25 Days
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ID: 272925
Язык книги: Английский
Книга закончена
Год печати: 2015
Создана 5 декабря 2015
Опубликована 5 декабря 2015


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My name is Chloe. I just graduated college a semester early in clothing design. My dad offered to fund my own clothing line if I came to Aspen and spent 25 days with him and my brother. Then the day after Christmas I would get the money. Although I hadn't been there since going to college in California I couldn't turn the money down. I hated it there and expected it to be boring.

But then I met drop dead sexy Finn...

I'm Finn and use women for sex. However, I was tired of one night stands so I decided that for the next 25 days I was going sex free. That's when I met Chloe. The gorgeous blonde didn't play games and I loved that about her. I decided to just be her friend until my 25 days were up. The problem? She was leaving at the exact same time. Could I stop myself from trying to f*ck her? Probably not, but she could...

Let the 25 days begin...

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