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antenna, 338–43

environment for, 324

frequencies of, 336–37

manpack, 330–32

operator tasks, 337–38

prowords, 325–26

range of, 335–36

receiver-transmitter, 326–38

rules for use, 324–25

single-channel ground and airborne radio (SINCGAR), 326–32

vehicle-mounted, 332–35

raid, 181

rally point, 167–69

range card, 119–21, 120–21

receiver-transmitter (radio), 326–38

reconnaissance, 139–40

command and control planning and, 18

in defensive operations, 105

for deliberate attack, 80

for offensive operations, 77

in patrolling, 169–74

zone, 171–73


battle drill, 91

checklist for, 41

engagement area, 115

mission success and, 20, 35

reverse planning and, 16

rehearsal area coordination checklist, 41

relief in place, 142–44

resistance, 307

resupply operations, 212–14

reverse slope defense, 136–37

ridgeline, 259

rifle squad leader, 390

rifleman, role of, 390

right to counsel, 344, 346

roadblocks, 158–62

rocket launcher, capabilities of, 393

routes, graphics for, 378

rules of combat, 7

rules of engagement (ROE), 22, 25, 344–55

search and attack movement, 86–87

sector sketch, 122, 123


individual movement and, 302–13

radio, 326

self-defense, 348

sensitive site exploration (SSE), 299–300

single-channel ground and airborne radio (SINCGAR), 326–32

examples of, 327–29, 331–32, 334

operator tasks, 337–38

slope, determination of, 256–58

snakebite, first aid for, 296

spinal cord, stabilization of, 290

spoiling attack, 90


formations for, 55–56

movement, 62–63

organization, 388–91

stealth movement, 304–5

Stryker mobile gun system, 217

sun and stars, navigation with, 246–49

survival, techniques for, 306–7

system of measure, 411

tactical combat casualty care (TCCC), 282–84, 286–87, 289

tactical enabling operations, 139–62

air assault operations, 147–54

area security operations, 154–55

checkpoints, roadblocks, and observation points, 158–62

convoy and route security, 155–58

linkup operations, 140–41

passage of lines, 141–42

reconnaissance, 139–40

relief in place, 142–44

withdrawal, 144–46

tanks, 218

capabilities of, 396

fighting position for, 280

infantry riding on, 219–21

recognition of, 355–65

team leader, role of, 390

terrain features, 259–62

threat recognition, 351–52

tourniquet, 290

tracking, 181–82

trail signs, 182

traveling movement technique, 62

traveling overwatch movement technique, 62

trench, enter and clear, 98–101

troop-leading procedures, 14–21

US Army

basic tenets of, 5–6

doctrine, 2

unit, graphics for, 367–72

urban operations, 186–208

building assault, 188–95

clearing techniques, 196–202

combat multipliers in, 207–8

consolidation and reorganization, 202

defensive operations, 203–7

offensive operations, 188–202

urban movement, 186–87

V formation, 59

vehicle checklist, 45


fighting position for, 280

graphics for, 375

war, principles of, 4–5

warning order, 15–17

Warsaw Pact armored vehicles, 355–65

weapons and equipment

capabilities of, 393

graphics for, 373–74

organic, 392–95

supporting, 396–98

weapons squad, positioning, 71–72

wedge formation, 54, 60

wire obstacle, 67–69, 113

withdrawal, 26, 144–46

zone reconnaissance, 171–73

About the Author

Jeff Kirkham is a master sergeant in the US Army Special Forces. He owns and operates Praetorian Innovations LLC, providing paramilitary training, evaluation, operational planning, and mission oversight in hostile combat environments. Since 2003, he has spent more than 50 months in Iraq and Afghanistan training, advising, and supporting indigenous elite commando units. He is also president of TwistRate, a web-based company dedicated to helping veteran entrepreneurs or “veteranpreneurs” get their inventions prototyped, funded, and sold. He is the author of the Small Unit Leaders Operational Planning Guide (Blackheart International, 2012).

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Combat Leader's Field Guide _255.jpg