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He ground his teeth and cursed himself for not leaving last night.

Finally the tav rock hove into view.  No other vehicles in sight, but that brought no relief—he was following a double set of tire tracks.  Two vehicles?  Or a single vehicle arriving and departing?

He swung around the front of the tav and let out a low moan as he spotted the lengthy coil of rope tangled under the overhang.

“Lord in Heaven,” he whispered, “don’t let this be!  Please don’t let this be!”

Fear knotted around his heart as he gunned the jeep into the canyon and slewed to a halt at the base of the path to the top.  Without bothering to turn off the engine, he leaped out and scampered up the ledge as fast as he dared, muttering and crying out as he climbed.

“Never should have left here”...Please, God!  Let her still be there!...”What was I thinking?”...Dear Lord, if she is still there I swear I will never leave this place again.  Not even for food!...”Should have moved back after the scroll was stolen, should have foreseen this!”...Please hear me, Lord, and have mercy on a fool!

The instant Kesev’s head cleared the top of the plateau, his eyes darted to the mouth of the Resting Place.  At first glance the barricade of rocks appeared undisturbed and he slumped forward onto the ledge, gasping, nearly sobbing in relief.  But as he rose to his feet to send up a fervent prayer of thanks, he spotted the dark crescent atop the barricade—an opening into the Resting Place.  The sight of it drove a blade of panic into his throat.


He broke into a dead run, clambered up the rocks and all but dove head first into the opening.  Enough light streamed through the opening to guide his way to the tunnel.  He scrambled through to the second chamber.  Stygian darkness here.  Kesev’s heart was a mailed fist pounding against the inner wall of his ribs as he felt his way across the chamber to the niche where the Mother’s bier had been set.  His fingers found the edge, then hesitated of their own accord, as if afraid to proceed any further, afraid to find the niche empty.

He forced them forward—



Sobbing, he dropped to his knees and crawled around on the stone floor, running his hands over every inch of its craggy surface, choking in the clouds of dust he raised, all in the futile hope that she might still be here.

But she was not.  The Mother was gone.  The Resting Place had been vandalized and the Mother stolen.

Tearing at his beard, Kesev staggered to his feet and screamed as the blackness surrounding him seeped into his despairing soul.


For an eternal moment he stood there, impotent, lost, devoid of the most tenuous hope, frozen, incapable of thought...

And then he remembered the car he’d seen turning onto Route 90 earlier...the black Explorer.

Maybe it wasn’t too late.   Maybe he still had a chance.  He had no honor to salvage, and no hope of redemption, but if he could retrieve the Mother and return her to the Resting Place, he could continue his task as her guardian.

Hope bubbled up like a cold spring in the heart of a desert...but he dared do little more than wet his lips.

All the way back to the highway, Kesev fixed the image of the Explorer in his mind, trying to remember whatever details he could about the driver and passenger.  They’d been shadows, identifiable as male and female and little more.  When he screeched onto Route 90 again, he floored the accelerator, pushing the Jeep to 150 kilometers an hour in the open stretches, ready to flash his Shin Bet ID at any highway cop who tried to slow him down.

He called information and learned that Eldan had a car rental office in the Jerusalem Hilton.

Hope edged a trifle higher.

He located the Eldan desk in the spacious lobby of the tower portion of the Hilton.  The pert brunette there wore a name tag that said “Chaya” in English.  Kesev made sure she was properly impressed by his Shin Bet ID, then he handed her the sheet from his notepad with the number of the Explorer’s license plate.

“Did you rent a Ford Explorer with this plate out of here?”

“Explorer, you say?”  She tapped a few instructions into the terminal before her.  A few beeps later, Chaya smiled.  “Yes, sir.  To an American.  Carolyn Ferris.  Out of New York.”

What luck!  Found them on the first try.  Then again, if you were going to explore the area around the Dead Sea, Jerusalem was the ideal base.

“Have they returned the car yet?”

She shook her head.  “Not yet.”

“When’s it due back?”

“Today, I would assume.  They took it on a two-day special—unlimited mileage.  But there’s nothing to say they won’t keep it till tomorrow.  They have an option for extra days.”

Tomorrow—he prayed they wouldn’t keep it till then.  Especially since he wasn’t even sure this Ferris couple were the ones he wanted.  The tire tracks around the Resting Place might not be theirs.

But they were the only lead he had.

If only there were some way to involve Shin Bet in this.  He could have the tire tracks identified as to their size and brand and from that get a list of what vehicles used them as standard equipment.  If a Ford Explorer was on the list, he’d issue an all-points alert for the Ferrises and their vehicle.

But Shin Bet would want to know what crime they’d committed or were suspected of committing.  Theft?  What did they steal?

Kesev could not answer those basic questions, so Shin Bet had to stay out of it.

He was on his own.

He wrote down his cell number and handed it to the Eldan clerk.

“I will be close by and will be checking in with you frequently.  But if I am not about, call this number immediately should you hear from the Ferrises.  Make sure you fill in whoever relieves you.”

“Are they dangerous?” Chaya said, a note of anxiety creeping into her voice.

He smiled to reassure her.  It wasn’t easy.  He wanted to grab the front of her blouse and pull her half across the counter and shout that they may have stolen a relic that God Himself had designated as untouchable and only God Himself knew what might happen to Kesev—to the entire world—if it was not returned immediately to its designated Resting Place.

Instead he kept his tone low and even.

“Absolutely not.  They are just a couple of tourists who may have witnessed something and we need to question them.  The problem is that they don’t know we’re looking for them and we don’t know where to find them.  Not yet.  But with your help we can clear up this matter swiftly and everyone can go about their business.”

Meanwhile, he didn’t have to sit idle.

He went to one of the Hilton’s house phones and asked the operator to connect him with the Ferris room.  He slammed his fist on the counter when she informed him that there was no Ferris registered at the hotel, then glanced around to see if he’d startled anyone.  He did not want to attract attention.  He forced himself to return the receiver gently to its cradle.

Then he pulled out his phone and called all the major and some of the minor hotels in Jerusalem, asking to be connected to the Ferris room.

No luck.  They weren’t registered in Jerusalem.  One could almost believe they’d driven to the north end of Route 90, and instead of turning left toward Jerusalem, turned right toward Jordan.  Or worse yet, were hijacked by some Hezbollah crazies...

The thought staggered Kesev, weakening his knees.

The Mother...in the hands of that rabble

No.  Such a thing was unthinkable, so why torture himself with it?

Kesev found himself a seat in the lobby where he had an unobstructed view of the Eldan desk.  He calmed himself with the thought that he had done all that one man could do at the moment.  All that was left was the waiting.  So he sat and waited.  He was good at waiting.  An expert.