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My cheeks warmed and my heart crashed in my chest. A million and one butterflies raced through my stomach.

“You don’t want to learn more about me…believe me. But thanks for the compliment,” I said shyly.

He took my chin, closing the distance between us and planted a soft kiss on my cheek. His lips lingered for a quick moment. His breath warmed my cheek. I touched his face, caught up in the moment, staring deep into his eyes, trying to figure out what a guy like him wanted with me. We locked lips; his kiss was slow and soft. My heart skipped a beat or two I’m sure.

I pulled away. “I should get to bed.”

He stared down at me, his hand finding the back of my neck. He laid one more kiss on my cheek and let me go.

“Goodnight, Kendall,” he said, watching me stumble for the stairs.

I hurried up the giant staircase that wound all the way to the top in a glorious fashion. I was in a hurry to get to my room and get the beating in my chest to settle down.

I screamed as I came in the door. “Mason! Don’t do that to me.”

I shut the door quickly before anyone came asking me if I was okay. Mason stayed sprawled out on my bed, his arms behind his head. He stared at the ceiling as if I weren’t there at all. But at the same time I knew he wanted to look at me.

“All this time I thought you wouldn’t buckle,” he said, his voice low, almost angry.

I balled my fist, knowing where he was going with his comment. “Don’t you dare say it!” I moved forward, giving him a hard whack in the chest.

I was so angry with him.

He sat up in a flash. “He’s a bad guy. He’s the one I got in trouble with all the years you’ve known me. But one look was all it took for you to see past that. He’s scum like all the rest,” he said, looking me over in disgust.

I stood still, my hands balled in tight fists. There wasn’t a lot I could say to defend myself. He was right.

“I just want to go to bed, Mason,” I said instead.

He stood up, letting me lay down. I turned away from him on my side and curled up into a ball on top of the beautiful blue comforter.

“You don’t want to face the facts. That’s your problem, Kendall. He’s scum and you know it. But you’re never going to admit it,” he said, pressing the issue.

I closed my eyes, hoping he would just go away.

“Another fun fact for you…we are all over the news,” he said dryly.

“What?” I said, sitting up in bed. I clutched at my stomach as my breath escaped me. I felt like someone had socked me in the gut.

“Yep. But you were too busy outside making out with Jay to realize your life just got a billion times worse. I don’t know, maybe it doesn’t matter if you’re being an idiot,” he said sarcastically. “We’re screwed anyway.”

I yanked off my sandal and threw it at his head as hard as I could—missing, of course. He ducked just in time. He shook his head and slammed the door so hard it shook the pictures on the wall.

I didn’t lie back down. I pulled my knees to my chest and held on for dear life. Tears slid down my face, dripping on my jeans.

I sobbed softly, taking careful breaths, trying to control the panic overtaking my body.

I jumped from the bed and grabbed the phone that sat on the end table.

“Yes, I believe it’s Alberta…A-l-b-e-r-t-a…the Matheson hotel. Could you look up a Laurel Edgerton,” I asked the lady after calling directory assistance.

I knew many of Aunt Wanda’s aliases and when she found each one suitable to use.

The phone was silent. I stared at the windows, trying to digest that my worst nightmare was about to come true. And all I could think of was finding Aunt Wanda.

“Hello Miss?” The operator said. “Mrs. Laurel checked out just an hour ago. I’m very sorry. Is there anything else I can do for you?”

I couldn’t speak. I hung up the phone.

“I’m dead. I’m totally dead,” I said softly at first, and then louder each time the words came out. I paced the room.




There was no other way to put it.

Driven by nothing but sheer terror, I spent the next two days in bed, trying to forget everything. Finally, Mason pulled me from bed, forcing me to get up and go eat with everyone.

“Just take your hands off me and let me walk myself down the stairs,” I grumbled. I thrashed around like a crazy person, but I didn’t care. I saw no reason to care about anything anymore.

“And none of this was ever my doing. What did I even get out of it? I was practically a prisoner my whole life, but none of that matters now,” I rambled as I made my way down the stairs.

Mason yanked me by the shirt and pushed against the wall. He covered my mouth with his hand. “Shut your mouth. Going nuts does not solve anything.” He eyed me, warning me to cool it.

“Why would anybody here care?” I asked, pulling away. “We are in a house of criminals. We don’t know a single decent person, remember?” I scoffed, pushing Mason out of the way.

He jumped back in front of me before I could take off.

“I don’t know about you, but I will make it out of this bullshit. One way or another. I refuse to go down for my mother,” he said, fire in his eyes like I’d never seen before.

“Well, I hate to shatter your dreams, but that’s not how it works. Can you do me a favor and keep me away from the states with the firing squads?” I asked dryly.

Mason looked like he wanted to punch me in the face. He stormed down the steps. Who was he kidding? I could see it all now—the two of us on every news channel across the nation. They’d be showing the two kids dragged into a world of murder and mayhem, blood on their hands, and no remorse for their actions.

I rounded the corner, coming to a stop in the kitchen. Jay’s face lit up with excitement when he saw me and he stopped what he’d been doing with the dishwasher. His reaction to my presence made me feel special. His expression reminded me of how a guy looks when he’s enamored by a girl. I just didn’t understand why he’d be enamored with me.

“Did you get any sleep?” he asked, leaning against the counter beside me.

I felt really awkward as I tried to hide our conversation from Mason. I didn’t want to give him another reason to lash out at me. It didn’t matter if I was upset with him—he was the only person I had left.

“Maybe an hour,” I said. I looked through the kitchen to the dining room. Mason looked confused as he was trying to figure out all the utensils in front of him and why each place setting needed six.

Jay waited patiently, eager to continue our conversation, even if everyone else was gathered for lunch. “Kissing you was amazing. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to do it again.”

I couldn’t fight the smile. “I liked it, too.”

He shielded himself with a large platter to keep hidden from the dining room and winked at me flirtatiously.

I felt giddy and excited all at once. My face was growing warm with embarrassment and I wanted to run from the room to hide the fact that I was blushing.

Jay jerked his head toward the dining room. “Let’s eat.”

Mason tugged the chair beside him away from the table as soon as I came into the room as if he expected me to sit next to him.

I sat down, but not before shooting an annoyed glance in his direction.

Jay’s gran entered the room assisted by a well-dressed older man. He flashed a big, beautiful smile our way as he came into the room.

He waited patiently for Gran to sit, patting her arm, a large ring sparkling on his ring finger. I wasn’t sure what kind of ring it was but it looked very expensive.