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I smile when I hear Case on the other end. “Yes. What’s up, Case?” Then the smile drops off my face. “How did you get this number?” I had called him #67, and we haven’t had the time to exchange numbers in the last couple of days.

He chuckles. “I’ve had it the entire time, Taylor.”

I huff. “You what? How did you get it?” I try to act offended, but I don’t really care that he had it.

“I have my ways,” is all he says, and I just know that his way is my brother.

“Obviously.” I roll my eyes but smile. “What do you want?” I’m off tonight.

He clears his throat. “Brecken and I are going out tonight. I thought I would see if you wanna come out with us.”

My mouth forms an O but nothing comes out. He wants me to come out with him and Brecken? In public? Just the three of us? I’m not even sure that Brecken likes me.


I snap out of my thoughts and speak before I can even think about it. “I would love to.” I slap my hand over my mouth. You could have said that sounds fun or sure. Not I’d love to. I roll my eyes at myself.

“Okay. I’ll be there to pick you up around seven.”

“Seven?” I ask confused. “Why are we going that early?” I ask remembering what Savannah had said about showing up just a few hours before closing time.

“Well, I figured we could have dinner before.”

“Like a date?” I ask stupidly. Geez, just hang up now and save your dignity, Taylor.

He just chuckles. “Yes, a date. Unless that makes you change your mind about going?” He sounds disappointed at that thought.

“No,” I say quickly. “Not at all.” Shit, I’m so stupid. “I’ll be ready to go by seven.” And then I hang up without waiting to hear if he has anything else to say. I’ve already embarrassed myself enough.

I’ve just finished putting on my lipstick for the evening when I hear the doorbell ring. “Coming,” I say loudly as I look at myself one more time in my floor-length mirror. I hate that Savannah isn’t here to do my hair and makeup, but I have to say it doesn’t look that bad. Although I did redo both of them twice.

I also raided Savannah’s closet for something to wear. I picked out a simple black dress that comes up to my neck in the front and has a low dip in the back. I tried on every bra I had and ended up having to pass because it comes too far down in the back and the straps showed.

I smooth my hands down it thinking it would be the perfect size if it was just two inches longer. But it was too pretty to pass up so no bending over for me tonight. I sit down on the end of my bed and slide on the dark blue high heels Savannah had in her closet as well. I tried on a red pair, but it clashed with my hair. Who knew that could be an issue? So thankfully, she had a pretty blue pair.

What was I gonna do? I wonder as I look around my room.

The doorbell rings again, and I jump up. Answer the door. That was it.

I almost bust my ass as I make my way to the door, so I stop and take a calming breath. Why are you so nervous? He’s seen you naked. We’ve had sex, for Christ’s sake. Why is a date so nerve wracking? Is it because it’s more formal? ‘Cause other women will see me out in public with him?

I quit rattling off in my brain, take a deep breath, and open the door. Two hands land on my hips and I’m pushed back against the wall. Familiar lips land on mine, and I close my eyes as I gasp in surprise.

The scent, the one that still warns me of danger, fills my nose, and I welcome it. I push up against him as he pushes me into the wall and deepens the kiss. I open my mouth for him a little more as I yank him to me.

He pulls away too soon, and I open my eyes to look up at his dark blue eyes as I breathe heavily.

“Hello, beautiful,” he whispers. He places a hand on my face, and I lean into it.

“Hello, handsome,” I reply softly.

His eyes look down my dress, and my body heats up. The memory of how sore I am is no longer a problem.

His free hand runs up my thigh to my hip. “You look gorgeous tonight.”

“Thank you.” I lick my lips, still tasting his lips on mine. “You look pretty nice yourself,” I say finally noticing his black button-down shirt and dark blue jeans. His dark hair is spiked with gel. I reach up and run the palm of my hand against his unshaven face, and I love how it tickles my hand.

A smirk plays on his lips, and I have the urge to pull him to my bedroom. I’d love to repeat what we did yesterday before my shift in his office. I want that scruff on his face up against my thighs. My pussy. My legs get weak, and my pussy tightens at that memory.

I remove my hand from his face and grab his hand. I pull it away from my face and push off the wall ready to drag him to my bedroom when he pulls me in the opposite direction. “Come on. Let’s get out of here before we spend all night here,” he says as if that would be the worst idea ever.

“I don’t mind,” I say truthfully.

He laughs at that and pulls me to him. His dark blue eyes look down at me with heat in them. “You look too beautiful not to show off tonight.” Then he lowers his lips to where they are touching mine. “But don’t think that means I won’t rip this dress off you later, bend you over your bed, and fuck you roughly.”

I inhale sharply as I feel my pussy get wet. Thank God, I wore panties.




One would say to bring Taylor out with me for the night is a mistake. Brecken and I argued in my office last night again over me sleeping with her while she was working. He feels it’s a mistake, and although I agree with him, I still refuse to stop. He said I was doing it for the wrong reasons. Am I? Yes, I’ve been doing everything for the wrong reasons when it comes to her. But it’s working. For now.

When I suggested we go out tonight and we take her with us, he looked at me as if I had lost my mind. He actually asked me if I’d lost my mind. I simply replied no, but the thought had crossed my mind. But this was the next step for her and me to do. I wanna keep her safe, right? This will be a sure way to keep her safe. Where we are going to tonight isn’t the best place. There will be trouble there although I don’t plan to get into any trouble tonight. But that’s why my plan will work; everyone there will see her with me. They will know that she is with me and that if anyone fucks with her, they will have to deal with me. It’s fucking perfect! No one has to know her name. And they’ve already met Blane. I took him there the other night, but no one will know that she and he are related. Tonight, it’ll just be Taylor with Brecken and myself. And no one has the balls to fuck with us.

“I hope you like Mexican food,” I say not taking my eyes off the road.

“I love it,” she responds.

I take a quick look over at her as she sits in the passenger seat. I have an urge to pull this car over and push that dress up to bury my cock in that pussy. I might have looked a little too desperate when she answered the door, but I couldn’t help it. If you’ve ever had a taste of something you knew was forbidden, that you knew could potentially ruin you … then you will understand the urgency I had for her. She’s beautiful, but I think the fact she was supposed to be off-limits is what drew me to her in the first place.

I shift my eyes back on the road and tighten my hand on the steering wheel trying to clear my mind. Even though we’re not at the club working tonight, this is still a job. We’re still going out for a reason; she just doesn’t know that. Fuck, I’m gonna go to hell. I almost laugh at that thought. Of course, you are, but not because of this. In God’s eyes, there is no sin greater than the other. And believe me, I’ve done too many to ask for forgiveness and nor do I want to. There’s a reason why Brecken and I named the club Seven Deadly Sins. Our world is full of sin. Brecken and I just don’t really give a shit, I guess. And the people who we work with don’t either.