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She started to cough, and Erik stroked her back. ‘There, there, what a good girl. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it. You just have to try again.’

Hesitantly she raised the bottle and took another swallow. This time it went better.

‘Good. That’s the kind of girl I like. Someone who’s pretty and knows how to drink whisky,’ said Erik with a smile that made Christian’s stomach start to churn. He wanted to take Alice by the hand and lead her home. But then Kenneth sat down next to him, put an arm around his shoulder, and mumbled:

‘Shit, Christian, just think – here we are with you and your sister. I bet you never thought that would happen, did you? But we knew there was a bloody decent lad under all that flab.’ Kenneth pointed at his stomach, and Christian didn’t know whether to take his remark as a compliment or not.

‘She’s really cute, your sister,’ said Erik, moving even closer to Alice. He helped her raise the bottle again, pouring more whisky down her throat. Her eyes were shining, and she had a big smile on her face.

Christian suddenly felt everything start to spin. All of Badholmen was spinning. Around and around, like the globe. He giggled and lay down on his back next to Magnus, looking up at the stars that seemed to be whirling through the sky.

A sound from Alice made him sit up. He was having a hard time focusing, but he could see Erik and Alice. And he thought Erik had his hand inside Alice’s shirt. But he wasn’t sure, with everything spinning around him. He lay down again.

‘Shh…’ Erik’s voice and the same whimpering sound from Alice. Christian rolled on to his side and rested his head on his outstretched arm. He looked at Erik and his sister. Her shirt was gone. She had small, perfect breasts. That was the first thought that occurred to him. That she had perfect breasts. He’d never seen them before.

‘Don’t worry. I’m just going to feel them a little…’ Erik kneaded her breasts with his hands as he started breathing harder. Kenneth was staring at Alice’s bare torso.

‘Come and feel,’ said Erik, nodding to Kenneth.

Christian saw that Alice was scared, that she was trying to cover her breasts with her arms. But his head felt so heavy he couldn’t lift it.

Kenneth sat down next to Alice. After waiting for a signal from Erik, he lifted his hand and began touching her left breast. He squeezed it cautiously at first, then harder, and Christian could see the bulge in his shorts grow.

‘I wonder if the rest is just as nice?’ murmured Erik. ‘What do you say, Alice? Is your pussy just as nice as your tits?’

Her eyes were big and frightened. But she didn’t seem to know how to defend herself. Without resistance, she allowed Erik to slip off her knickers. He let her keep on her skirt, just lifting it up to show Kenneth.

‘What do you think? I doubt anyone’s been here before.’ He pushed her knees apart, and Alice numbly let him do it, incapable of protesting.

‘Shit, check this out. Magnus, wake up! You’re missing something here.’

He merely groaned. A faint drunken muttering.

Christian could feel the lump in his stomach growing. This was wrong. He could see Alice staring at him, wordlessly pleading for help. But her eyes looked just like they had when she’d looked up at him from underwater, and he couldn’t make himself move, couldn’t help her. All he could do was lie on his side and let the world keep spinning.

‘I get first dibs,’ said Erik, unbuttoning his shorts. ‘Hold her down if she starts fighting.’

Kenneth nodded. His face was pale, but he couldn’t take his eyes off Alice’s breasts gleaming white in the moonlight. Erik forced her down on to her back, forced her to lie still and stare up at the sky. At first Christian felt relieved that her eyes had disappeared. They were staring at the stars instead of at him. Then the lump inside of him grew, and with an effort he hauled himself into a sitting position. The voices were screaming at him, and he knew that he should do something, but he didn’t know what. Alice didn’t say a word. She just lay there and let Erik separate her legs, let him lie down on top of her, push inside of her.

He began sobbing. Why did she have to ruin everything? Take what was his, follow him everywhere, love him? He had never asked her to love him. He hated her. And she just lay there.

Erik suddenly stopped moving, then groaned. He pulled out and buttoned his fly. He lit a cigarette, cupping his hand around the match, and then looked at Kenneth.

‘Your turn.’

‘You mean me?’ stammered Kenneth.

‘Yes, now it’s your turn,’ said Erik, and his tone of voice demanded obedience.

Kenneth hesitated. Then he looked at Alice’s breasts again, those firm breasts with the pink nipples that had turned hard in the summer breeze. Slowly he began unbuttoning his shorts, then he started moving faster until he practically threw himself on top of Alice, and began thrusting at her. It didn’t take long before he too groaned, his body rippling with spasms.

‘Impressive,’ said Erik, puffing on his cigarette. ‘Now it’s Magnus’s turn.’ He pointed at Magnus who had fallen asleep, drooling saliva out of the corner of his mouth.

‘Magnus? He’ll never be able to do it. He’s too sloshed.’ Kenneth laughed. He wasn’t looking at Alice any more.

‘Then we’ll have to help him out,’ said Erik, lifting Magnus up. ‘Come on, give me a hand,’ he said to Kenneth, who rushed to his side. Together they dragged Magnus over to Alice, and Erik began unbuttoning his trousers.

‘Pull down his underpants,’ he ordered Kenneth, who with an expression of distaste did as he was told.

Magnus wasn’t ready to do anything, and for a moment Erik looked annoyed. He gave Magnus a few kicks, which woke him up a bit.

‘Let’s just put him down on top of her. But he’s going to fuck her too.’

The voices were quieter now, echoing inside his head. Christian felt like he was watching a film, not something that was actually happening, or something he was participating in. He saw how they dropped Magnus down on top of Alice, how he woke up enough to start making disgusting animal-like sounds. He never got as far as the others; just passed out halfway through, his body heavy on top of Alice.

But Erik was satisfied. He dragged Magnus off because he was ready again. The sight of Alice lying there, so beautiful and remote, seemed to excite him. Harder and harder he thrust into her, holding her long hair wrapped around his hand and pulling so hard that he pulled out big tufts of it.

Then she started to scream. The sound was sudden and unexpected, piercing the night, and Erik abruptly stopped. He looked down at her. Began to panic. He needed to make her stop screaming.

Christian heard the screams forcing their way into his silence. He put his hands over his ears, but that didn’t help. It was the same screaming as when she was a baby, when she took everything away from him. He saw how Erik was sitting astride her, saw him raise his hand and then hit her, how he too was trying to make the screams stop. Alice’s head thumped against the wooden deck with each blow, bouncing up as it struck. And then came the sound of something crunching as Erik’s fist struck the bones of her face. He saw how Kenneth, very pale, was staring at Erik. And Magnus had been awakened by the screaming. He sat up groggily, looking at Erik and Alice and his own unbuttoned trousers.

Then the screams stopped. It was very quiet. And Christian fled. He got up and ran – away from Alice, away from Badholmen. He ran home, in the front door, and upstairs to his room, where he got into bed and pulled the blanket over his head, over the voices.