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The Nameless Witch-King of Lake Superior revives certain scholars and scientists from the Tombs, and rediscovers the internal combustion engine, the aeroplane, the submersible boat.

The new coven formation, called “familia,” allows for one man and a subservient wife, with their children under the coven-leader’s strict control. The Nameless Empire conquers the Mississippi River basin from Ohio to Louisiana. The Superiors are Witches in name only, adhering to the outward forms of Ecological Communitarianism, but in practice are patriarchal capitalists.


At about this time, Witches in China are unified under the brutal rule of the Nine Centennial Empresses of Canton. (Each of nine cloned sisters is kept in hibernation, and thawed to rule for one hundred years.)

First Chimera produced by Nameless Imperial scientists as an intermediate form of life designed to be hardened against radiation and bioweapon spores lingering in old ruins. The Chimerae rebuild Richmond and other Downfall-damaged urban centers.


The Nameless Empire expands to Mexico, the Caribbean, and Brazil, and maintains transatlantic trade with the Witches of Europe and Africa.


The Nameless Empire suffers reformation under a Witch named Argyron Butler, and returns to the original Witch principles of nonaggression, harmony with nature, equality of the sexes, divorce, infanticide, and hatred of industry. De-industrialization and aggregation into communal farms carried out with ruthless efficiency. The Nameless Empire balkanized into Temple Priestking feudalism, and Witch civilization returns to its norm of continual civil war and bloodshed.


First organized Chimerae rebel lineages formed in the Louisiana swamps as a tribe of escaped slaves under an Alpha named Remus.


Polar caps melt. Coastal flooding. Famine. Witch population decimated, many cities abandoned, large numbers of nomads, scavenger bands, and pirates dominate land and sea.


Rise of the mass-human sacrifice cults. Stepped pyramids raised in the jungles of Siberia and Canada.


Montrose briefly (less than four months) thawed during this era, giving aid and education from certain near-surface Tombs in Mount Airy, teaching the Witches the basic principles of science and economics, in order to stave off a predicted civilization collapse. The attempt is unsuccessful, perhaps because he does not devote the requisite time to the project. His bio age still 44.


Plague of the Kuru disease (transmissible spongiform encephalopathy) decimates population, destroys Temple Priestking system. Medicine-Man interventions, hampered by quota rituals, aggravate rather than alleviate the plague.


Melechemoshemyazanagual hibernates.


Uprisings and rebellions of the Chimerae, who are disease resistant to Kuru. Formation of the first Emergency Eugenic Command under Remus.


Genocides. Chimerae spread throughout the Americas, first enslaving and later exterminating the Witches. Surviving Witches become the cattle, or “Kine,” of the Chimerae, in a cruel jest reflecting their animal totems: sheep, ox, goat, and so on. Note that the Kine continue to be longer-lived than the Chimerae.


Suspinia hibernates.


Battle of Antietam. Yuen hibernates.


Defeat of the Final Sabbat at Buffington’s Island. Mass migration of Witches to China.

Age of Chimerae


Proscopalianism (worship of the future) becomes the standard doctrine of the Command.


End of the Centennial Empire in China. Chinese Chimerae erect a military dictatorship.


Sino-Chimerae conquer the Russian steppes, Aleutian Islands, and Alaska. Western Chimerae conquer Western Plains to the Rockies.


Western Chimerae conquer Canada prairies.


Montrose thawed briefly. He releases scientists from the Tombs. Rediscovery of atomics. His bio age is 45.


Social Wars between the hemispheres end in Grand Alliance between the Oriental and Occidental Chimerae. Atheism decreed to be the compulsory religion of the Command.


Anubis is allegedly from this era.


Sino-Occidental Chimerical Alliance achieves conquests in Middle and South America, Pacific Islands, and South East Asia. Time of the Sea Chimerae. Vulpina is from this period.


Third Space Age. Cities in Space. Space Chimerae created. All remaining nations conquered except Tibet. End of eugenic veteran-franchise form of government when all voting right suspended in favor of Eugenics Board directives. World Empire.


Agathamemnon “Fairlock” Raeus elected Governor-Emperor, and dissolves the Eugenic Senate in all but name. End of the Republic. Daae hibernates.


Four hundred years of Chimerical World Empire.


Phyle hibernates.


Eugenic Emergency Command dissolved, forced human breeding program halted. Alpha class becomes inbred. Chimerae enter sharp population decline.


Spaceport-Fortress Ravenna on Foehr Island assaulted by mercenaries, D’Aragó slain. End of the Third Age of Space. Fall of Richmond. Succession wars begin.

Montrose is bio age 46.


World Empire severed. Warring Bloodlines period. Egypt and the Middle East ruled by masterless Kine.


Greencloak revolt among the Kine. Rise of the Natural Order in Mesopotamia.


Larz hibernates.

Age of Nymphs


Natural Order spreads to all lands. Alpha and Beta Bloodlines absorbed or exterminated.


Montrose wakes briefly for the Naturalists. First true Nymph, Rayura-Ah, created. Montrose is wounded by Sarmento, drawn away by Rayura-Ah and her two twin sisters to West Virginia, where he waits to be healed of his great wound. Montrose establishes long-standing treaties with Nymphs. His bio age is still 46. (This is the date Anubis correctly gives for when he learned the Natural language.)


Asia depopulated. Cities fall into disuse. First living houses grown in Italy.


Blight. End of the Living Houses period.


Rise of the Tree Neural Net. War of the Trees.


Pacifist outrage at the War of the Trees leads to the Infatuation (use of neural and amnesiac conditioning to deter violence). Illiteratization of Man. All religious and intellectual efforts discontinued. End of Matriarchy. World government passes to the Eldership.