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I huffed. "Same difference, she was still linked to him."

Aideen sighed. "They did help me though, Kay... Kane especially."

I groaned. "Stop it. Don't be thinkin' he is some kind of hero, the lad looks like trouble."

Aideen frowned at me. "That's very judgemental, Keela, just because he has scars means he is trouble?"

I opened my mouth but closed it.

Aideen smiled at me so I glared at her making her laugh. "I know you're just angry because I got hurt. I love you for it but there is no need to be angry at the Slater brothers for it."

I grunted. "Okay, fine, I won't be angry at them for that but I will be angry at Alec for the things he said to me."

Aideen nodded her head. "I don't blame you, he was crude and a complete dickhead."

I raised my hands. "Thank you!"

Aideen laughed then. "I can't believe how rowdy you got. I have never seen you act like that before, you're usually a little pushover."

I frowned and slumped my shoulders a little. "I am with me family because it's easier to just be quiet around them, but you got hurt and I got mad... I couldn't help it. Besides, it's not like I murdered anyone."

Aideen grinned. "You threatened it enough."

I glared at her. "Shut it."

She cackled a little making me grin. I yawned and then stretched before looking at the kitchen table. I stood up and moved into the kitchen. Aideen cleared off the table and put the dealf in the sink, she washed them then left them on the draining board to dry.

I focused to the kitchen table and began to stack up the magazines. When they were in a pile I looked at the table and stopped for a second. I picked up the envelope that Mr. Pervert dropped off last night and sighed as I turned it over and ripped it open, not caring about the contents inside.

I turned the card in my hand over when I pulled it from the envelope. I opened the pretty cover and read the first line. I dropped the card on the table and stepped back.

"Oh my God!" I said, starring down at the table.

"What?" Aideen asked as she came into the kitchen, I pointed at the card without looking away from it.

She moved around the table, picked up the card and read it. "No fuckin' way!"

I nodded my head.

"They invited you to their weddin'? The evil fuckin' bastards!" Aideen growled.

I felt a little dizzy so I pulled out a chair from my kitchen table and sat down before I leaned my head forward and placed it on the table and let the tears come. "Why would they do this to me?"

"Because they are evil, pure fuckin' evil!"

I cried hard when Aideen began to read out loud the wedding invitation to Micah's and Jason's wedding. She stopped midway, ripped the invite up, got her lighter from her purse and lit it on fire. I sat up straight and stared at her when she walked to the sink, dropped the burning innovation into the sink then poured water on it. The fire alarm went off from the smoke so Aideen stood up on a chair, pulled the battery out of the alarm on the ceiling then got down and opened the windows in the apartment to air it out.

I didn't move as she did all this, I could only sit there and cry.

"I still can’t believe I didn't recognise Jason, I'm so stupid. When he pulled me at the pub last year I thought he really liked me. He was with me for six weeks just to get back at Micah for cheatin' on him. That bastard made me fall for him and he knew it!"

Aideen moved in front of me and kneeled down. "You had never seen Jason in person, you don't go round to Micah's house at all. The most you had seen is pictures of him on Facebook. He dyed his hair black and hit the gym since his school year ended. He isn't the same person that’s on his profile picture, he looks very different so this is not your fault. He played you, that fucker took your virginity for fuck's sake!"

I sobbed as I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around Aideen and squeezed.

"We will just pretend you never got that invite, okay? We're here all day, I can arrange all my course work for the students who are attending summer school this year and you can write some more of your book. What do you say?"

I groaned and pulled back from our hug. "I can't even think about writin' at the moment. I just want to go to bed and not get up ever again."

When Aideen slapped me across the face, it me took a few seconds for the pain and realisation of what she did to hit me. "What was that for?" I snapped and lifted my hand to my now throbbing cheek.

"For gettin' yourself into a slump over a prick who does not deserve it!" Aideen stated.

I frowned and continued to rub my cheek as I said, "Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, not for anythin'. Okay?"

I nodded my head and hugged Aideen again and when we separated I said, "I have to go to the weddin'. You know me ma will come round here and pester me for life if I don't. If I go and sit down in the back of the church and reception she won't care."

Aideen growled, "I hate your ma."

I smiled making Aideen chuckle.

I sighed. "I just wish I didn't have to go single, that will only make the entire day worse."

"The entire week actually. The weddin' is in the Bahamas and you leave in the next few days."

"What?" I screeched.

Aideen nodded. "That's what the invitation said."

"Fuck!" I groaned and hung my head.

We were silent for a moment until Aideen dramatically gasped which made me jump.

"What?" I asked.

She looked at me and said, "You're goin' to kill me, but I have a solution for you so you won't be attendin' the weddin' as a single woman."

I raised my eyebrows at her. "Yeah, what's that then?"

"Not that, more like who?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "Who then?"

Aideen smirked as she said, "Alec Slater."

Alec _4.jpg

"What about Alec Slater?" I asked Aideen with my eyebrows raised.

Aideen gave me an are-you-serious look then sighed. "He could be your date to Jason's and Micah's weddin'. Duh!"

For real?

I burst out laughing. "Yeah, right!"

Aideen shoved my shoulder. "I'm dead serious, this is what he does. Well, not exactly what he does but it's close enough."

I felt my eyes roll with confusion. "Ado, I've no clue what you're talkin' about."

Aideen pinched the bridge of her nose and blew out a long breath before she focused on me and said in a low voice, "Alec is a male escort, Keela."

I held Aideen's stare for a few seconds before I cracked up laughing again. Aideen grunted and slapped at my arms to get me to stop laughing, and after a minute or so it worked.

"I'm not jokin'!" Aideen bellowed.

I was still chuckling a little as I said, "I don't believe you."

Aideen folded her arms across her chest. "Keela, I swear on me life that I'm not jokin' with you. I'm dead serious. Alec is a male escort."

My shoulders stopped moving and my chuckles slowed until no more sounds of laughter came from my mouth. I blinked as I looked at Aideen, her face didn't hold any hint of a smile like she was playing with me and that freaked me out more than a little.

"You're serious?" I asked my voice a whisper.

Aideen nodded. "Yes, I didn't believe at first because Branna told me one night when she was drunk, but when I said it to her the next day she flipped out and made me promise never to tell anyone."