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“If you could do it all over again, would you?” she asks, biting her lip nervously.

“Absolutely,” I say without hesitation. Her wet and swollen lips pull back into a smile as she looks up at me. “I love you,” she whispers.

“I love you too, Taylor.” I kiss her softly once again, but the sound of my phone ringing has her pulling away from me.

Her eyes drop down to the pocket of my sweatpants. “You had better get that.” She leans up and kisses me on the lips. “I’m gonna jump in the shower.”

I take a step back allowing her to walk away from me as I go to answer my phone. “Hey, man. How’s Brecken?” I ask in greeting Miller.

“Well, he’s got dates lined up for the next month with all of these nurses who keep coming in to check on him.” He chuckles. “I would say he’s doing better than they expected.”

I smile. “Sounds like him.” We knew he would be fine. Brecken is a survivor. Always has been and always will be. I hear the shower turn on and it reminds me of something. “Hey, can you do me a favor?” I ask.

“Anything,” he answers without thought.

After I give him instructions, I hang up the phone and make my way to the bathroom. Steam covers the mirror and I reach down to remove my shirt. “That was Miller,” I announce as I push my sweatpants down my legs. My hard cock reminds me what we were about to do moments ago.

“How is Brecken doing?” she asks from behind the shower door.

“Better.” I open up the door as she rinses out shampoo with her back to me. “Miller will be here soon. He’s going to go with us to see your father.”

She spins around quickly the water causing shampoo to cover her face. “Why?”

“Usually, in cases like this, you would only be able to see your father with Plexiglas separating you two, but I can make a call and get you a meeting with him in an interrogation room. That way I can stand behind the mirror and watch the exchange.” She cups the water from the showerhead and washes the suds from her face.

“Why don’t you go in with me?”

I shake my head. “I can’t. He knows me. But I will not let you go without someone in there with you.”

She frowns. “You think he’ll hurt me?”

I honestly don’t know what this man will do. “I’m not willing to take that chance,” I decide to say.

She gives me a slow and sexy smile. “Always looking out for me.”

I chuckle. “That has been the plan all along.”

Leaning her head back, she closes her eyes and finishes rinsing out her shampoo. I reach down and slowly run my hand the length of my cock as I imagine fucking her in this shower. Each stroke has me getting harder and less patient for her pussy.

Once I know she is done, I grab her arm and pull her over to me. She squeals as I spin her around and shove her into the glass shower door. “Case …” She breathes as she pushes her ass back onto my hard cock.

I groan as I reach up and remove her wet hair from the side of her face. I lower my lips to her shoulder and kiss her softly. The water from the shower, wetting my lips. “I wanna hear you come, baby,” I say before I bite down on her shoulder. Her body shudders as she lets out a whimper.

I can feel how tense her body is. I know it has to do with her seeing her father. And I wanna help her with that. Help relieve the tension.

I slide my hand around her hip and then between her parted legs. I spread her pussy and roughly push a finger into her and she lets out a cry as she bucks her hips. “I love it when you’re wet like this.” Her pussy tightens around my finger, and I growl deep in my chest. “When you’re ready for whatever I wanna give you.” She places her hands on the glass and pushes herself backwards, pushing her ass into me.

She arches her back and her head falls back to my chest, and she sucks in a deep breath. “Please …” I lower my head and close my lips over hers, cutting off her words. I remove my finger from her pussy and grab a hold of my dick. I spread her legs more with mine and then guide myself into her. She rips her lips from mine and sucks in breath after breath. She cries out as she bangs her head into the shower door as I stretch her to accomodate me.

“Fuck!” I hiss as I drop my head to her shoulder. He pussy tightens around my aching cock, and I pull back before thrusting my hips forward. I growl at not being able to get deep enough. She’s much shorter than I am, and my legs strain from having to bend down. “Fuck it!” I growl as I pull out of her.

She whimeprs as her shoulders sag. I reach around her and shove the glass door open. “Step out,” I order and she does as I say. I grab her upper arm and pull her over to the counter. I place my hand in her wet hair and shove her forward so she’s bent over. I don’t waste another second as I get back to fucking her.

Her skin is broke out in goosebumps from her wet body being in the cold air. Her soft cries of pleasure fill the bathroom. I look up to watch her in the mirror, but it’s fogged over from the shower. So I look back down as I watch my glistening cock move in and out of her tight pussy.

It doesn’t take her more than a few mintues to come as she cries out my name. And I’m not far behind her.




I haven’t seen my father in over three years. Do you know what it feels like to see him in person? It literally rips my heart out. It feels like I have a hand around my throat cutting off my oxygen. It’s just him and me and well, Miller, but I feel like I’m in a crowd of a thousand people, and they’re crushing me from all sides.

I take a deep breath and open the door to the interrogation room. My heart pounds in my chest as I see him sitting in a chair at a table. He has an orange jumpsuit on and his cuffed hands rest on the table. “Taylor.” His blue eyes widen. “I … uh, I thought …” He clears his throat. “They said I had a visitor. I just figured it was Blane.”

I shake my head as I remain standing by the door. I wish I could leave it open. It already feels so stuffy in here. “Sorry,” I say softly. “It’s just me.” Blane and Savannah aren’t here. Case suggested they stay back, and thankfully, Blane didn’t fight him about it.

“No. I didn’t mean it like that.” He gives me a warm smile, and I feel my shoulders relax some. “Please. Sit down. I’m glad you’re here.” He gestures to the chair across from him.

I look over at the glass Case stands behind, and I take a deep breath. I wish he could be by my side, but this is what I wanted. I wanted to see my father, and here he is.

I square my shoulders and take the few steps that separate me from the chair. I pull it back and the legs squeak along the linoleum floor before I sit down. “Hey, Dad,” I say softly.

He looks up as I hear the door shut behind me and his eyes narrow at Miller while he stands in the corner. But he doesn’t say anything about him.

He looks back at me and smiles. I hate that it gives me hope. Hope that he isn’t high at the moment. “How have you been?” he asks with excitement. “How’s school going?”

I actually let out a laugh. “It’s good. Glad to be on summer break at the moment.”

“That’s great,” he says.

I nod in agreement. “How are things with you?” I know it’s a stupid question, but I have to ask.

He leans in; the cuffs that bind his wrists clank as they move across the table. “I’m going to be out of here soon, Taylor, and things are going to be different.”

The smile drops off my face at that statement because I know it’s not true. He won’t be out soon. “I don’t think that’s gonna happen, Dad,” I say softly.

He frowns. “What do you mean? Hasn’t Blane told you about the deal he made?” His lips thin. “Some stupid cop had me thrown in here, and Blane is working with him to get me out.”

I swallow nervously and my eyes slide over to the glass for a quick second before I return them to my father. “I did know about the deal. But it’s no longer …” I pause to think of the right terminology. “ … in play,” I decide to say. Case told me not to mention this to him, but I’m not gonna lie to him. I’m not like Case; I can’t keep secrets. Not ones this big. My father truly believes he is going to get out, but he should know the truth.