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An especially loud burst of laughter came from the kitchen and Riley smiled. It was good to hear Jack laughing and finally finding someone he felt comfortable with. Hayley walked into the room and climbed on his knee.

"I'm going to bed," she said. She hugged him close and he held tight to her in return. There was no school tomorrow so Hayley was using the agreed extra hour of wakefulness to her advantage. She was planning a day out with friends from school but Riley pushed down any worries he had whenever she was out of his sight. She was nine now, ten in September, and she needed friends and a life away from the ranch. School was good and it was more than Riley had ever experienced. It had been one tutor after another and he'd only really made friends, people like Eli, when he was at college. Even then they were friends made in an alcoholic, sexaholic haze. No wonder he never kept up with Eli after his friend had been 'encouraged' to leave the college.

"Robbie is gonna cook chicken tomorrow and you hafta make sure you pick me up in time from Sophie's."

"I will."

"Promise, Daddy?"

"I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too, baby."

"Night." She kissed him on the cheek and cuddled closer. A quiet time like this when he could hold the miracle that was his daughter was very special to Riley. That random thought about a brother or sister for her filtered into his head. Gay couples all over were expanding their families one way or another. Surrogacy or adoption— either was a valid route. The idea of a baby on the ranch? Beth's baby had been fine here, she and Steve and the baby often visited, and Emily was walking now, under a watchful eye, around the fences and the horses even at her young age. Yet again Riley filed the thought away for one day talking to Jack. One day.

Hayley climbed down and disappeared out of the door with a wave. Riley would go in and check on her later. Make sure she had brushed her teeth, see if she had braided her long blonde hair, the usual daddy stuff. Then he would tell her he loved her again and she would tell him back.

The little things he cherished the most about being with his daughter made this one of the perfect times of the day.


Jack woke before dawn had even lightened the room. Today was the day that the three horses were being delivered for training. He knew he had slept maybe an hour out of the whole night and he knew why. He was scared and nervous all wrapped into one. This was a huge responsibility. He was being paid to do what he loved but with the added pressure of having to do it right. The owners expected way more than Jack had ever had to fulfill with his own horses. Solo-Cal and her offspring were bred for covering, not for action in the ring or the field. He only hoped he was good enough.

He eased himself out from under Riley, who had this habit of using his long arms to completely encompass Jack. Something Jack loved but that made it difficult to get up without Riley reacting and waking up. Gently he completed the extrication and sat on the edge of the bed. The room was cool outside of the covers and he could feel the hairs on his arms prickle and rise. Goose bumps at ass o'clock in the morning was one way to ensure he stayed awake for the duration.

"Stop worrying," Riley said. His voice was sleepy but firm. Great. Clearly his escapology act had actually woken Riley up.

"I can't."

"Come here." Riley pushed a hand under him and almost levered him from where he was to half lie over Riley. Jack wanted to relax badly but so many emotions warred inside him. Inhaling the Riley's scent, he forced himself to relax.

"I love you," he whispered. Riley wriggled a bit closer and his heat was a furnace but he was already dropping back to sleep and said nothing in return. He didn't need to. Jack knew how Riley felt.

Neil would be here in a little over three hours. Maybe if Jack pushed himself and relaxed every single muscle then he could sleep. Matching his breathing to Riley's he thought happy thoughts of Hayley and horses. His thoughts hooked on Hayley and the tiny scrap of girl that was so much a miniature Riley. He wondered what a daughter with his genes would look like. Would she have his blue eyes? Would she love horses like he did? What if it was a boy? What if they had a boy?

He slept.

* * * *

Neil looked very official in a shirt and suit and he stood next to Jack with an air of confidence about him. Jack wished he felt as confident.

"They're taking a big chance on me," he confided. They watched as the horse transports approached and the tension inside Jack was now knotted beyond comfort.

"No, they're not. They know horses, you know horses." Neil made it sound so simple. Jack glanced at his whatever-relation-he-was-officially-kind-of-a-friend guy. He wished he had the same confidence today. This was such an odd feeling to be experiencing. He knew what he was doing, so why was he so damn nervous?

"Boss. Neil," Robbie said as he joined them.

Jack looked over at his hand who was bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and had probably had way more sleep than he had. Robbie had been a godsend. A hard worker and cheerfully confident in what he did, he had organized the stables for today, and Jack approved of everything he had done. So what if he had caught the guy staring at Riley. What gay man in his right mind wouldn't want to stare at Riley. Riley was beautiful, sexy, and fucking hot. He would be surprised if any sane gay man didn't at least want a taste of what Riley could offer. God. I'm tired, he thought. Robbie does not want in my husband's pants. Still, it wouldn't hurt to keep an eye on that. I will not let jealousy get in the way of today.

"You okay, boss?" Robbie asked.

Yeah, I worry you stare at my husband and I know Riley likes cowboys. Like he was going to say that. He was being freaking irrational.

"Just tired and if I'm honest, nervous."

"Nothing to be nervous about," Robbie said. "You know your shit."

Jack smiled at the simple statement. Between him and Robbie and Neil they could do this thing. They could expand the Double D. They could.

The trucks pulled up, one, two, three, in front of them. Each driver left room at the rear to offload the animals and finally the time for stepping up to the plate was here.

"Let's do this thing," Jack said.

The morning passed in a flurry of activity until finally three horses for training were in their respective stables waiting on Neil's assessment while Jack signed paperwork and did what he hated—schmoozed the owners. When Neil countersigned as chief veterinarian contact they left until finally it was Jack, Neil, and Robbie leaning on the stall doors and talking.

"All three are fine animals," Neil noted.

"They are," Robbie agreed.

"So we'll start tomorrow?" Jack said.