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“I can’t do this.”

“I’m sorry. You don’t have a choice. Or you do,” amended Petrovitch, “but you won’t take it.”

He almost felt sorry for him. There was Lucy to think about, though, and his reservoir of compassion was never particularly full at the best of times. And the circumstances weren’t exactly ideal right now.

“Shit,” said Newcomen.

“Forty bucks.” Petrovitch jerked his head towards the next room. “They’re still listening. I wonder what would happen if we walked in next door? Would they fight us? Or would they watch while we trashed their equipment? Why are they even there? Who authorised this level of surveillance? What do they hope to get from it?” He scratched at the bridge of his nose. The scar there felt hard and strange today, and he remembered how it felt for the knife to cut him open and ruin his eyes.

Newcomen’s shoulders sagged. “I should get dressed.”

“Yeah. Trust me, the only one who should get to see your junk, as you so quaintly put it, is Christine.”

There was silence between them: nothing to stop the sound of the traffic below, the hum of the aircon, the distant rumble of jets powering up.

“It’s going to be okay, Newcomen.”

“How can you possibly know that?”

“Because you can trust me.”

“No, I can’t.”

“Good point, well made.” Petrovitch shrugged. “My daughter’s still missing, and this isn’t finding her. I reckon we can make it back to your room without getting rolled. Go.”

He was right, and while Newcomen put his clothes on, Petrovitch stared out of the window at central Seattle. They were in the area hit by the 2012 tsunami, and all the buildings were less than twenty years old, supposedly built with new technology to resist earthquakes, save power, use natural light as much as possible. He didn’t rate them.

“Did Edward Logan cheat on his taxes?”

“I have absolutely no idea at all,” said Petrovitch. The traffic was building up on University Street, far too early. It was still dark, and the Sun wouldn’t be up for another three quarters of an hour. “I thought it was highly likely, given a quick perusal of his public filings over time and trying to match them to his holdings. So I just went for it.”

“You bluffed him?”

“He could have defended himself. He could have denied it. He did neither. I have such a bad-ass hacker rep. Go me. Yay.” Petrovitch could see Newcomen’s reflection in the glass. It was safe to turn around. “Maybe I will take him down after all.”

Newcomen was half in his jacket. “Don’t.”

“Even though you know you’re never going to marry Christine?”

“Especially because of that.”

“How did it go last night? Everything okay?”

Newcomen sat on the edge of the bed to lace his shoes. “We had a good time – no, an excellent time. I’ll remember yesterday for the rest of my life, however long that might be. I was gallant to the end. And you? You were good. Moral, even.” He looked over his shoulder at Petrovitch, and held his gaze.

“Except I’m a complete bastard really, aren’t I?”

The other man nodded sadly.

“When you flew to the Metrozone, did you care about what had happened to Lucy? Did you care about finding her?”

“No. All I cared about was the idea I’d been chosen for something special. That it would impress Christine. That it would impress her father. That my career was taking off, higher clearance, more money, me telling people what to do rather than the other way round. I didn’t care about Lucy at all. I thought you were a stupid, careless parent for letting her go, and she was as good as dead, so why bother?” Newcomen went back to his lacing. “So I imagine I’m just as big a bastard as you are.”

“Sixty bucks,” murmured Petrovitch. “Does stack up, doesn’t it?”

Newcomen stood up and started to throw things into his open case. After a while, he slowed down, and eventually stopped.

“I’m not going to need any of this, am I? Not where we’re going.”

“No, not really. I’ve ordered a whole stack of cold-weather gear that’ll be waiting for us when we go north. Stuff that genuinely works, not the tourist kit.” Petrovitch stood up and looked into Newcomen’s case with him. “You never really needed much of it anyway. A toothbrush. That’s about it, really.”

“I could just leave it here. Someone will make good use of it.” Newcomen reached in and pulled out the hefty brick that was the sat phone. “Should really return this, though.”

“Doesn’t work any more. Nuked that, too.”

Newcomen threw it back in on top of his clothes and dropped the lid.

“Your office is what, a couple of blocks away? Why don’t we go and have a talk with your Assistant Director while we’re here?” Petrovitch turned from the window. “I do need breakfast first, though. Mrs Logan made me an omelette, which she didn’t need to, but that wasn’t really enough to keep the wolf from the door.”

Newcomen grabbed the free pen and scribbled on the top sheet of the pad of paper that was next to it.

Help yourself, he wrote, and laid the note on top of his case. He stared at it, the little square of white against the grey of the plastic.

“Is this what it comes down to?” He chewed at his lip.

“Yeah. Pretty much.” Petrovitch jammed his hands in his pockets. “Welcome to my world.”


They walked in together, side by side, no thought that Petrovitch really ought to be a step ahead where he could be seen, guided, stopped if he got out of line.

There were agents and support staff in the foyer, doing whatever it was they were supposed to do: talking about the game, discussing a case or arranging to meet up, going home, clocking on. There were plenty of them, too: no shortage of manpower. Certainly no shortage of people to break off their conversations and watch Petrovitch pause briefly before he walked through the security screen.

The absence of alarms was deafening.

The two uniformed guards on duty pointed to the X-ray machine.

“You’ll have to put your bag through,” said the Moustache.

“I disagree,” said Petrovitch. “Neither do I have to submit to any search, physical or electromagnetic, whichever frequency you choose, including visible light.”

“Then the bag stays here. Since we don’t allow unaccompanied luggage in the building, you’ll have to stay too.”

“Don’t tell me, you’ve been reading Joseph Heller. Agent Newcomen knows all about Heller’s satirical work, Catch-22, because he studied American literature at the University of Pennsylvania. Right, Agent?”

“Uh, Petrovitch, this isn’t helping.”

“Oh come on. All the time is learning time. We can’t go in because of me, but we have to go in, because of me.”

The senior man rested his hand on his colleague’s shoulder. It was just like customs at JFK. A word from a higher authority, and the rules could be not just bent, but stamped on and broken into little pieces.

“You can carry on,” said the guard. The corners of his mouth turned down.

“Of course we can,” said Petrovitch cheerily. “There was never any doubt of that.”

The pair of them made their way to the front desk.

“Just keep walking,” said Newcomen, leaning in. “Don’t let them intimidate you.”

“Yeah, you really don’t know me at all, do you?”

“Well enough to know a lot of you is just hot air.” He reached into his pocket for his badge, and flipped it open.

Petrovitch squinted at it, then moved Newcomen’s arm for a better look.



“I thought I looked like govno on my ID.” He rummaged around in half a dozen pockets before he found his visa.

“Just let me do this, okay?” Newcomen eyeballed a receptionist. “I need my pass, and one for my guest.”

She was so dazzled, she automatically started to reach into a drawer. Her supervisor, an older woman with formidable hair, interrupted with a touch on her arm.