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“Fuck!” I yell out as I slam my locker door shut!


I stand by the bar in my office as I fill another tumbler of bourbon. It’s my fourth tonight, and I don’t feel an ounce of the effects like I wish I could. I’ve been pacing this office for over three hours. Since the moment Taylor and my boss, Jones, both left me to myself. I’ve walked to the door, opened, and closed it over twenty times to go down and talk to her. To tell her that I’m sorry for what I said and that it was just a lie. That I was pissed at her and didn’t think before I spoke. But I keep stopping myself. She was pissed at me, and I’m afraid if I approach her while she’s working, it will cause a scene. Brecken is the only one who knows what we’ve done, and I prefer to keep it that way. So I will talk to her after we close.

I look up at my door when it opens and sigh to myself when I see Rachel walk in. “Why are you up here in my office and not down on the floor working?” I ask before lifting the tumbler in my hand and taking a gulp.

She smiles sweetly as she makes her way over to me. “Do I have to have a reason?”

“Yes,” I say flatly. “You’re here to work not be up here in my office.”

She frowns. “I can remember plenty of times when you and I were up here when I should have been down there working.” She takes the drink from my hand and knocks it back, swallowing what was left. Normally, that would turn me on, but right now, I just want her to leave me alone.

I grab the empty cup from her hand, refill it, and then walk over to my desk and sit behind it. “Yeah, well, things have changed.”

She saunters over to my desk like a cat in heat. Her tits pushed out and hands on her hips. She wants something! “What do you need?”

She comes to a stop beside me and jumps up on my desk where she’s sitting on it with her legs dangling over the side. She bends over to grab the armrest of my chair and pulls me over to her so I’m between her legs. “I need you,” she purrs. Bent over, her tits are inches from my face.

“I’m not in the mood,” I say taking a drink of my bourbon.

I expect her to look shocked. I’ve never turned her down before, but instead, her soft smile just grows. “When have you ever seen me back down from a challenge?”

I place my free hand on the desk and push away from her. “Not now, Rachel. Get back to work,” I order.

She jumps off the desk and makes her way to stand behind my chair. She leans over, wrapping her arms around my neck and her very hard tits rest on the back of my head. Her hands spread out on my chest and she speaks into my ear. “Is this because of Taylor?”

“Rachel …” I growl.

“I know you haven’t slept with her,” she says remembering the last conversation I had with her about Taylor “But I know you want to,” she whispers. Her hands slide further down to my chest to my stomach and my muscles flex as my cock starts to harden. “You can pretend I’m her.” Her tongue licks up my neck, and I close my eyes. I want to tell her I’ve done it before, back before I slept with Taylor, but since I’ve had the real deal, she could never compare to her. “Come on, Case. Make me swallow your cock while you call me Taylor.” Her hands reach my cock, and she chuckles in my ear.

I shove the chair back, and it pushes her backward. “Stop, Rachael!” I shout as I turn to face her. “I told you no.”

She huffs. “Well, I never thought I’d see the day when Cason became a pussy.” She steps up to me. “You think you can be good for her? Huh? Are you trying to show her that you can be the man she will want?” she demands. “We are just alike, Case. Damaged. Fucked up. And let me guess, you think she can save you?” She shakes her head with disgust. “Nothing can save you! You are a lying piece of shit who will get nothing but what you deserve, and Taylor is sure as hell not it.”

My right hand shakes, and I have the urge to wrap my hand around her throat and squeeze until she passes out. But she would like it. And the only reason I want to is because she is telling the truth and the truth hurts. And she is right! I don’t deserve Taylor. I deserve someone like Rachel. A heartless bitch who uses people. Just like I do.

“Get your ass back downstairs and do what I’m paying you to do,” I order.


The last half of the night went just as bad as the first half. I am so fucking pissed at Case that I could slap him across his face. She said they had slept together three weeks ago. That’s been since I met him. Not since I have been with him sexually, but for sure since I met him. He lied to me. He said he had rules, yet he has been sleeping with Rachel? It doesn’t make any sense.

The club lights come on and I thank the Lord it’s closing time. This day just needs to be over.

I hear his voice as he calls out to Brecken, and I can’t help but look over at him on the stairs. Brecken meets him halfway and they talk for a few minutes. I sit down at the table I was cleaning off and just stare at them. I don’t look away when Case looks my way. I just hold his hard stare with narrowed, hateful eyes.

Once they finish talking, he pats Brecken on the back and then finishes coming down the stairs. I realize he is coming straight for me, and I stand, needing to get away from him. I take off down the hallway, but as I go to enter the locker room, he grabs me from behind me and spins me around.

“I would ask if your night got any better, but the fuck-you look you have already answered that question,” he says flatly.

“You lied to me,” I blurt out not wanting to waste any time

His face tightens as he places his mask on. The one that closes off all of his emotions from me. He’s too good at this.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about …”

“Don’t lie to me again,” I interrupt him. “Why would you sleep with Rachel?” I demand.

He just stares down at me, and I feel my heart pound in my chest. He’s not gonna even try to deny it? “What makes you think …?”

“She told me!” I shout furiously. “She told me that you and her fuck! Well, you and Brecken fuck her!” I cross my arms over my chest.

“That bitch!” he growls as he looks down the long hallway. “She was playing me earlier.”

“Playing you?” What is he talking about?

He quits searching and looks back at me. “Yes!” he hisses. “She was in my office earlier.”

My eyes widen. “What was she doing in your office, Case?” He opens his mouth, but I raise my hand. “Never mind. I already know what you do with women in your office.” I hate how much it hurts to know he had done the same thing with Rachel just hours ago.

“It’s not what you think.” He lets out a cuss as he runs his hand through his dark hair.

“You told me that you don’t sleep with your employees. Yet you slept with

me, and obviously, Rachel. Or do you not really have that as a rule?” I demand.

“It is a rule. I don’t fuck my employees,” he growls.

“You fucked me!” I remind him in case he forgot. “And you fucked Rachel,” I snap.

“Rachel is different,” he snaps back.

My mouth falls open as I suck in a breath. “So what? She’s the exception to the rule. What was I? Just an opportunity?” My eyes start to sting, and I beg myself not to cry. Not like this. It’s just been sex. You know that! Don’t let it hurt so much.

“You know that’s not the truth,” he says softer.

He reaches out to touch me, but I take a step back. “I know you’ve lied. And I can’t believe anything you say.”

Before he can say another word, I spin around and shove the back door open before slamming it shut. I just need some fresh air. Just need to get away from him. The alley is dark and somewhat cold for being the middle of summer. The wind whips my hair around and I push it behind my ear, but that doesn’t really work. I start to walk down the narrow alleyway, kicking a few rocks as I walk. Wishing they were Case’s head at the moment. Why did I let it get this far? Why did I think I could have sex without letting my emotions get in the way? I’m mad at him, but it’s my fault. I put myself in this situation. My eyes start to sting and a lump forms in my throat.