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He checked his caller ID before answering, and then said, “Lisa, what’s up, darlin’?”

As Lisa spoke, his eyes met mine, concerned, and he finally let me go. “I’m coming over now,” he said and hung up.

“What’s up?” I watched as he shoved his phone in his jeans pocket.

“Michelle’s sick and Lisa is worried about her. Says Michelle hasn’t woken up since she got home from school and that she’s burning up.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“No, can you finish cooking dinner while I do this? We’ve got enough there for Lisa to eat; I’m guessing she hasn’t had dinner yet.”

“Good idea.”

I watched him leave and then turned my attention to dinner. Ten minutes later, I had all the vegetables chopped and the meat ready to cook when I heard a crashing sound on the back deck. Stilling, I listened closely to see if I could work out what had caused it.


I had no idea what it was, and my natural instinct to investigate kicked in. Reaching into one of the kitchen drawers, I pulled out the rolling pin; if there was someone out there, I wouldn’t hesitate to use it.

Treading silently, I made my way to the back door and opened it. No more noises had sounded so I remained hopeful no one would surprise me, but when I flicked on the light, a tall, well-built man loomed in front of me.

“Oh my God!” I screamed and let the rolling pin loose on him.

His arm shot up to stop my weapon from hitting him, and he easily yanked it out of my hand. “Fuck, woman, go easy.” His deep voice sounded pissed off, which annoyed the hell out of me.

“Buddy, this is my house, not yours,” I snapped as I folded my arms across my chest. “Who the hell are you? And why are you standing on my back deck?” I glared at him while I waited for an answer, taking in the Storm cut he wore.

“Last I knew, this was Scott Cole’s place.” He frowned. “And last I knew, Scott Cole didn’t date, so if this is your place and you’re not fucking Scott, where the hell is he?”

“Rogue.” Scott’s voice sounded behind me, and his arm slid around my waist from behind.

The guy eyed Scott and jerked his chin at me as he said, “Got yourself a firecracker there, mate.”

“Why are you holding a rolling pin?” Scott asked.

“Your woman here tried to knock me out with it.”

“Well, if you hadn’t been crashing around out here in the dark, I wouldn’t have had to do that,” I muttered, feeling irritated with this Rogue dude and not even sure why.

“Babe, Lisa’s inside waiting for dinner. You wanna go take care of that?” Scott’s warm breath tickling my neck as he spoke would usually cause my tummy to flutter, but the irritation coursing through me prevented that this time.

I turned in his hold and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll leave you two guys to catch up. Is Michelle okay?”

“She’s running a fever so I dosed her up on medication. I’ll go back later and check on her.” He gave me a quick kiss. “Thanks for sorting out dinner for Lisa while I do this.”

I gave him a smile. “No worries.”

I’d barely left them when I heard Scott giving Rogue hell for swearing at me earlier. I didn’t need him to fight my battles for me, but I loved him for it anyway.



“You want me to take you to work today?” I leant my shoulder against the doorjamb of the bathroom and watched as Harlow applied her makeup. My gaze trailed down her body, admiring the dress she wore today. The way it barely covered her thighs caused my dick to harden, and I mentally calculated whether I had time to fuck her again before she had to go to work.

“You’re thinking about sex again, aren’t you?”

My eyes met hers in the mirror. “Sweetheart, when I’m standing this far from you, there’s not much on my mind but sex. I’m fuckin’ counting the ways I can make you come.”

Her body stilled and she sucked in a breath. “Maybe you should list them.”

I took the few steps to her and pressed myself up against her back, grinding my dick against her ass, and reached a hand under her dress. Pushing her feet apart with one of mine, I skimmed a finger along the edge of her panties. I growled against her ear, “Maybe we should skip the conversation and get straight to the part where I make you scream my name.” As I said this, I slid my hand into her panties and dipped my finger into her wet pussy. “It’s not gonna take long to make you scream, is it?” I pressed my finger against her sensitive spot and ran it in a circular motion while keeping my gaze glued to the mirror. Watching Harlow lose herself was the best foreplay.

Her head dropped back onto my shoulder and I moved my spare hand to wrap it around her neck. The moan that escaped her lips when I did this reminded me how much she loved a little rough play so I tightened my grip on her.

She surprised the fuck out of me when she reached a hand into her panties and began massaging her clit while I continued to fuck her with my finger. Her hand moving under mine while we both worked her towards an orgasm was hot as hell. Sex with Harlow had always been off the charts good for me, and one of the things I’d always loved was her almost innocence. She was no prude and no beginner, but from what I’d figured, she’d never been fucked dirty before. I fucking loved being the first man to open her up to new experiences. Her hand under mine now was something she’d never done before, and it turned me the fuck on.

As her finger circled her clit, she rocked back and forth, hitting my dick with her sweet ass each time. Her eyes had squeezed closed and she bit her lip.

Fuck, she’s perfect.

I let go of her neck and ran my hand down her body so I could cup her breast through her dress. As I rubbed her nipple through her dress, I thought about how much I fucking wanted this dress off her body. Bending my mouth to her ear, I said, “I can’t hold off much longer, baby. I need to get the fuck inside you.”

Her eyes remained closed as she let out a low moan and circled her hips again. Fuck me…sexy as fuck. “I need you in me, too, Scott. I want you to fuck me on the vanity.”

She let out another moan.

And bit her lip harder.

And circled her hips around again.

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

I moved faster than I’d ever moved, and a moment later, I had her on the vanity in front of me with her dress hiked up and her panties off. My pants were down around my ankles and my dick was inside her.

And I fucked her harder than I’d fucked her in months.

Our bodies slammed together as we pushed each other towards our release.

And I just about lost all sanity as a rush of emotions and pleasure burst through me. It was like I’d been holding back for months, not willing to allow myself to fully feel everything going on between us. I’d been so tense with worry, but now she’d come back to me, I could let all that go. I could lose myself in the sex and love and hope.

We’re going to be okay. We’re going to get through this. Together.

“Scott!” she finally came, screaming my name as her body jerked in my arms. “Oh God…baby…fuck…”

“Fuck!” I rasped as my orgasm hit. Clinging to her, I thrust hard one last time and then gripped the edge of the vanity with both hands as I closed my eyes and let the pleasure take over.

When I was done, I opened my eyes to find her arms wrapped around me and her eyes staring into mine. She hit me with a sexy smile and said, “That was amazing. I want that every morning.” Her words hit me square in the chest. They were words I would have given up breath to hear.

I dropped my head and closed my eyes again for a moment as I got my shit together.