites where meetings were taking place. Each set had its own audio system, and even though the volume was barely audible, it was eerie to hear snippets of sentences spoken simultaneously in a dozen different languages.

A caption appeared at the bottom of each screen identifying the cities: Milan.

.. Johannesburg…

Zurich… Madrid… Athens… At the far wall was an eight-tier bookshelf filled with leather-bound volumes.

Tanner Kingsley was seated behind a mahogany desk that contained a console with half a dozen different colored buttons. He was elegantly dressed in a tailored gray suit with a light blue shirt and a blue checked tie.

Tanner rose as the two detectives walked in. "Good morning, gentlemen." Earl Greenburg said, "Good morning. We're-" "Yes, I know who you are. Detectives Earl Greenburg and Robert Praegitzer." They shook hands.

"Sit down, please."

The detectives took seats.

Praegitzer was staring at the swiftly changing, worldwide pictures on the profusion of television sets.

He shook his head in admiration. "Talk about today's state of the art! This is-" Tanner raised a hand. "We're not talking here about today's state of the art, Detective. This technology won't be on the market for another two or three years. With these, we're able to watch teleconferences in a dozen different countries simultaneously. The information that pours in from our offices around the world is automatically categorized and recorded by these computers." Praegitzer asked, "Mr. Kingsley, forgive a simplistic question. What does a think tank do, exactly?" "Bottom line? We're problem solvers. We figure out solutions to problems that may lie ahead. Some think tanks concentrate in only one area-the military or economics or politics.

We deal in national security, communications, microbiology, environmental issues. KIG functions as an independent analyst and critic of long-range global consequences for various governments." "Interesting," said Praegitzer.

"Eighty-five percent of our research staff hold advanced degrees, and more than sixty-five percent have Ph.D.s." "That's impressive." "My brother, Andrew, founded this company to assist Third World countries, so we're also heavily involved in start-up projects there." There was a sudden rumble of thunder and a flash of lightning from one of the television sets. They all turned to look.

Detective Greenburg said, "Didn't I read something about a weather experiment you were doing?" Tanner grimaced. "Yes, it's known around here as Kingsley's folly. It's one of the few major failures KIG ever had. It was the one project that I most hoped would work. Instead, we're closing it down." Praegitzer asked, "Is it possible to control the weather?" Tanner shook his head. "Only to a limited degree. A lot of people have tried. As long ago as 1900, Nikola Tesla was doing experiments with weather. He discovered that ionization of the atmosphere could be altered by radio waves. In 1958, our Defense Department experimented with dropping copper needles into the ionosphere. Ten years later, there was Project Popeye, where the government attempted to extend the monsoon season in Laos, to increase the amount of mud in the Ho Chi Minh Trail. They used a silver iodide nuclei agent, and generators shot banks of silver iodide into the clouds, to become seeds for raindrops." "Did it work?" "Yes, but on a confined local basis. There are several reasons why no one will ever be able to control the weather. One problem is that El Nino creates warm temperatures in the Pacific Ocean that disrupt the world's ecological system, while La Nina creates cold weather temperatures in the Pacific, and the two of them combined completely negate any realistic weather control planning.

The Southern Hemisphere is about eighty percent ocean, while the Northern Hemisphere is sixty percent ocean, causing another imbalance. In addition to that, the jet stream determines the path of storms, and there is no way to control that." Greenburg nodded, then hesitated. "Do you know why we're here, Mr. Kingsley?" Tanner studied Greenburg a moment. "I trust that that is a rhetorical question.