If the Stars Are Gods
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If the Stars Are Gods

Литературная премия:

Премия Небьюла

Страниц: 11
Символов: 69916
ID: 279493
Язык книги: Английский
Оригинальный язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год написания книги: 1974
Создана 14 июля 2016 17:28
Опубликована 15 июля 2016 00:11


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Man searched a long time for alien life, until finally it found him. The aliens put their ship into orbit around the moon, peacably ignoring frantic human excitement, and asked to see someone who knew the stars. Earth sent Bradley Reynolds, 52, officially retired, a man who knew the stars as well as any man could. But the aliens wanted more than Reynolds could give. They wanted to know whether the sun loves us. For Bradley Reynolds, it was the beginning of a life-long quest for alien intelligence, for beings who could speak to him with that wonderful Otherness. On Mars, on Jupiter, on Titan he would find hints of what he sought, and what he would find in the end was a tranformation so glorious as to be far beyond his capacity to dream. 

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