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“You’re crazy,” Rachel hisses.

Taylor just continues. “The guys keep trying to figure out how someone knew where Case lived. And you did.” She did but … “I had seen a picture of you on his mantel. It was the three of you guys and a sold sign in the front yard.” Taylor laughs at herself. “Only you would be stupid enough to pull such things and continue to keep coming around.”

“It wasn’t me. Why would I kill them? I love them,” she spits out.

“That’s the only thing I can’t figure out,” Taylor muses. “Why would you kill them?” she asks herself out loud and then shrugs. “I’m not sure. Maybe if they die, they leave you the club. Or maybe you are just one twisted, fucked-up bitch who wants them dead. All I know is that you did it.”

“Rachel …” I take a step toward her. She does fit all of those clues Taylor just said. “Tell me the truth. Did you do this?”

She shakes her head frantically as tears well up in her eyes. “You know I would never hurt you guys.”

“I thought it was odd the way you looked at Blane the moment you found out his name. And just the other day at the hospital, Case said that the guy had got a phone call earlier that evening to attack me.” Taylor goes on as she takes another step toward her, and her voice drops to a growl. “After you met Blane, I found you in the locker room. The moment I walked in, you hung up. It was you. It was all you! You ordered to have them attack me and then when Case and I came back after being gone for those three days, you didn’t like what you saw. So instead of going after me, you went after the guys. Then when Blane went to meet up with those drug dealers, you told them just enough for them to want to harm him.”

The club falls to silence as we all stand motionless. I still have my doubts that Rachel did it. We’ve known her for four years, and yeah, she’s crazy but to kill someone? If she were to kill us, then who would clean up her messes?

“Why?” Brecken is the one who speaks first. He obviously doesn’t feel the same as I do. “Why would you try to kill us? After all we’ve done for you?”

“I didn’t …” Tears run down her face.

“Stop fucking lying,” Taylor yells. “We know you did it. Just confess and quit playing this stupid game.”

She lets out a long breath as she stares at Taylor with hatred. The tears that run down her face all of a sudden just stop. She reaches up and wipes them away. I watch as the cruelest smile spreads across her face. She looks over at Brecken and her fuck you look appears. “After all you’ve done for me?” She throws her head back letting out a laugh, and I reach out, grabbing Taylor’s shoulder and yank her behind me. Once I know my body is shielding hers, I reach behind me and grab my gun. I’ve underestimated this crazy bitch way too much.

“You really think you saved me, don’t you?” She laughs again. “Did you ever stop and think about why you found me beat that night? It was legit, don’t get me wrong, but it was my idea.”

“What are you talking about?” Brecken demands.

Her eyes look at me, and she slowly looks me up and down. “It’s no secret that I like a man’s hands on me.” She smirks. “And you can’t lie, Case. The way you would wrap your hand around my neck as you would shove your cock …”

“Stop!” I growl.

“What?” She licks her lips. “Don’t want your new whore to know how you fucked me?” She arches a black eyebrow. “As if you don’t fuck her the same way? We all know you have needs, Case.”

Taylor starts to run toward her from behind me, and my left arms shoots out to stop her. “You bitch …” Taylor snaps.

“Oh, honey.” She makes a tsking noise with her tongue and teeth. “You should welcome competition. Men like a woman willing to fight for her man. Tell me, what would you do in order to keep him?”

“I’d kill you …” Taylor spits out.

Rachel laughs at that. “You couldn’t touch me …”

“Enough!” Brecken barks. “Rachel, start explaining yourself now, or I will make you.”

She looks over at him and sighs as if this is putting her out. “It was a setup. The first time you two met me. We had heard you two were going to be at the party. You two were the newest dealers on the block. They wanted an inside man. Someone who could tell them every little secret you guys had. But I knew a woman had to do it.” She pulls her shoulders back with pride. “I offered myself up as bait. So two men beat the fuck out of me and then I worked my charm. It was a bonus that you were hot.” She smiles up at me. “All men like a damsel in distress. And of course, take a man who has lost his sister …”

Brecken takes the five steps that separate them and backhands her across the face. It’s the first time I’ve ever seen him lay his hands on her. Taylor gasps beside me as Rachel goes flying off her feet and lands on her side. “You fucking bitch,” he growls. His entire body shakes, and his muscles are tight. “Don’t you dare fucking mention Nicole again,” he screams down at her.

I turn to face Taylor. “Go out the back.” I need her out of here. Shit is getting out of hand, and I don’t want her involved.

“I’m not leaving you,” she says in defiance.

I huff. “Do you still have my phone?” She nods. “Go to the back and call Jones. Tell him to get his ass up here.” I shove her backward, and her eyes widen as she stumbles but doesn’t fall. She takes one last look over at Rachel and then takes off.

Rachel looks up at Brecken from the ground and blood drips from her lip. “Doesn’t that feel good?” she asks smiling. “Doesn’t that make you feel like a man?”

He leans down and yanks her to stand by her hair. She cries out as she lifts her hands to his hand that has a grip on her bright red hair. Her chest rises and falls quickly as she breathes heavily. “Why did you do it?” he demands in her face.

“Why not?” she says through gritted teeth. “I was their edge. I knew every move you guys made. Every person you were after. I made a shitload of money to keep Cricket safe.” He lets go of her hair, and she falls to the floor once again. “I did what I had to do in order to stay alive,” she grinds out. “I was his fucking bitch who needed my hands on his endless supply.”

“Why didn’t you ever tell us?” I growl. “Why didn’t you come to us with the truth? We could have helped you,” I snap.

She gives a little chuckle. “You couldn’t have saved me from him. He would have killed me.”

“You think I won’t kill you?” Brecken reaches behind his back and pulls his gun out. He points it down at her, and she doesn’t even blink.

“Brecken. Put it away,” I say softly.

They both turn to look at me. “Why do you have your gun out?” Rachel asks looking down to mine in my right hand. “You say you want to save me. You want to help me, yet you have a gun ready in hand to shoot me.”

“I won’t shoot you because of what you’ve done. I’d rather know your ass is rotting in jail where you belong. But if you try to harm Taylor again … let’s just say, this time it will be you I kill.”

She smiles softly up at me. “I told them to make her happy. To put a smile on her face. I wanted them to show her that you weren’t the only one who could satisfy her.”

My hand tightens on the gun. I knew what their intentions were when I saw that they had cut her corset off, but until this very moment, I didn't understand just how depraved they could be.

“Come on, Case. They wouldn’t have fucked her any rougher than you have.” She laughs. “You may love her, but I know you. You don’t make love to her.”

“You know nothing!” I hiss.

She tilts her head to the side as blood continues to slowly run down her chin from where Brecken slapped her. “I know everything, Case. Everything.” She says it very slow, drawing out the word.

“For fuck’s sake, just shut up!” Brecken orders. “I’ve had enough of your shit, Rachel.”

She narrows her eyes up at him. “Maybe I’ve had enough of your shit!” she fires back. “Do you have any idea how exhausting it was to keep you two happy? All the coke I had to snort in order to let you place your hands on me.”