‘You shameless little bitch, how dare you show your face here?’ he roared, striding over to grip her by the shoulders. ‘I told you never to come back, didn’t I? You don’t belong to this family any more! You never did, you little slut! But you can’t leave us alone, can you? You damn near put Tim in prison with your shenanigans-‘

‘Dad, please…’ His fingers were biting like steel pincers into her shrinking flesh. With every spitting syllable he was giving her a violent shake to punctuate his fury.

‘Release my wife.’ Vito’s intervention carried at least ten generations of aristocratic cool and disdain.

‘Stay out of this, Vito!’ Ashley cried fearfully.

‘Or you might get hurt,’ Hunt Forrester sneered, sizing up the younger man’s superbly well-cut suit and silk shirt, his contempt blatant.

‘Your daughter is pregnant,’ Vito delivered icily. Ashley was dizzy and sick. Somewhere in the background she could hear her mother quietly sobbing. It was all so horribly familiar but for the first time she realised that she didn’t need to be afraid of her father. Vito would not allow him to harm her.

‘So that’s how you got him to the altar!’ her father gibed hatefully. ‘Second time lucky, it seems-‘

Pressing her back with one formidable hand, Vito hit her father so hard that he went flying back on to the lawn. Susan screamed. Arnold flew upright. Ashley sagged back in shock against the table, her knees too wobbly to hold her.

‘If you want a fight,’ Vito was snarling, ‘pick on someone more your own size!’


ARNOLD socked a clenched fist into his palm, his normally serious features alive with pleasure. ‘That was some punch!’ he crowed, shaking his head in admiration.

‘At least you’ve more gumption than that idiot behind me!’ Hunt growled as he picked himself up. ‘But you can take your wife and get out-‘

‘If they go, I go!’ The tremulous threat turned all their heads. Sylvia Forrester looked in despair at her younger daughter. ‘Could I stay with you for a while?’ ‘What…what the devil’s going on here?’ Hunt ejaculated incredulously. ‘Have you gone out of your mind, Sylvie?’

‘I should have done it years ago… didn’t have the guts.’ Sylvia extended a shaking hand to Ashley. ‘But when I couldn’t go to my own child’s wedding…I realised how terribly weak I’d become. I’m so sorry I let him do this to you.’

‘You’re very welcome in our home, Mrs Forrester,’ Vito said gently.

‘Now just a minute here-‘ Ashley’s father blustered. ‘Call me Sylvia,’ her mother said shyly. ‘You’re very kind-‘

‘He bloody hit me!’ Hunt thundered in disbelief. ‘And you deserved it.’ Trembling in spite of Ashley’s supportive arm, Sylvia murmured, ‘I’m going to tell her why you treat her the way you do. She has the right to know.’

‘No!’ Hunt roared.

‘Let’s go indoors,’ Vito suggested.

In bewilderment, Ashley glanced back to where her father was left standing alone. Her head was swimming. She had not thought it possible that her mother could take such a stance against her father. Nor could she even begin to imagine what Sylvia could possibly have to tell her that could upset her father to such an extent.

‘Susan, I think you and Arnold should go home,’ her mother sighed. ‘I’ll phone you later.’

As her sister and her husband left the room with pronounced reluctance, her father appeared in the doorway. ‘Please don’t tell them,’ he gritted. ‘It’s none of their business.’

‘You made it Ashley’s business.’ Her mother lifted her tear-streaked face up. ‘Everybody’s suffered for my mistake. You should have divorced me. Instead you’ve taken it out on all of us for over twenty years.’

‘Sylvie-‘ Hunt looked grey, strangely shrunken in stature.

‘I-I had an affair.’ Sylvia stumbled over the admission, didn’t meet anyone’s eyes. ‘And your father found out. When I discovered that I was pregnant, I…I wasn’t sure that it was your father’s child-‘

‘Oh, dear God-‘ Ashley collapsed down into the nearest chair, absolutely devastated by what she believed was coming.

Quietly her mother was crying. ‘Your father knew… and wh-when you were born with all that red hair, so different-looking from Susan… you see, we both assumed that you couldn’t be his child and I was so ashamed… so grateful that your father was prepared to bring you up as his.’

But he hadn’t been able to meet that challenge, Ashley completed strickenly. She was appalled by what her mother had revealed.

‘I believe that Ashley misunderstands,’ Vito murmured. ‘You cannot be telling her that she is not her father’s child. Tim and Ashley could pass for twins.’

‘The other m-man had sandy hair,’ her mother whispered unsteadily. ‘We forgot that my grandmother had been auburn-haired. It wasn’t until Tim was born six years later that we realised that we’d made a mistake, and by then the damage to Ashley’s relationship with her father was already done. He still behaved as though she wasn’t his… I think that every time he looked at her he remembered that other man.’

The silence went on forever. Ashley’s father was hunched in a chair, his spread hands covering his face. He looked like a man on whom a sentence of death had been pronounced. Ashley was in a complete daze. Unconsciously she focused on Vito for what to do or say next. Her heart had gone out to her mother but a second later she experienced an astonishing pang of pity for her father. Her mother’s confession had broken him by depriving him of all dignity. Yet Ashley had learnt much more. Her father must have loved her mother a great deal not to divorce her. But unhappily he had been punishing her ever since.

‘Do you still want to leave with us?’ Vito asked her mother calmly. Ashley repressed an almost hysterical giggle. Trust Vito to stay in control when the rest of them were all falling apart at the seams in front of him.

There was a long silence.

‘I-I think that Hunt and I have a lot to discuss,’ Sylvia said hesitantly. She stood up with an air of fledgling confidence and control that shook her daughter. There was a new strength in her mother’s stature.

‘We’ll get lunch at a hotel.’ With complete cool, Vito whisked Ashley out to the hall.

Sylvia engulfed her daughter in an emotional embrace. ‘I’m so sorry, but I can’t leave your father when he’s like this.’

‘She won’t leave him,’ Vito asserted as they drove off. ‘He’s gone to pieces. I think that little scene just cleared the air for them both. The truth needed to come out. It’s a shame it didn’t happen sooner for your benefit. ‘ Ashley stole a glance at him. His hard-edged profile was fiercely clenched; the skin pulled tight over his angular cheekbones. She had been wrong to believe that the episode had not affected him, although she could not really understand why he should look so shattered. For he did. Pale and shattered.

‘Tell me what it was like growing up with a father like that? With a mother who didn’t stand up for you and a brother-in-law who evidently chose to stand on the sidelines as well?’

Her hands were shaking. She couldn’t find any of her flippant responses. She was still too disturbed by what had occurred. ‘Scary,’ she confided jerkily. ‘Lonely.’ Vito vented a harsh expletive.

‘Everybody suffered,’ she extended. ‘I think Tim got away the lightest because he was a boy and Dad’s favourite. Susan married Arnold to escape. There was so much tension…so many arguments. I always fought him. Looking back, it seems so stupid but he picked on me.’ And all of a sudden something that she had never ever talked about was finding its own voice and the memories were spilling out of her almost faster than she could frame the words to describe them. The constant criticism and belittling.The sarcasm and the punishments. The fact that her mother had often paid the price for her defiance. The guilt. The shame that her father could find her so unworthy of attention or affection.