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Las Vegas, Nevada

Four months later

I stared out my window and couldn’t help smiling at the billboard. I could hardly believe Jay had even managed to get the thing up there on such short notice. The picture displayed the illusionist wearing a sleek black suit that Matilda had designed. The camera had managed to catch him mid card shuffle, and almost the entire deck was in the air as his hands waited outspread to catch them. Then, off to the side and shrouded in a sort of smoky mystery, was Jack’s silhouette as he blew a flame from his mouth. Beneath the picture was a large bold font that read: FIRE & LIGHT: Jay Fields & Jack McCabe together for a one-night-only special performance!!

I wasn’t sure why they were even bothering to advertise. As soon as Jay announced to his fans that he’d be doing a special show with his long-lost brother, who just so happened to be a dangerously sexy fire breather/ knife thrower, the tickets had sold like hot cakes.

The circus’ month-long break had officially begun, and, as I’d hoped, both Jack and I were spending the time in Las Vegas with Jay and Matilda. Jay’s contract was almost up, and when the circus started the new season, he was going to come and perform for a couple of months with us. Marina was over the moon to have him on board, especially since The Ladies of the Sky were now on a hiatus until they could find someone to replace Julie.

I had to admit that though I loved the circus and missed everybody dearly (well, except for Pedro), it was nice to experience a bit of luxury for a while. My heart had almost broken from adorability overload (yes, adorability is a word) when we first arrived at the swanky five-star hotel and Jack looked like he didn’t know what to do with himself. For years he’d lived in a camper van, travelling from one location to the next, so, needless to say, the luxury had him more than a little perplexed. I was halfway through unpacking when I saw him standing in the corner of our suite, staring at the space like the cutest uncomfortable manly man I’d ever seen.

“What’s wrong?” I asked as I sat down on an armchair, sinking into its heavenly softness.

Jack moved his mouth and glanced around before looking at me. “This place is just…I’m not used to this.” His gaze wandered to the gigantic bed, eyeing it like he was facing a bear on the Rocky Mountains and trying to figure out how it would react to movement.

“The bed isn’t going to bite you if you sit down on it, you know,” I teased, soliciting a playful scowl from him.

“I know that.”

“Well then, sit on it. Give it a go.”

“I think I’ll just go use the bathroom first,” he said, evading the issue and walking around the bed.

“Oh, no you don’t,” I replied, standing and going over to grab his hand. “You, Jack McCabe, are going to face your fear of luxury beds, and the best way to do that is to have a mattress jumping party.”

“Mattress jumping parties aren’t a thing.”

“I’m making them a thing.” Yanking his arm, I pulled him over, slid off my shoes and stepped onto the bed. He looked at me like I was a mad woman when I began to jump up and down. “Come on,” I said, urging him to join me.

“I’m not sure it can handle my weight.”

“Pfft, of course it can. This thing probably cost thousands.”

He let out a sigh and finally climbed on, discarding his shoes first. I took his hands in mine and stared him in the eye like this was dead serious business. “Okay, are you ready?”

His expression softened as he began to see the funny side. “As I’ll ever be.”

“Good. One, two, three, go!” I said and then began to jump up and down again, this time with Jack doing it alongside me. We laughed like two kids and dropped onto the mattress when we started to hear a creak. The bed might have cost thousands, but it could only endure so much. Jack rolled us so that he was on top of me, brushing my hair away from my face and cupping my cheeks in his hands.

A low, masculine laugh rumbled out of his chest as he muttered, “God, I fucking love you.” The next thing I knew he was laying his mouth on me and giving me a deep, tongue laden kiss that melted my bones. It was a long time before either one of us came up for air.

“Right,” I began breathlessly, my body fizzling with arousal. “I think a bath is next on the agenda.”

One of Jack’s eyebrows rose. “I won’t argue with that. Stay where you are. I’ll get it ready.”

I lay there, admiring his spectacular bottom as he went inside the bathroom. A moment later I heard him turn on the water. It wasn’t long before he returned, leading me inside and stripping off all of my clothes. Two candles had been lit and sat perched on the edge of the tub at either corner. Stepping in, I luxuriated in the heat of the water for a moment before Jack joined me, and thankfully the tub was big enough for the both of us. He sat at the opposite end and took my foot into his hands, massaging it before picking up the candle and dripping a little hot wax onto my ankle. A low moan escaped me and I couldn’t help laughing softly.

“Oh, how quickly he takes to the luxury,” I teased.

His dark eyes fixated on the wax marking my skin before rising to meet mine. “I only take to it because you’re in it.” His words were deep, carnal, and before I knew it I was being treated to the best bath I’d ever experienced.


Fast forward two and a half weeks and I was sitting in the front row of the theatre wearing a stunning black dress, my hair up in a fancy chignon. Matilda sat beside me, looking equally glamorous. The two of us had grown close quite quickly, and aside from Lola, I could probably count her as my best friend.

Jack and Jay’s show was about to start and I was on pins and needles with excitement waiting to see what they had come up with. They’d both been very secretive as they planned it out, not wanting me or Matilda to see a thing until the night of the big show. The venue was completely packed out and Matilda squeezed my hand as the house lights went down and a song began to play. I recognised it as “Beautiful Pain” by Eminem and Sia.

The entire place was dark for a beat before a spotlight shone on one corner of the stage, illuminating Jay in his black suit. He stood right on the edge, looking down, as though perched on the precipice of a skyscraper. The lyrics took hold. There was something stark and completely striking about the visual. The moment Sia’s voice began to sing about flames, real fire exploded in the background. It appeared to come out of nowhere, but then the lights shone on Jack and the audience erupted into cheers. He wore a sleeveless top and jeans as he twisted and turned his body, blowing a symphony of flames to the beat of the music. He barely looked human. In that moment he was transformed into an otherworldly being and I had goose bumps covering every inch of my skin.

Sia sang about finding a light and Jay came to life, his hands moving around his body. As he opened his palms, a blinding white light shone out. He continuously opened and closed them, the light erupting and disappearing with flashing intensity. Then he wasn’t just controlling the light, he was throwing a beam of it clear across the stage where it seemingly bounced off the wall and flew right back into his hand. Noises of wonder and awe came from those around me. The next time he threw the light, though, he couldn’t catch it, and he began to chase it. It constantly bounced around him, dancing beautifully, evading his reach.

I was stunned by the beauty of their act, a mix of performance art and illusion. The lyrics pulsed in my ears; I felt like my emotions were being clutched in someone’s fist, because there was so much in the song that symbolised the brothers’ history.

Standing in flames.

Worlds torn in half.

Burning away yesterday.

Greeting a new day.