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My mouth falls open, and I stare at him confused. Why would he want them to fight?

When I realize the room has fallen silent, I turn back to face my brother and Case. Blane is breathing hard as he stares at me with narrowed eyes. I look over at Case, and his eyes are soft and a frown is on his face. It makes me nervous. “What is it?” I ask softly.

“Taylor …”

“Just tell me.” My hands start to shake. “What is it, Case?”

He runs his hand down over his unshaven face, and he lets out a long sigh. Then he looks at me and straightens his shoulders. “I’m a cop.”

I stand there staring at him for what seems like forever in the silent room waiting for the punchline to that joke. A cop? There’s no way! They’re fucking with me. He doesn’t think I can handle the truth.

“Taylor?” he asks softly. “Say something.”

I look from him to my brother. The hard look is still on his face. I feel a laugh start to bubble up from deep in my throat. And before I can stop it, I burst out laughing. I place my hand over my mouth to try to muffle it, but it still echoes in his office. I can’t stop as I laugh so hard, my body shakes. “A cop?” I ask, and I actually snort. I hear Brecken chuckle behind me, but my brother and Case just stare at me with concern. “What kind of joke is this, babe?” I finally ask when I start to calm down.

I reach up and rub my cheeks as I laugh once again. I laughed so hard that tears are running down my face.

“It’s no joke, Taylor,” Case says, his voice harder than before. “I am an undercover narcotics officer.”

My laughter completely stops at that, and I look at him with confusion. “Quit with the joke, Case. I’m not gonna fall for it.”

“It’s true.”

I shake my head. “You own a night club.” I give a hard laugh. “One that I see drugs in on a daily basis,” I add seriously.

“Brecken and I do own a club.” He nods once. “But it’s a cover.”

I turn to look over my shoulder at Brecken. “Come on. Tell him to stop,” I ask him, but he just stares at me with those scary dark eyes.

“This isn’t happening,” I mumble to myself and look back to Case. “I went to that club with you. The club …”

“The club that was raided the week after we went?” He arches a brow. “Brecken and I went there for recon. We busted them a week later. How do you think I kept the tapes from leaking?”

I take a step back as I shake my head. “No!” I say firmly. This can’t be true. “I don’t believe you.”

“It’s true.”

I look at my brother when he speaks. He takes a step toward me. “They are cops, and I’ve been working for them.”

What? This isn’t possible. “Why?” I ask as tears start to sting my eyes.

He sighs heavily. “Remember when Dad called you in the middle of the night? When he got arrested?” I nod my head slowly. “I went to bail him out. But they wouldn’t let me. I spoke to an officer who gave me Case’s number. I called him and made a deal with him. I was to buy and sell drugs in order to catch a guy in order for Dad’s release.”

“No.” I place a hand over my mouth. “Dad …?” A sob comes out. “You did this for Dad?” I ask angrily. “You placed your life in danger for a man who doesn’t give two shits about us?” I snap.

“Taylor, he …”

“No!” I shout pointing a finger at him. Then turn to face Case. His eyes follow the tears that roll down my face before he looks me in the eyes. “So it’s all been a lie?” My voice shakes. “You made me believe that you were really a drug dealer all because you wanted my brother to catch someone you’re after?” My voice rises, and I fist my hands down by my side.


That one little word takes my breath away. It’s all been a lie. Every single little bit of it. “How could you?” I whisper. It took all the air I had just to mutter that one question.

“It’s my job,” he replies simply.

“Your job?” I gasp.

“I had to protect you. In order to do that, I had to get close to you.”

His words are like a slap to my face. “So I was just some fuck?” He doesn’t answer that. He doesn’t need to. “It must have been hard to take one for the team,” I spit out.


My brother speaks my name, and I look over at him. The tears are coming faster now. “You knew this whole time. How could you not tell me?” I ask in disbelief. “When I begged you not to be like Dad. When I begged you to get help. Wouldn’t it have just been easier to tell me the truth?”

“I was given orders. And I had to follow them,” he growls through gritted teeth.

“Orders?” I shout, and I watch Case flinch. “That must have been so hard for you,” I snap. “All of you!” I call out as I spin around to make sure to face each and every one of them. “You can all go to hell!” I yell.




I stand in my office as I watch her cry. And I feel like the biggest ass in the world. Well, I am. The truth is I don’t know what’s a lie and what’s the truth. All I know is I can’t stop staring at her. She is so beautiful, even with tears running down her face. She may be crying, but her eyes are hard and she’s staring at me as if she wants to shoot me. Thankfully, my gun is locked in my desk.

“Taylor.” Just saying her name has my heart beating faster.

“Don’t,” she demands. “Don’t say my name like that. Like it means something to you.” Her bottom lip trembles, and my chest aches.

“I’m sorry,” I say softly.

“I don’t believe you,” she screams.

“Your safety was the most important thing.”

“Who was gonna save me from you, Case?” she asks looking down at the floor in shame.

I swallow thickly not knowing what to say.

“Were you just going to see how far you could take it?” she asks. “Just fire me after you were finished with my brother?”

“You always have a job here.” I would never fire her. And at this point, I don’t wanna push her away. I wanna walk to her and wrap my arms around her. Inhale her scent and tell her that she has meant more to me than anyone else before her. But I don’t. She deserves better. Brecken was right; my life doesn’t allow a relationship. Not the kind she deserves. But I hate the heartache visible in her eyes.

“I hate to be the dick here,” Blane says with a growl. “But can we talk about what you two have been doing later?” he snaps looking over at me. “We have a bigger problem than you two ....” He pauses and Taylor throws Blane a look of hatred and I’m thankful I’m not the only guy she hates in this room at the moment. “You and Case,” he whispers to himself.

“What about me and Case?” she snaps at him.

He turns to face me. “They knew about you and Taylor together.”

I shake my head. “There was no way for them to know. When we went to Rox’s, I never revealed her name.”

“They mentioned you being at Rox’s with me but not her.” He frowns. “They also said Rox ratted you out to the police, but when they went to check the surveillance, it had magically vanished.”

“Fuck!” I say softly. “Did they mention Brecken?” I ask, and he shakes his head.

“Is there a way they could have made you?” Brecken asks me.

I shake my head. “No. And it’s obvious Rox hasn’t figured out who I am either or he wouldn’t have ratted us out to the police.” I shrug. “He thinks I’m just some thug drug dealer he can use as leverage.”

I glance over at Taylor and see the tears are still falling down her gorgeous face. She no longer stares at me with hatred but pure heartbreak. I go to open my mouth to tell her I’m sorry again when the door opens.

“I got here as soon as I could,” Miller announces as he enters in a rush.

“I called him,” Brecken informs me. “We all need to be aware of the situation.”

“I agree.” I look over at Blane. “Can you fill Miller in? I need to talk with Taylor.” Alone. Without three other men staring while listening to me beg for forgiveness.