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“I just turned into the girl me parents warned me to avoid hangin’ around with when I was younger.”

Ryder’s chuckle helped me relax.

“You amuse me, sweetness.”

I looked down at him. “Sweetness?”

He nodded. “Your mouth tastes so sweet.”

“You’re so gorgeous,” I breathed, overwhelmed that someone as perfect as him seemed to like me, or at the very least liked kissing me.

Ryder grinned. “Sweet talker.”

I felt my cheeks flush, and I was about to tease him back when I heard sudden wolf whistles and catcalls. “Big brother is getting some,” an unfamiliar male voice whooped as the light in our booth—which I didn’t notice had turned off—came back on. “Damn, is her front as nice as her back?”

I pulled back from Ryder and looked over my shoulder to find four males staring at Ryder and myself. Mainly me. I could tell straight off the bat that they were the brothers Aideen had mentioned. They were all the same height, a few inches over six feet—easily. From the left to the right I scanned each male and saw similarities and differences. The main difference out of all the brothers was the kid on the far left who had hair as white as snow. He was younger than Ryder too, a lot younger.

The kid was standing next to another kid, just one with dark hair. Everything else about them was similar, and I remembered something else that Aideen said, she said they were twins. It was obvious that they were identical. I could see from the smirks they shot my way that they both rocked deep dimples in their cheeks, and it was a Godly sight if I ever saw one.

The dark haired kid had a red swollen eye that would be discoloured in a few hours as a bruise set in. He had a small cut on his lips, and the white hand wraps around his fingers and knuckles were stained with red. He was shirtless and I was surprised for a kid his age to have such defined abs and a prominent set of oblique muscles. His arms were big with muscle, and even his thighs were ripped. He was definitely the fighter.


I flicked my eyes to the right and they landed on an absolute beauty. He had shoulder length dark hair, big eyes, big shoulders, and a killer grin. I saw dimples, like his younger brothers, dented his cheeks when he grinned, and my insides did summersaults at the visual. He wore a black buttoned up shirt that was rolled up to the elbows, and I saw a partial of a very colourful tattoo that wrapped around his forearm and snuck under the shirt, hiding it away. I could only imagine the rest of the tattoo he was rocking.


To avoid openly drooling, I flicked my eyes to the last brother, and I barely managed to hide the gasp I sucked in. I openly stared at the other three males with awe, but I couldn’t not stare at the last brother even if I tried. He had supple tan skin like his brothers, and his hair was thick and dark, too. His jaw line was out of this world, and he was big with muscle all over... but his face and neck. They were scarred. Badly. I was terrified to think, let alone ask, what could have caused such damaged. He looked vicious, and unlike his brothers, he wasn’t grinning or smiling at me. He just stared at me... or maybe glared?


“Fuck,” the brother that had longish hair grunted. “Definitely as nice as the back. You’re hot, baby.”

I blinked at him then looked down to Ryder when he growled. “Don’t even think about it, Alec,” he warned his brother.

Alec. Damn, his name was hot, just like him.

I glanced back to Alec and saw he frowned at his brother. “I can’t play?”

“Not with this one,” Ryder stated. “She’s mine.”

And fuck me if that declaration didn’t stop my heart.

Alec groaned out loud. “You’re no fun.”

The brother who I was nervous to look at said to Alec in a deep voice, “You fucked that black haired chick with the big tits in the bathroom, why are you complaining?”

Alec looked at his brother with a raised brow. “That was a whole hour ago. I’m bored now that Dominic isn’t fighting.”

Dominic. Shit, their names suited them to a tee.

Dominic lifted his hand to his swollen eye and rubbed his tender flesh before he dropped it and grinned at Alec. “I heard her screaming ‘Elec’ from outside the bathroom. You didn’t correct her?”

Alec snorted. “I was balls deep, she could have called me Barney the Dinosaur and I’d have answered her.”

I laughed at that, and it drew everyone’s attention. The white haired brother tilted his head as he stared at me, his eyes raking over me leisurely. “What’s your name?” he asked when his gaze locked on mine.

Shit, he sounded eerily like his twin.

“Branna,” I said lowly.

All four brothers leaned in trying to hear me, but when I didn’t repeat it they looked to Ryder who said, “Branna.”

The white haired brother smiled, and the hands on Ryder’s shoulder instinctively flexed. No one should possess a smile that alluring. No. One.

“Nice to meet you, Branna,” he said, bowing his head. “I’m Damien.”

He jabbed his finger to his left. “This is Dominic, the perv is Alec, and that guy glaring at you is Kane.”

Kane. I flicked my eyes to the menacing looking Slater brother and bit down on my lower lip. Oh, yeah, he looked like a Kane. Sexy, mysterious and downright terrifying.

“Am I glaring at her?” Kane asked Alec, his brows furrowed.

Alec nodded. “Just a little bit.”

Kane sighed and looked back to me. “I don’t like crowds.”

I didn’t know why he said that, so I just continued to stare at him. He sighed, again, deeply. “If I glare, stare or seem pissed at you, I’m not, I’m pissed at everyone else. I don’t like crowds,” he repeated.

Oh, he was explaining his tenseness.

I nodded. “It’s cool, I won’t hold it against you.”

I could have sworn his lips twitched, but I wasn’t sure. “Thanks,” he said and glanced to Alec who was grinning at me.

Ryder sighed from underneath me. “Can you four go away now?”

“No,” Kane almost growled. “You said we could leave after Dominic fought. He fought and won so can we leave now?”

Damn, he wasn’t lying; he really didn’t look like he enjoyed being here.

Ryder looked to Dominic. “You fought?”

“And won.” He nodded.

I looked down to Ryder and caught his frown. “I didn’t hear the bells, or cheering. I actually didn’t hear a damn thing.”

Damien snorted. “I wouldn’t hear anything other than the beat of my own cock if Branna was on my lap either.”

I don’t know why, but I dramatically gasped.

“You dirty little bastard,” I said, shocked.

I wasn’t prepared for the burst of male laughter that followed my insult, nor was I fully ready to see the five brothers smile. What I really wasn’t ready for was to see Kane smile. My God, I didn’t know who was better looking of the five of them—well, I was sitting on my preference—but Kane won the award for best smile. It was stunning, and transformed his entire face.

“I apologise,” Damien said to me, still chuckling.

I eyed him. “You shouldn’t say stuff like that around women... or girls. How old are you?”

He didn’t break eye contact with me as he said, “Eighteen.”

He was a baby!

“My baby sister is almost eighteen.” I gulped.

Dominic grinned at me. “Is she as hot as you?”

I blinked. “She’s beautiful.”

Dominic’s eyes gleamed. “Maybe I’ll get to meet her if Ry lets you stick around.”

Let’s me stick around, I silently repeated. What did that mean?

“Not if I meet her first,” Damien said, nudging Dominic with his shoulder. “I call dibs.”

Dominic glared at his twin. “You don’t even know what she looks like, you can’t call dibs unless we see her at the same time. That’s the deal.”

They had a deal about dibs?

Damien jabbed his thumb in my direction. “If she looks like her, I’m calling an early dibs.”