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“Noooo,” he shouts fisting his hands in the air. “You little bastard,” he hisses before he starts running his fingers over his keyboard as he narrows his eyes at the screen. “Whatever you want,” he says to me not taking his attention from his computer.

I smile. “Thanks, Binsen,” I say as I reach behind me, grab the door, and open it before turning around and walking out. Well, that went easier than I had expected. He knows he can always count on me, though. I’m always here early, and I never have a problem with staying late. If we had an employee of the month, I’m sure I would get it every time.

“Taylor.” My co-worker Shanna comes running down the hallway toward me. Her brown hair pulled up into a tight ponytail bounces behind her. “There is a really hot guy here asking for you.” Her dark brown eyes light up.

“Please don’t talk about my brother that way,” I beg. It’s sickening how much all the women love him. All he does is bat his eyes, and the girls fall to their knees for him. And I can’t even stand to look at him right now. I’m still pissed beyond belief at him, and he hasn’t even tried to apologize to me for the way he treated me and the words he said.

“It’s not your brother,” she says with a frown, “But I wouldn’t tell this guy no either if he tried to get me to bed.” She winks at me, and I have an urge to vomit, just thinking of her asking my brother to sleep with her.

“Who is it?” I ask not really caring who the guy is. No one comes to see me at work. Or at home. And if it was my ex, she would just tell me.

“Weren’t you listening? Some hot guy.”

She places her arm in the crook of mine and starts to drag me down the hallway. She shoves the double swinging doors open at the end of the hallway and I take in the light from the front bay windows of the coffee shop.

“I found her.” She giggles, pulling me behind one of the registers.

As the man standing on the other side of the counter comes into view, I pause as my mind momentarily goes blank. It’s him. Case is standing in the coffee shop, staring at me as a smile tugs at the corners of his full lips. He’s wearing a black tight fitting t-shirt and worn-out jeans. He has a black hat on backward making him look even younger than I know he has to be. He reaches up and runs his hand over his facial hair that lines his defined jaw. And my heart rate speeds up in terror.

He knows where I work?

Has he been following me?

“Case.” My voice is high from the shock. “What are you doing here?” I take a quick look around to see if his big sidekick is here with him. Would Case kill me himself or would he have his security guy do it? “You need to leave,” I demand as my eyes continue to dart around in panic.

Shanna looks over at me as if I’ve lost my mind talking to him like that. If only she knew what kind of man he truly is. She would be running from him, not drooling over his wide chest and tatted arms.

“I came to check on you.” The words sound harmless, and Shanna even sighs at that explanation, but I’m not gonna fall for his shit.

“Sure, you did,” I mumble.

His smile just widens, and it makes his face light up with mischief. “Can you take a break?”

I’m about to say no when Shanna shoves me to the side. “Of course, she can.” I stumble but am able to stay upright. I shoot her a glare, and she nudges her head over in Case’s direction as if I didn’t know the idiot was standing right there.

“I’m not leaving with you,” I inform him as I walk around the counter cautiously.

He chuckles, but nods his head in understanding. “Of course. A seat?” He gestures to one of the tables behind him sitting up against the window.

I take a deep breath as I walk over to the table that he’s now standing by. I eye him skeptically when he pulls the chair back for me to sit in. “Trying to be a gentleman?” I ask when he comes around to sit in the chair across from me. I take a quick look around to see how many people are in here. He can’t kill me if there are witnesses, can he? Would he just kill them too?

“I have my days.” His deep voice is full of amusement.

I place my forearms on the table and lean over. I hate that the smell of him has me taking a deep breath. He smells delicious and all man with a hint of spine. It’s good enough to eat.

I feel like I’m a fly stuck in a flytrap. Or a kid who has been brought to a candy store. What kid wouldn’t want a taste of something so sweet? “What do you think you’re doing here?” I try to keep my voice down and take shallow breaths so I don’t inhale him. “How did you even know I work here? Spying on me?” Get answers! That is my main goal.

He lets out a chuckle to indicate that my question and accusations don’t alarm him. “Your brother told me where you work. And no, I’m not spying on you. I just came to check on you.”

I roll my eyes. “And why would I need checking up on?”

“He also informed me about the break-in.” His dark blue eyes search my face and his lips turn down into a pout. I hate that it makes my heart speed up. He doesn’t care about you, Taylor. Don’t buy the act.

“Of course, he did,” I hiss, getting mad at myself. “But you already knew about it, didn’t you?” Turn the table on him. Make him confess.

I hate to admit that the smile he gives me is very charming. It’s one of those slow and sexy ones, showing off his perfectly white teeth. If I didn’t know he was a drug dealer and had been arrested, it would melt my panties. But since I do know all of that, I ignore the way my legs tighten. “No, I didn’t know about it until he told me that I am your number one suspect.”

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms over my chest. Play it cool. “And you have come to try and convince me otherwise?”

“Something like that.” He shrugs carelessly.

Now, my heart is racing for a different reason. Alarm. “What is the something?” I ask slowly.

He waves me off. “I’m not here to convince you I didn’t do it when you already know …”

I’m sure he can hear my heart pounding from across the table. “Are you admitting to it?” He knows I think he did it. So why would he say that? He’s starting to confuse me.

“No,” he replies calmly. “I don’t want you to go to the police. Therefore, I would have no reason to act unless you acted first. Which you haven’t done.” He gives me a cruel smile. One that makes him threatening and handsome at the same time. His dark blue eyes light up as they look me up and down, and I swallow nervously. This man is danger! Why do women find danger so attractive? Because of men like him. The ones covered in tats and have those smiles that make you weak in the knees. Every person wants a walk on the wild side. To know what sin tastes like. I bet he tastes like the sweetest piece of candy going down; it’s that bitter aftertaste that will get you.

I say nothing but shake my head. Another warning. And he knows I’m not going to go to the cops now. I would have already done so. He probably has them in his pocket anyway. “I haven’t broken my word,” I say, but I’m sure Blane already told him that I tried.

He doesn’t say anything but leans over into his chair as he digs into his back pocket and produces a black wallet. He opens it up and places a card on the table. He then pushes it across the table till it stops in front of me.

I look down at it and see Seven Deadly Sins written across the top of the black card in shades of bright blue. I can’t help but notice it’s in the same colors as the tattoos that cover his arms. “You came to my work to give me a business card?” I ask looking back up at him. His dark blue eyes stare so intensely into mine that I swallow nervously. What does he want from me?

“I want to offer you a job.”

I let out a laugh so loud people turn to stare at us. I was not expecting that! “In the club? The club where you deal drugs?” I say a little softer. I may not agree with how this guy runs his life, but he sure as hell isn’t the kind of guy you wanna piss off. He’s proved that.