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Riley watched the brothers embrace, and something inside him twisted. Jeff had never held him like that— supportive, protective, caring. The way brothers should be.

"I'm happy."

Chapter 11

The ride back to the city was quiet, each man on his side of the car, both lost in thought. Riley watched the outskirts of the city begin to build from his side of the car, a store here, a house there, a mall. It wasn't truly dark. It never was. The night sky was alive with the lights from the skyscrapers in the beating heart of Dallas. They were mirrored in the river, starkly, majestically beautiful, and Riley loved it. The magic of the city was, as always, running with the blood in his veins.

He made a decision. He would not tell his family today. Every time he thought of the Campbells and how they had welcomed him into the family, with questions, yes, but with acceptance, Riley's heart clenched. Jack was not going to be as lucky with his family, he knew that, and despite the whole point of the marriage, regardless of wanting to rub his dad's face in what Gerald didn't want for his middle child, he did not want to see them tonight.

They passed the outside edge of the city and, after fifteen minutes, were at the main Hayes house, home to Gerald and Sandra and their perfect kids. It was quiet and dark. He doubted Jeff was at home: he never was. He assumed Lisa was somewhere in there, probably under the influence, given it was already 9 pm, and the kids were with the nanny in the back wing. He knew his mom was out; it was Foundation night for one of her many charities. Riley wasn't sure why she did so much, unless it was for the kudos, but when it came to those good works, her energy was unflagging. He knew where his dad was; Gerald was inevitably away with his current affair du jour. He didn't hide it. Everyone knew. His mom knew, but as long as she had the name and the prestige and money that went with it, then she was clearly happy to let her husband do what he wanted.

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