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“Jake, go find your dealer and smoke another bowl. Try not to forget what I told you before, and stay the fuck away.” Tanner releases me and steps up, chest-to-chest with Jake.

Tanner might have a height advantage on Jake, but Jake beats him in weight. Football versus swimming. Large and bulky compared to lean and toned.

“Let’s go, Jake.” Zeke, another player, pulls on his shoulders.

Jake shrugs it off at first, eyeing Tanner and then me, before ultimately taking a step back.

After Jake and his group disappear into the crowd, a breath releases from my mouth, and I lean against the wall. “Thanks,” I say to Tanner for the second time tonight. I don’t like this damsel-in-distress predicament I keep finding myself in with him. It exposes me to weakness because I enjoy when he saves me.

“Always.” He winks and smiles at me. “What are you drinking?” He swipes the cup out of my hand and swigs down a gulp. He swallows, and his face cringes. “Shit, Piper. This is crap.” He doesn’t hand it back to me, but he places it on the end table next to him. “Let me make you a drink.”

He links his fingers with mine and escorts me through the throng of people, heading back to the kitchen where—thank God—Taylor has disappeared from.

Tanner begins arranging the bottles of his choice across the countertop, and I wait for him to make me a drink he thinks is awesome. Tanner has always thought of himself as a mixologist. Unfortunately, I’ve given him false hope on the title many times, only to dump my drink in the nearest plant.

“Really, Tanner, I’ll just have a beer.”

He ignores me, perusing all the bottles.

“I should probably call it quits anyway.” This excuse earns me a glance, but still no response.

Inching closer, he pushes his body against mine, backing me up to the counter, and my lips part.

“You never let me do things for you. Why is that, Piper?”

He places his hands on my hips, and my breath catches in my throat. Gripping tightly, he hauls me up to sit on the counter. Then, his hands graze the inside of my thighs, and he pushes them apart to make space for himself.

“Tell me,” he urges on.

My voice gets lost somewhere in the midst of this affectionate maneuver. My mind can’t stop obsessing over his warm hands on me again. Things between Tanner and me have always been tense in certain situations, but we’ve never crossed the line. Maybe we’re too afraid that things might go south because it would ruin the dynamic. Maybe I fear that Tanner would use me for a night and toss me aside. Maybe, from a fear of rejection, I always keep my feet planted on the safe side of things. Tanner fetters on the edge of danger, and I can’t see him ever taking us seriously.


I blink, and Tanner is an inch closer to me. My breath sinks deeper.

“You know I hate that whole white-knight-save-me crap,” I lie.

When it comes to Tanner, this foreign princess persona surfaces, fawning over the man who sweeps in and saves me from creeps like Jake.

Tanner’s eyebrows rise, and he studies my face for a second. “You should try it, and you might enjoy it.”

When he creeps closer, I will my legs not to disobey me and wrap around his waist.

“I’d make a pretty great prince.”

Then, he scoots back from me, and I suck in a huge breath when he circles around.

My face heats with a flush, my hands shake, and my thoughts fixate on having Tanner McCain in my bed tonight, regardless of the end result tomorrow morning. His head twists to my direction, and I bite the inside of my lip, my signal that I’m thinking hard about something.

He pours a zillion splashes of alcohol from every bottle.

I think to myself, My first drink was better.

He returns to me, occupying the space between my legs again, and holds the cup in front of me. I grab it with my hand, and he releases it.

“Try it.” He pushes the cup toward my mouth.

I clear my throat, and concentrate on the contents in the red Solo cup from how unnerved I’m becoming by being his sole focus.

The drink is surprisingly good, much better than my own. Tanner must notice my smile because he backs away from me with his own smile in place.

“Told you, I’m a mixologist.”

He swivels his hips with his hands in the air, and I giggle from his absurd ego.

“You made a good drink here.” I lift the cup in the air and then down another sip.

“Did I hear, a good drink?” A redhead with her gang of two copycat versions of herself walk in.

My infectious laugh dissipates, and I quietly begin drinking while watching the redhead cozy up to Tanner. I question everything he’s told me up to this point. Is this the girl Jake accused him of making out with? Tanner doesn’t skip a beat, walking over to me. “I made Piper a drink, and she loves it, which is a first in our book.” He’s still happy and giddy with excitement.

The redhead eyes me up and down, clearly comparing me to herself.


“Oh, will you make me one?” she asks, sauntering closer to us.

I so want to place my palm in the air and say, This isn’t a threesome, bitch. But I stop myself because Tanner isn’t mine.

He smirks over at me and then turns her way. “Sorry, it was a Piper Special. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m taking her to dance.”

He holds his hand out to me, and I jump off the counter.

“Hey, Jake,” Tanner calls out.

Jake shoots him a get-lost look.

“Why don’t you make this girl a drink?” Tanner points to the redhead.

Then, his hand lands on the small of my back, leading me to the makeshift dance floor in the living room. Unfortunately, we don’t make it because my wonderful brother, Brad, is too busy punching some guy in the face. Tanner’s hand grips my forearm, silently asking me to stay put, but he knows that’s a request I won’t fulfill. I rush after them to break it up when I find Taylor crying in the chair next to the brawl.

“What the hell happened?” I ask her, now witnessing Tanner and Brad in the throes of fists.

“That guy came up behind me, and I thought it was Brad.” She grabs my arm, yanking me down to her level.

I roll my eyes. This is the last thing I need tonight.

“I swear, Piper. I should have turned around,” she pleads with me. From the amount of tears she’s shedding, she’s telling the truth, or she’s a damn good liar.

I’m a fairly good judge of character, so I’m opting to believe my intuition. She kisses my ass way too much to not be into only Brad.

“It’s okay, Taylor. I believe you.” I pry my arm from her grip and weave my way through the witnesses to break up this nonsense. The only result will be the two of them being kicked off the swim team.

By the time I reach them, fists are flying, and blood is smeared across the wall. “Stop it, guys!” I scream.

But I receive no response from any of them. From the corner of my eye, I catch two other teammates, Greg and Drew, on their way to protect their swim brothers in the reckoning.

“Guys!” I yell at the top of my lungs, only earning an eye from Tanner, who then gets blindsided by a punch. “Shit.”

“Piper, get the hell out of here,” Tanner screams, taking his one arm and pushing me to the side.

“No!” In defiance, I slam a foot on the hardwood floor. “Do you guys want to not have a spot on the team? What do you think Coach will say about this?” I ramble out questions to get the drunken alpha males to stop and think. Wrong way. I do the next best thing.

Once Tanner’s opponent backs up and glances my way, I jump in between them and into Tanner’s arms. Straddling him, I clench my legs around his waist, and although I’ve thought about this scenario much differently in my head, it’s still a nice place to be—in the arms of the guy I desire.

“What the hell, Piper?” Brad calls over, knocking his guy in the gut.