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Other parts are pittering and pattying as well . . .

As he walked, eyes followed. It was like walking porn, and all the ladies and more than a few guys turned their heads to watch his progress. And he was just walking, for pity’s sake. But like a star, his gravity impacted everything around him.

“Wow,” I heard Nick breathe. But I couldn’t see him. All I could see was my Sweet Nuts.

Giving the guy handshake–half hug to Lane, he leaned down to press a hello kiss on Rebecca’s cheek. And then to stop the huffing, he did the same for Nick. Leading me by the hand out of my chair, he walked me to the opposite seat. Sitting down, he pulled me onto his lap, wrapped his arms around my waist, and claimed me without question. Eyes were still on us from every direction, and I pondered the timing of such a public display, but sometimes, a guy needed you on his lap. Who was I to argue with that? I scratched at the back of his head as he pressed a quick kiss on the side of my neck. I could see the women from the party giving me the evil eye, but for a moment, just one moment, I didn’t care.

We all continued to talk, laughing and chatting into the night. I sighed at one point, unable to keep the contentment inside.

“You seem happy,” Jack whispered, pushing a piece of curly hair behind my ear.

“I am. It’s nice being out and about with our friends.” I leaned into his hand.

“It’s nice to be able to snog my girlfriend in public for a change.” He looked me straight in the eye, licking at his lips.

“Shouldn’t we behave? Don’t you think we’ve pushed it enough tonight?”

“I haven’t pushed it at all.”

“Where’s your hand, Jack?”

“On your knee.”

“In public. I’d say you’ve made your point. Why push it?”

He tensed underneath me. “My point? You think I’m making a point?”

“No, I think you’re hanging out at a party with your friends and your very cute girlfriend. And she’s sitting on your lap, looking all kinds of cozy. But the thing is, just by doing that? You’re making a point. Maybe not one you’re meaning to make, but a point just the same. So let’s just enjoy, and not push.” I slipped my hand back up and stroked the back of his neck. As I did, I casually looked around at the rest of the party. Camera phone—there it was. Did I stop? Did I continue?

He must have felt me freeze, because he looked in the same direction I was, and we both saw the flash go off.

“There, someone got it. Now can you kiss your boyfriend?” he demanded, looking back at me.

His eyes had gone dark green, but not in the way I normally liked to see them.

Swooping in like a bird of prey with the most fantastic timing ever, Holly appeared. “Grace, can you help me get some things brought out from the kitchen?” she asked, eyeing us.

Sighing heavily, Jack helped me off his lap, and he and Lane headed back to the bar. Holly asked me all kinds of questions with her eyes. We clicked across the patio, smiling and interacting with other guests. Once we made it to the kitchen, however, she rounded on me.


“Come on, not now. What did you need help with?”

“Please, you think I need help in the kitchen? I hired help. I got you off the lap of the Sexiest Man Alive before he got you off in public.”

I started to come back at her when I remembered how far over the line we’d been that night at the club. Touché.

“Holly, look, I think you need to lay off a bit. He’s really starting to feel the pressure of all this.”

“I appreciate that, but you agreed at the beginning of all of this that for Jack, and for you for that matter, you two would keep it quiet. Off the radar. Sitting on his lap at a party that half of Hollywood is at? Not so much off the radar.”

“I know! Dammit, I know that! I know I’m the one who’s going to bear the brunt of this—the cracks about how old I am, the thousands of women online who will comment about how he can do so much better than me. I’m fucking aware, okay? But I am telling you, if you push him right now, not good,” I snapped, tears springing to my eyes.

She backed off, poking at a crab cake on a platter.

“I know you’re just doing your job. No one does it better. Truly. Jack loves you. But he’s feeling it.”

“He needs to quit partying so much,” she said quietly, still crab poking.

“He’s twenty-four, for Christ’s sake! May I remind you of what we did at that age?” I smiled, trying to break the tension.

“No, you most certainly may not.”

“Listen, I know he’s going a little crazy lately, but it’s under control, I promise. And yes, I will make sure that we keep at least five feet of distance between us the rest of the night.”

“Okay, now you’re just being an asshole,” she replied, showing me her middle finger.

“Let’s go back to your party,” I encouraged, taking her hand. As we started out for the patio, Michael appeared.

“Holly, the bartender needs some more lemons. Didn’t we pick some up today after the movie?”

“Yep they’re on the—”

“Top shelf of the fridge, got it. Hey, Grace,” he said, patting my shoulder as he went past me into the kitchen.

I looked back and forth between the two of them. “Wait a minute. Wait just a goddamn minute!”

Holly’s face flushed deep red. “Let’s go back to the party, asshead,” she muttered, unable to contain her smile.

Did not see that one coming . . .


I didn’t have time to ponder this possible new development between Michael and Holly.

Michael and Holly?

I couldn’t focus on those two people because things had quickly gone from strange to swagger elsewhere at the party. I circled and mingled, chatted and schmoozed, staying within an across-the-room grin of Jack, but not too close. He seemed off tonight, and while he was glued at the hip with Adam, I was steering clear. Jack tended to get handsy when drinking, and after the earlier lap powwow, I knew to make sure to keep some distance until it was time to go home.

This was new, a side to Jack I had no experience with.

It’s not like you’ve known him all that long . . .

True, but I knew Jack. Knew his head and his good heart, and this was not like him. It was, however, like—

“Adam!” I heard my Brit bellow from across the patio. Shot glass in hand, Jack stood with Lane by the bar. Lane and he had been doing shots, but I noticed Lane had wisely switched to club soda a while ago. Lane’s eyes met mine across the party, and I raised an eyebrow. He looked at his watch, then gestured for the door.

Message received. Time to go.

I picked my way through the party, finding the straightest path to the bar, trying to get there before Adam did. As I closed, I could see Jack swaying slightly, and his eyes were puffy and bloodshot. Lane had an arm draped in a friendly way across his shoulders, but as I got closer, I could see Jack was leaning heavily into his side. Lane was having to hold him up. As Jack caught sight of me, a slow grin spread across his face.

“There’s my girl. Where’ve you been?” he slurred, eyes droopy and unfocused.

I exchanged a look with Lane and nodded.

“Hey, Sweet Nuts, you ready to go? I’m kind of tired, and things are winding down.”

The party was in full swing all around us.

“Not yet, Grace. Adam and I were talking about heading over to this bar down on Sunset and checking it out. Let’s all go!” he shouted, slamming his glass down on the bar. He turned toward the driveway and Lane pulled him back, shaking his head.

“Dude, not gonna happen. Let me take you home.”

“No, Lane, it’s okay,” I said. “We drove separately. I can take him home. Come on, Jack, I want to leave. Come home with me?” I slipped my hand around him under his jacket, hugging him to me but also testing to see how steady he was. Wow, not very.