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“Not yet.”

“Please,” I beg, and I can’t help but think of what Savannah had said in the bathroom the first time we came to this club. Women beg him to fuck them. Well, I lasted a week before I became one of those women.

He smiles, and it is nothing short of satisfaction. Removing his fingers from my pussy, I let out a whimper of protest. “Lie down on your back.”

I let out a long sigh as I slowly lie down on my back. I look up at him as he crawls onto the bed. He places his body between my legs and I suck in a breath as he starts to lower his head to my pussy. God, I’m glad I showered. I’d hate for him to taste beer on me. That would be a total mood killer, right?

I arch my back and let out a soft cry when I feel the scruff on his face skim across the inside of my thigh. “Case …” I gasp. My body reacts to his touch, and I lift my hips, wanting to feel more of him.

His fingers grip my legs, and he throws them over his shoulders and places his hands on my hips, pressing them down on his comforter. “Is this what you wanted?” he questions. I go to answer but feel his tongue run up my pussy. I shudder. “You wanted me to fuck you with my tongue?” He repeats the motion, and I arch my back as I suck in a deep breath.

“More,” I breathe. “I need more.” I place my hands in his dark hair and push his head down. The breath catches in my throat when his tongue enters me without warning.

A shiver runs through me as his facial hair scratches my skin while he fucks me with his tongue. I thrash against his bed; whether I’m trying to get away or beg for more, I don’t know. All I do know is that he fucks me with his mouth as hard as he did earlier with his cock. His fingers dig into my hip bones, and I cry out as I let go of his head. I grab ahold of my breasts, and I pinch my hardened nipples.

I’ve never been into rough sex. But he makes me want it rougher. He makes me want it to hurt. He makes me want to scream out and beg for more even if it is to the point of pain.

My body thrashes, and my pussy tightens as I gasp for breath. I cry out as that familiar sensation starts to build deep in my stomach. My body breaks out in goosebumps, and I lock my legs around his head as my back arches. I reach up and run my hands through my hair till I grip it at the scalp. It prickles as the pain has my pussy tightening around his tongue. I come with his name on my lips as my body feels a high it has never reached before.


I pull away from her and stand from the bed. I get out of my shoes, jeans, and boxers in a rush. Going over to my nightstand, I grab a condom and roll it on my achingly hard cock.

I crawl back onto the bed and over her trembling body. Her lips are slack, and her eyes are closed, but I know she’s not asleep. She’s still feeling her orgasm. I slide my aching cock into her wet pussy, and her body jerks from how sensitive it is. I lick my lips and then lean down over her. I place my lips on hers and her hands shoot up to my chest. She tries to push me away, but I grab her wrists and pin them down by her head. She arches her back with a moan.

“Fucking kiss me,” I demand.

She shakes her head, eyes still closed. “Case …”

My hands tighten on her wrists, and she opens her mouth to suck in a deep breath. I take the opportunity and lower my lips to hers again. I shove my tongue in her mouth, and she moans in response. I pull away to say, “Taste how fucking sweet you are, Taylor.”

She opens her eyes and looks up at me. She fists her hands, and I feel her muscles stretch under my hands. She licks her lips, and I smile.

“You taste amazing, baby,” I whisper.

Her eyes fall on my lips, and I bend down again. This time, her tongue comes out and runs across my lips. She opens her mouth, and I move in closer, kissing her softly. She pushes her tongue into my mouth, and I deepen the kiss. She pulls my tongue into her mouth and sucks on it. My cock jerks inside her.

I pull away panting. “Fuck. I’m gonna fuck you all night.” I pull back and thrust forward. This can’t happen again. This was already a bad idea, but fuck, it feels fucking amazing.

“Yes.” She cries out and arches her back. Her pussy tightens around my cock with every thrust.

Just like earlier in my office, I need more. I let go of her wrists and pull out of her. Before she can even protest, I flip her over onto her stomach and pull her ass up in the air. I stare down at her shaved, soaked pussy and ass. The need to fuck it is strong, but I have to remind myself not tonight.

I spread her legs with my knees, and she cries out softly. Her knees shake against mine, and I take my slick cock in my hand and slide it into her. Her pussy tightens, pulling me into her, and my balls tighten in response. Fuck, I’m not gonna last long.

She places her hands on the comforter and gets up on her hands and knees. I grab her hands and pull them behind her back. She falls to the bed with a whimper. Her hands fight my hold, but I grip them tightly in one hand while I lean over her. I use my free hand to pull the hair off the side of her face. I whisper in her ear, “I’m gonna fuck you however I want.” She sucks in a breath and then nods her head. I growl with the knowledge she is gonna let me have my way with her. “I like it rough, and I like to be in control. Do you have a problem with that?” I ask. I would never do something that she refused. But fuck, I pray she doesn’t tell me no.

“No.” She swallows then takes a deep breath. “Please.” She pushes her hips into me, and I smile.

“Good.” I sit back up, run my free hand up her back, and wrap my hand in her loose hair. I grip it tightly, and her entire body softens. “You like that, don’t you?” I lift her head off the bed, and she hisses in a breath. “Your pussy just gets wetter and wetter.”

I pull back and slam into her. She screams out as her body jerks, and she pants as she relaxes once again.

I like the way her voice sounds when she screams, but it’s gonna make me come sooner than I want. So I press her face down into the comforter and fuck her as hard as I can.


I lie on my back, one hand on my chest and the other stretched out to my side under Taylor’s head. We both breathe heavy as our hearts pound. It’s now after seven in the morning, and we just finished our second round since I returned to my apartment. I don’t think I have ever felt so drained, so fucking worthless in my life. The woman made me work for what I got. And I loved every second of it.

She places her hand on my chest as she turns onto her side to face me. Her fingers softly run up and down my arm that lies across my own chest as she traces the blue ink that covers it.

“Why do you have so many tattoos?” she asks softly, as she still tries to catch her breath.

I don’t like to talk about my tattoos. I got them for a reason, but I hate when people ask about them. I don’t like to explain them. “I’ve just always had a thing for ink.” I give the simplest answer.

She seems satisfied with that and grabs my wrist. She lifts it up and turns it over. I feel her body stiffen when she sees Nicole written on my wrist. I should have never taken my watch off. “Who is Nicole?”

I close my eyes and let out a sigh. This is why you have these rules, Case. This is why you don’t stay in bed and cuddle afterward. This is why you fuck them and then leave them.

“Was she an ex-girlfriend of yours?” she continues when I don’t speak.

I remove my wrist from her hand and pull my hand out from underneath her head. I stand from the bed and pick up my shirt from the floor. I slip it on and look her in the eyes. She’s hurt. I can see it in her big blue eyes and the small frown on her lips.

“It doesn’t matter who she was,” I say simply.

She sits up and runs a hand through her messy hair nervously. “Case, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”