“Why do you?” she challenged.

He smiled faintly. “My abilities don’t hurt me, generally speaking. I don’t suffer. But you do. So why do you keep opening yourself up to that kind of suffering?”

Before Maggie could even begin to answer, John’s cell phone rang, and she felt his gaze on her as she muttered not quite under her breath, “Saved by the bell.”

John said hello, then listened for a moment. His face hardly changed expression, but something in his voice warned them when he said, “All right. We’re on our way.”

It was Quentin who asked, “What’s happened?” “Andy wants us at the station now.” John kept his gaze on Maggie. “Thomas Mitchell just received what appears to be a ransom note from the man who kidnapped his wife.”


Andy greeted them at his desk but led the way immediately to the conference room, where two more detectives rose to meet them. Or, rather, to meet John; Maggie obviously knew both and murmured hello to Jennifer Seaton and Scott Cowan and then took a seat at the long table while they were being introduced to John.

He wasn’t so preoccupied by meeting new people that he didn’t notice Maggie had isolated herself, choosing a chair between two others that each held large file boxes. When the introductions were over and everybody sat down, he deliberately moved one of the file boxes and sat beside Maggie.

She sent him a quick glance but otherwise kept her gaze fixed on the blank bulletin board placed several feet away from the other side of the table. He didn’t have a clue what she was thinking, but he knew stress when he saw it and he saw it in Maggie. From the moment she’d shown up at the hotel this morning, he’d been absolutely certain that something else had happened, something that had shaken her badly.

Was this it? Had Maggie realized somehow that she’d been wrong in saying Samantha Mitchell was in the hands of the Blindfold Rapist? Or was it something else?

“I have three more detectives on the case full-time,” Andy told them, “but right now they’re out trying to find out if this note is legit. Since the rest of us are here, I thought now would be the time to go over a few things.” He pushed the plastic-bagged piece of paper toward John. “I want to know what you two think about this.”

The note was block-printed on what looked like an ordinary sheet of notepaper torn from a pad, and the message was chillingly simple.


There were three smears on the paper-two that looked like black fingerprint powder, and one that looked like blood.

“Prints?” John asked.

“Yeah, couple of real clear ones. One of my guys was with Mitchell when he got the note, so it was handled properly. The prints likely belong to whoever sent it. We’re checking the state and federal fingerprint databases. So far, no matches, but we just got started looking.”

John slid the note over to Maggie. “Is he stupid, or just an amateur?”

“Well, that’s part of the problem we’re having with this whole kidnap thing. Mitchell, he’s all ready to pay the so-called ransom, but we’ve got quite a few questions. I’m sure you can guess what they are.”

“Why a kidnapper would have asked for such a ridiculously small sum from somebody like Mitchell,” John said. “Why he would carelessly put his own fingerprints on the note. How somebody that seemingly incompetent could have beaten a first-class security system in order to snatch Samantha Mitchell out of her own house, leaving virtually no evidence behind. How am I doing?”

“Full marks,” Andy said. “That’s pretty much what we thought.”

Maggie pushed the bag away from her and murmured, “But?”

Andy nodded. “But. That is blood on the note, and the type matches Samantha Mitchell’s. We can try for a DNA match, but that’ll take weeks. My hunch is the situation’s going to get resolved long before we’d get the results.”

“How was the note delivered?” John asked.

“Just stuck in his mailbox on top of the regular mail. Nobody saw anyone near the box except for the usual mail carrier, and she swears she didn’t put it there. I’m inclined to believe her, especially since she’s been at her job for fifteen years without so much as an unauthorized sick day.”

John thought about that. “Nobody saw anyone… I assume we’re talking about the press? Don’t they still have the house staked out?”

“Yeah. And tried to interview my guys instead of answering the questions, damn them. But the bottom line is, they didn’t see anything unusual. Not especially surprising. With a bunch of them milling around near the end of the driveway-and the mailbox-it wouldn’t have been too hard for somebody with a camera around his neck to wander past the box and pause for a half a minute without being noticed.”

Maggie stirred slightly. “Andy, do you believe Samantha Mitchell was kidnapped and is being held for ransom?”

“Can’t say that I do. Everything we know about her disappearance matches the M.O. of our guy, and if I’m certain of anything, it’s that he doesn’t give a flying fuck about money.”

Jennifer said, “Scott and I agree with Andy. We think the rapist snatched her, and he’s not going to get all helpful and leave us his fingerprints at this late date. So the question is, who sent the note?”

“Somebody who knows the rapist?” John suggested. “Or, hard as it is to believe, somebody who read all the news reports and decided to try to cash in on a disappearance?”

Andy grimaced. “That last is the most likely, we think. Helluva world we live in.”

“What about the blood?” John asked.

Scott shrugged. “The guy could have pricked his own finger and just got lucky with the blood type. I mean, except for the way he left the note without being seen, he isn’t coming across as too bright, is he?”

“There’s another possibility,” Maggie said. She wasn’t looking at any of them but gazing at the bagged note. “The blood could be hers. Whoever sent the note… could have found her body.”

Andy looked at her steadily. “You think she’s dead?”

“Yes. I think she’s dead.”

John was also watching her face, and as she spoke he felt a little chill of certainty. Maggie didn’t just think Samantha Mitchell was dead. She knew it.

Kendra slipped back into the passenger side of the car and said, “Let’s go-before one of those guys back there decides to ask for a closer look at my I.D.” She removed the camera strap from around her neck and returned the camera to its case.

Quentin pulled the car smoothly away from the curb half a block up from the Mitchell house. “That I.D. is designed to stand up to scrutiny, you know.”

“Even so, no reason to push it.”

“Okay. So, did you get anything useful?”

“The reporters all bought the kidnapping story-at first. But whether because the Blindfold Rapist is better copy or somebody just reasoned it out, now they’re pretty much agreed that it’s probably just an attempt to cash in on the disappearance.”

“Mmm. Any ideas on who might be making that attempt?”

“None they were willing to share with me.”

“You mean your charm had no effect on them?”

“Not so you’d notice.”

“Or your big brown eyes?”

“I suppose they all prefer blue.”

“Or your uniquely flexible mind?”

“That barely impresses you.” Kendra pulled a small black address book from her shoulder bag and began turning the pages. “What we need is someone who knows the disreputable side of Seattle a lot better than we do.”

“You forget-Seattle was my childhood home.”

“I didn’t forget. But you’ve been away from here-what?-twenty years?”

“About that, but I come back for regular visits.”

“Still, I imagine things might have changed around here since your childhood.”

“Sure, which is why I keep in touch with people who have a very firm finger on the pulse of this place. Joey, for instance. Joey is a living testament to the adage that only the good die young. Because if the bad died young, Joey would have dropped in his crib.”