The past week had been a period of agonising tension. Vito had taken her out three times to dinner and once to a nightclub where he didn’t even ask her to dance. He had withdrawn behind a cold front as menacing as a polar freeze. Every night he had dropped her back to the apartment and left her there in solitary confinement. He hadn’t laid a finger on her, and she couldn’t decide whether that was supposed to be her punishment or his own. Was it any comfort to know that he had clearly found that episode of abandoned sex as devastating as she had? Did what she made him feel threaten him? It was an interesting thought.

Every light in the huge house seemed to be shining with blinding brilliance. This would be her home when they were in London, but not for very long, she told herself. She gave their marriage a year at most. When she proved to be unrewardingly infertile, by virtue of the contraception she was secretly taking, Vito would have no reason to continue the farce. And by then surely, he would have had an overdose of revenge?

A tiny figure clad in something floaty and silvery swam up to them. Ashley’s nerveless hands were instantly gripped in an evident rush of warm and welcoming affection. ‘I can’t tell you how much I’ve been dying to meet you.’ Elena di Cavalieri’s use of English had been honed to perfection by years at an English boarding-school. Linking a deft arm in hers, Ashley found herself carried off. Startled, she glanced back at Vito. He smiled, possibly the most genuine smile he had given her in the last fortnight, and her mouth ran dry at the sheer magnetism of that smile until she reminded herself that it was for his mother, who was clearly far too clever to show her real feelings in a no-win situation.

‘I think we need to talk.’ Elena pressed open a door almost furtively and all but dragged her in. Freed, Ashley hovered in what was a most handsome library. Her future mother-in-law offered her a glass of champagne from a silver tray. The ambush had been pre-planned and there was something just a tinge desperate in Elena’s very bright smile. ‘Won’t you sit down?’

Ashley sank down stiff-backed on an armchair, her defensive antennae prickling with wariness. ‘We’re getting married the day after tomorrow.’ The announcement, ludicrously unnecessary in the circumstances, just flew off her unguarded tongue. She reddened fiercely, abstractedly aware that she had sounded like a woman ready to fight off all threats to the contrary.

‘And nothing could make me happier,’ Elena assured her levelly.

Ashley stared at her in bewilderment.

Elena sighed. ‘I do mean that sincerely. I’m so desperately sorry that I interfered in what was none of my business four years ago. I made a dreadful error of judgement for all the wrong reasons and if I hadn’t been so stubborn I would have told him what I had done the minute he came back from London. He was so shattered when you turned him down. I’d never seen him like that before but I told myself he’d get over it.’

‘He did, but you don’t need to feel responsible. I…I had other reasons for not marrying him,’ Ashley responded uncertainly.

‘Why haven’t you told him about my visit?’

‘There was no reason to tell him. That’s in the past,’ Ashley said, wanting to show that she could be equally generous.

‘I really do want you to be happy with my son. I just wish that I could turn the clock back for both of you.’ Elena looked a little tearful. ‘And some day I hope we can become friends.’ Her sincerity was unquestionable. Elena clearly believed that she was the woman Vito loved. Ashley had been softened by her honesty and her careful avoidance of any mention of Carina but she was in no position to respond in kind. How would Elena feel when this marriage also came to an unhappy end? Ashley found herself hoping Vito’s mother wouldn’t start thinking that her past interference had had any bearing on that development.

Vito was standing across the hall in a clump of other men. As she approached, he immediately excused himself. Interpreting her greater relaxation, he murmured, ‘I could have told you there was nothing to worry about. My mother’s a very gentle woman.’

Men were so stupid sometimes, Ashley thought irritably. Elena was an unashamedly emotional woman and a ruthlessly protective mother, far less fragile than appearances might suggest. Momentarily she surprised herself with the awareness that she would rather have welcomed Elena as a friend. As it was, she wouldn’t be around long enough to scratch the surface even as a daughter-in-law.

The next hour· was a blur of names and faces. Vito infuriated her. The reserve she had endured all week was blatantly cast aside. He was showing her off like a trophy. Mine, that firm hand on her shoulder said. Look but don’t touch, said his eyes. Self-satisfaction emanated from him in waves. Only one of his three sisters was present. Giulia, proudly pregnant in a beautiful designer gown, greeted her like an old friend.

‘I’m so happy for you and Vito,’ she said warmly. ‘I insisted on being here tonight. I wouldn’t have missed it for anything.’

‘When did you get married?’ Ashley enquired. ‘Almost three years ago.’ Giulia patted her stomach complacently. ‘And this will be our third child.’

‘Your third?’ Ashley was quite stunned by the announcement.

Giulia laughed. ‘I had twins the first time. You have a lot of catching up to do.’

Ashley managed a very forced smile, thinking how easy it was for some women to reproduce and how horrendously difficult for others. Bursting with health and vitality, Giulia actually made the process look simple, she thought painfully.

‘Giulia’s crazy about kids,’ Vito delivered with a grim look, a betraying tautness etching his hard bone structure.

Something snapped inside Ashley. ‘Oh, shut up and go to hell!’ she flared in a ferocious hiss, and walked off, fiercely keeping her anguish to herself. She was damned if she would ever tell him again. He deserved to be left in ignorance but she did not deserve the snide remarks.

‘Ashley!’ A man she was brushing past closed a hand over her arm and looked at her with surprise and pleasure. ‘What on earth are you doing here?’

She blinked bemusedly as she recognised Josh’s familiar, friendly face, and suddenly grinned. ‘I could ask you the same question.’

‘Oh, I’ve been on the guest list ever since I delivered Giulia’s twins.’ His bright blue eyes twinkled. ‘She came over to London on a shopping trip and went into labour in Harrods, of all places. Instead of giving birth in the very exclusive clinic in Rome which she had selected, she ended up in a National Health hospital. So what’s your excuse? Care to share it while we dance?’

She allowed Josh to fold her into his arms. Vito was so tall that she could see him across the crush. Even at a distance she could feel the dark force of his appraisal. Dear heaven, here she was actually fraternising at close quarters with a member of the forbidden species… a man! She wondered whether she would be shot at dawn and whether she would be allowed a last request.

‘I was a late arrival. Have you seen her yet?’ ‘Seen who?’ she asked.

‘Vito di Cavalieri’s wife-to-be.’ ‘You’re dancing with her,’ she sighed.

‘You’re kidding me!’ Josh held her back from him.

Slowly he shook his head and his mobile mouth compressed. ‘You’re not kidding. How the blazes did you meet him?’

‘A long time ago.’ She saw his pain and impulsively leant up and pressed a kiss to the corner of his tight mouth. ‘I’m sorry it wasn’t you, but he’s like a migraine that won’t go away,’ she whispered, belatedly realising that she had drunk just a little too much champagne since her arrival. ‘Why can we never love the people we want to love, Josh? Why do we always have to love the wrong ones?’

‘Nature made it that way to keep us all on our toes.’ Josh skimmed a wayward strand of Titian hair from one perfect cheekbone and withdrew his hand not quite steadily. ‘You’re so beautiful, I can’t think straight around you-‘