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Surprised laughter built in his chest. How about that? Talk about intriguing. Before he could banter right back, however, a nearby voice broke into their conversation, “Professor Bartlett, is that you?”


Spicy upgrade from cute librarian. Connor was hooked.

The line and sinker came when he then proceeded to witness Abby scold—actually scold—his firm’s best civil litigator.

“How many times do I have to tell you to cut that out? My PhD is not a done deal, Jim.”

“Oh hush, young lady.” James T. Holt came over to give Abby a formal peck on the cheek. “As far as I’m concerned, ‘ABD’ stands for all but done. You may as well get used to being called a professor.” Jim turned to bring Connor up to speed. “I’ve known Abby here for years. She’s a miracle worker. Thanks to her, my son was actually able to move on to high school this year.”

“Reese was not that bad,” defended Abby, hands on hips.

“Says the woman who only had him in small doses,” replied Jim dryly. “I’m just glad you started tutoring at his school when you did. I was really starting to get worried.”

“That you’d have to dust off the ole grammar knowledge you ‘misplaced’ to attempt to help him with his homework?” ribbed Abby.

Connor blinked. Seriously, who was this woman?

Jim chortled heartily. “You caught me. Thank God for well-written paralegals and first-years.”

“Hence my stand on standardizing a more rigorous business and technical writing curriculum in core education.”

Abby threw an I-told-you-so grin over at Brian. “Brian, this is James Holt, one of the greatest legal minds in the city…well, next to your father and brother of course. James, this is Brian Sullivan of those Sullivans,” she editorialized behind an impishly cupped hand. “He’s the rebel son who chose the career path of teaching business economics over lawyering.”

Brian and Jim shook hands and immediately launched into conversation over current commerce affairs.

Never had Connor felt so invisible.

“You can get back to your party now,” said Abby in a conspiratorial tone. “No worries, I’ll keep an eye on Brian for you tonight.”

The innocuous words hit him like a bucket of ice on his lap, shriveling his growing interest in the woman right up. Reality check, jackass—she was Brian’s date.

Brian’s smart, captivating, completely off-limits date.

He took a blatant step away from the all too fascinating Abby and fumbled for a recovery, “I, uh…thanks. For taking care of it for me. Him, not it...Brian, that is.”

Rendered idiotic by the amused, utterly female smile curving her plump lips, he finished lamely, “You’re good for him.”

“Thanks, Connor.” She grinned. “I’ve always thought the same of you.”

Lord, he could listen to the way she said his name all day, her husky teacher voice an inspiration for instant fantasies of the lusty sex-in-the-classroom variety.

Yep, he had to get the hell away from her. Fast.

“You’re right, I should return to my guests. It’s been a pleasure, Abby. Enjoy your evening.” With that and a cursory nod, he excused himself like a bat out of hell, waiting until he was safely at the other end of the room before allowing himself one final glance back.

Just in time to see Brian whispering in her ear, of course.


“YOU WERE GETTING READY to hit on Victoria.”

“What?! No!”

Abby snickered at the degree of horror in Brian’s voice as she recounted the party events from two nights prior. “Yup. It was a close call, too. I got you out of your brother’s house when you started saying how hot she was.” She tsked into the phone. “I told you all that expensive liquor Connor keeps would sneak up on you harder than the cheap stuff we drink.”

“Still. Victoria?”

She could almost hear him shuddering.

“Good god, I’m glad you saved me when you did. I knew it’d be a good idea to bring you to that party.”

“Except now Connor thinks you and I are dating.”

“So what if he does?” queried Brian indifferently. “Maybe now he’ll stop giving me those pitying looks he thinks I don’t see. You don’t mind playing along, do you?”

She thought about it for a second. “No, I guess not. I only see the man every few years or so.”

And he evidently only remembers me every ten.

The pity party from that depressing fact was quickly broken up by the blaring school bell over the phone line. She checked the time. “Is that the end of lunch for you?”

“Yeah, but I have a prep period next.”

“Nice. So, how’s the first day going so far?”

“Great if you don’t count how many rabid alpha students I have again this year,” he grumbled, though affectionately. “I swear, some of these kids think they’re getting their MBAs. If their term projects weren’t coincidentally due right before winter ball and prom, I’m pretty sure they’d turn in fifty-page papers.”

Coincidence. Sure.

If she had a penny for every time she’d had to help him grade papers at the last minute, she’d be loaded. Though a brilliant teacher, Brian had astonishingly little regard for assessments.

“Oh hey, speaking of school dances,” Abby grinned finkishly, “I hear Skylar can look forward to her first one in the spring. You freaking out yet?”

Brian groaned. “Don’t remind me. My blood pressure is not ready for a preteen daughter going to a dance with boys. Did she call you specifically to complain about my lack of joy in all this?”

“Actually she told me when I was over there yesterday.”

“You came over?”

“During the four hours you slept off your hangover, yes.”

“Ah, that solves the case of the missing dirty dishes.”

“Guilty. Oh, and I tasted the culinary genius you made her before you went back to bed by the way. I thought the Cajun flavored eggs had a superb crunch.”

“Why, thanks. Charred shell bits give it an extra zing, I think.”

“Not to mention added protein, too…which went well with the waffles I made her.”

He sighed. “Have I mentioned how much I love you?”

“Often. Why just the other night, I recall at least a dozen instances. The fact that they were all localized to my chest area as I dragged your drunk butt into your house didn’t diminish the heartfelt sentiment behind the words one bit.”

Shit.” The horror returned to his voice. “Okay, that’s it, no more of the devil’s juice for me. I clearly can’t handle the stuff.”

She gasped in mock alarm. “You mean our MMA fight nights will be limited to pizza and soda?”

He paused. “Good point. I guess I’ll have to keep beer on the list of acceptable beverages. Just for you.”

“Aw, you’re so good to me,” she chuckled as she checked the time again. “Shoot, I better get going. I’m meeting with a few teachers about expanding my tutoring roster this year.”

“I thought you weren’t going to start volunteering until September,” he admonished sternly. “Abby, you can’t keep putting off your dissertation. Those kids can get by without you.”

“Just setting things up, I promise. Fear not, I’m sticking to my plan. Just me and my laptop ‘til I go back to work next month.”

“Good. I already instructed Skylar to gather her friends and chase you out of school if you show up over the next three weeks. We also blacked out every day on the calendar until ASU is back in session to remind us to leave you alone.”

“No need to go that far. I won’t be writing the entire time. And since my teaching line is straight freshman comp again this semester, I’m all set with my syllabus and lesson plans already. I’m sure I’ll have pockets of time to hang out here and there.”

“Well, then you can go get reacquainted with your colleagues and the other equally brainy candidates in your program. Go get all academic again. Skylar and I have been monopolizing your time way too much lately. If you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself in front of your doctoral defense panel dropping Skylar’s OMGs and my far more delightful f-bombs.”