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“I understand how you feel, but don’t compare me, please. There’s really nothing to...”

“WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE SAID?” Bruce was screaming at her.

Jennifer started to cry – she was really scared. “I... I don’t know, Bruce. I don’t know what she said to make you mad like this.”

“She said; I would never do that to you. You’re the one and only. I’ve never looked at any other man since I was with you. I hate women who cheat and lie... I could never do that to you.

Bruce suddenly punched the wall with such force that all the windows shook, and it made Jennifer jump. “AND WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE DID TO ME?” His face was red, and Jennifer could see his veins popping out of his neck and his temples.

“Bruce, I’m begging you – calm down! I’m not like her. How can I prove it to you?” Jennifer was crying, her tears rolling on her cheeks and her lower lip trembling. “PLEASE, Bruce! PLEASE!”

“How do I know? You want me to believe you just like that? Don’t you think that I have enough experience to know when something’s wrong? Do you have any idea how it feels to be committed to someone for life and be betrayed? Do you?”

She fell down on her knees and hugged his legs. She couldn’t stop crying. “I’m not your ex-wife, Bruce. Stop living in the past, please! I’m begging you, Bruce... I’m not her...”

Jennifer felt desperate – she had never seen him lose control like that and she was afraid of losing him for good. She realized how sensitive he was about trust, jealousy and relationships in general. He appeared to be the kind of man who didn’t pay attention and didn’t care... but deep inside, behind the mask of the powerful and super confident man, he was extremely fragile and easily hurt. She deeply regretted what had happened with Enzo and wished she could turn back the hands of time.

I should have thought about it. Bruce has a difficult past, and he would go crazy for anything when it comes to trust in a relationship. My God, help me! I don’t want to lose him. I’m so sorry!

“You swear to me you didn’t sleep with that guy?”

“I swear to God, Bruce! He’s not my lover - he’s not even my friend! We just hung out together while I was away.”

“Do you keep in touch with him?”

“He got my phone number, but I didn’t contact him. He’s the only one sending me messages. I didn’t reply. Now that I’m with you, there’s no need to keep in touch with him anyway. He was just like... a guide to me, okay? Just consider him as a guide if you want. He probably had a crush on me. He saw me getting in our hotel, probably asked for my name, and sent me flowers. Voilà! The guy thinks that I will let him get closer, but he’s wrong. He has no idea who I already have in my life...” Jennifer leaned her head against his thighs and caressed him.

Bruce seemed to calm down; his face became more relaxed, the veins on his neck disappeared, and he breathed normally. “Get rid of that number. You don’t need it anymore. We’ll get you a new one tomorrow.”

“Sure. I can get rid of the flowers as well. I don’t care. I don’t want you to feel bad.”

“Do as you want...” Bruce gently pulled away from Jennifer and went to the bathroom, leaving her on the floor.

He’s still mad at me. I just disarmed the bomb inside of him... but the bomb is still there, ready to explode at any moment if I’m not careful. It’s my fault... I wasn’t supposed to have fun with a complete stranger while Bruce was working. I got carried away because we had a different point of view, and I acted like an immature teen. I ruined the whole evening... it was so perfect, what a shame!

Jennifer got up and sat down on the bed, looking at the flowers and the card. She couldn’t help but think that Enzo was definitely a very nice and romantic man. He had been very thoughtful during the three days they’d spent together, and Jennifer felt guilty to ignore him like she did.

He doesn’t deserve to be ignored and left in the dark, but it’s better like this. It was just a whim, and he will probably forget me in a week or so. I don’t want to have secrets between me and Bruce - it’s not the way I want our relationship to be. Oh my God... I didn’t tell him about the kiss. Talk about being honest – I’m hiding the truth right now!

Her thoughts were interrupted when Bruce got out of the bathroom and dressed to go out.

“Baby, where are you going? You’re not going to sleep?”

“I need to go out. I’ll meet Kenichi somewhere. I can’t stay here right now. I’ll take another room for tonight. Don’t wait for me.”

“What? Where?”

“I’ll stay here in the same hotel, but I’ll see if they have another room available.” Bruce put on his shoes, walked towards the door, and turned around. “I need time. I’m not saying that you’re lying – but I can’t tell for sure if you’re telling the truth.”

“Bruce, believe me, I...”

Bruce slammed the door behind him. “Good night.”

Chapter Nine

The next morning, Jennifer woke up alone – Bruce hadn’t given any news since he’d left in the middle of the night. Although the situation had been tensed and less than ideal, Jennifer had fallen asleep almost immediately after taking a shower. The hot spring water, the champagne, her three orgasms, the full body massage, and the stress provoked by Bruce’s fury had completely exhausted her.

That night, she slept like a baby – a deep and regenerating sleep that fully recharged her empty batteries. The first thing she did upon waking up was take her cell phone to check if Bruce had sent her a message; but, not surprisingly, he hadn’t.

She called the reception and asked if Bruce Wilson was in any room in the hotel. After checking, the clerk told her that Bruce was still in the hotel, two floors below her. She hung up and immediately called his room.

“Yes, what is it?” Bruce answered with a sleepy voice. He sounded drunk.

“Baby, it’s me. Are you okay?” Jennifer asked with a genuinely concerned voice. “What did you do last night? Nothing crazy I hope?”

She heard him yawning and exhaling loudly. He really sounded tired. “No, nothing crazy. I called a taxi and met Kenichi in a club. It was really fun...”

“A club? What kind of club? Were there girls over there?” Jennifer asked, slightly worried.

“Of course there were girls! You think I went to a gay club or what?”

Jennifer sounded irritated. “That’s not what I mean, Bruce. I’m not talking about customers. I’m talking about professionals – escort girls, if you like.”

“Yes, probably. There were a dozen very charming ladies at our table but I didn’t ask what they did for a living.”

“No need to be sarcastic, Bruce. I don’t need to ask you if you’re alone right now, do I?”


“Bruce, are you still drunk? Is there anyone in bed with you right now?”

She heard the bed sheets rustling as Bruce probably moved to look around. “Yes, there is.”

Jennifer’s heart was racing. You bastard! How dare you do this to me?

“You’ve got some nerves, Bruce! I’m coming right now! Don’t even try to make her leave before I arrive! I hate you!”

Jennifer hung up the phone and grabbed a bathrobe. She slammed the door behind her and rushed to the elevator, feet bare. She pressed the button frenetically hoping the elevator would come faster. Frustrated to wait, she finally turned around and raced down the stairs, two floors below.

When she found Bruce’s room, she banged at the door, short of breath and screaming. “Bruce! Open the door! Bruce, open immediately!”

She heard someone walking towards the door and opening it. Bruce was in underwear, looking sleepy and his hair was messy. “Jen, stop screaming you...”

Jennifer pushed him aside and rushed inside the bedroom. “Out of the way! Where is she? Where is that whore?”