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And we were still over the moon excited when that award went to Kole. So even though I know Kane would have loved to take another win for Impenetrable, when Kole stepped around me and hugged his brother before taking the stage, I could tell all thoughts of his own film not winning were gone.

When Best Screenplay was up, I wasn’t as nervous as I am now. I clapped like a mad woman and silently wiped the tears when Kane took the stage to give his acceptance speech. He left the stage with a wink toward where I was seated in the darkened audience just as a seat filler had sat down. I was—thankfully—used to this from last year, but it’s still weird to have some stranger sit next to you just so there are no empty seats. I don’t think I’ll ever understand Hollywood.

I know that winning for Best Screenplay was an incredible honor, but I felt like all of my eggs were sitting in the basket of unease for his next nomination. This film is his baby. Something that eerily matched my own life, a fact Kane had not missed. So while all the other awards are something to be so proud of, the one for Best Director is not only proof that the film had been a phenomenal success, but also gives Kane the validation that he’s not just an actor.

He’s created this film word for word.

He crafted its beauty.

And he deserves this moment.

Which is why by the time he had finished his behind the scenes obligations, I had hit a whole new high in my anxiety. Why does this have to be one of the last awards of the night? I’ve sat here for hours about to come out of my skin in sick anticipation.

His hand squeezes mine when they say his name, giving away his unease. I know the exact moment the camera must be showing us to all the viewers watching on television because I feel a rush confidence from his body. I look over, making sure I have a smile on my nerve-stricken face, and watch my man work the camera angled his way from the aisle. You would never guess how much he wants this by the easy, handsome smirk on his face.

“And the Golden Globe for Best Director, motion picture, goes to,” the female voice says, her voice echoing around us.

Oh, God.

“Kane Masters for Impenetrable!”

“Oh, God!” I exclaim, jumping up at the same time that he slowly stands.

When he turns to me, I smile at him through the tears running down my face. His lazy smile grows, dimple comes out, and he wraps his arms around me before giving me a hard press with his lips against mine.

“I’m so proud of you,” I whisper, just for him, before I shove him playfully into the aisle.

I can see his broad shoulders moving as he chortles, walking toward the stage with so much power in his controlled steps. Each one that he takes so sure and steady, as if he isn’t facing one of the biggest recognitions in his career right now. I don’t know how he isn’t skipping down there while sobbing like a baby. Okay, so Kane isn’t a skipper or a sobber, but still. I have apparently decided to take over the sobbing in happiness end of the emotional gauntlet while he deals with the thankful happiness.

I watch him hug both of the presenters before turning toward the audience, his deep laugh of disbelief as he holds the award up in reverence. I swipe at my face, removing the tears from my vision so I can memorize this moment. He brings his free hand up to run it through his hair, losing that messy-like perfection that his stylist had created. I’m sure if the camera were to show my wet, makeup ruined face, Kirby would be throwing things at the television, which I hope isn’t the case since I’m a fan of the ninety-inch screen in Kane’s media room. I can only imagine the elation flowing through that room now with Kirby, Eddie, Kane’s parents, Mia, and little Milo making it party central.

Kane’s shoulders pull back, and I know he’s trying to control his emotions, but when he looks up from the award and into the crowd, I know he’s losing.

“When we started filming Impenetrable, I had no doubts in this film. I knew that we were creating magic, and hopefully, through Allison’s journey, we were creating freedom. Freedom for every person who is fighting the battles she did. We had filmed for a solid two months when the magnitude of that hit me. I believed in my film, the actors, and the message, but it wasn’t until I witnessed the reality of becoming impenetrable that I was able to truly see its brilliance. At that moment, I knew this wasn’t and would never be just a film to me. Not when I still have the very definition of it living in my guest house fifty yards away.”

My body heaves when his meaning becomes clear and with a loud sob, my hand comes to my mouth and those darn tears leak again. I think back to the moment he’s talking about when I first sat down next to him on the set in Georgia.

He continued with his speech, thanking his cast, production team, and everyone within Kane Entertainment for all of their hard work on the film. His little jokes making my hand fall and my smile grow. I’m finally able to breathe again when it looks as if he’s about to stop talking. The pride for him at this moment is insurmountable.

“And lastly, to my beautiful Willow,” he starts, looking toward my direction again, searching. “Without you by my side, I don’t think that I would have been able to make Impenetrable as powerful as I know it is. I’m the luckiest man in the world right now. Well, almost.”

He bizarrely stops talking as a secretive grin fills his face. He continues to look in my direction, and when he steps away from the mic, turning toward the stage stairs instead of following the presenters and that fancy dressed award show version of a traffic director, he stomps back down the aisle. He’s headed back to where I’m seated as a dull roar of whispers starts filling the shocked theater.

“What in the world is he doing?” I gasp and look to my left at a very smug looking Kole.

“My guess is this would be another one of those embarrassingly romantic grand gesture things he seems to be so fond of.”

“What?” I gasp again, turning back toward the advancing Kane. Kole continues to let out deep grunts of laughter as Kane takes the last few steps, stopping in the aisle directly in front of me and causing the seat filler to hurry out of the way.

He hands his brother the shining gold award, my eyes tracking its movements before looking back up to his face, only to find him no longer standing.

What the heck?

The room goes electric as the whispers turn into a mix of shocked gasps and excited cheers. I feel Kane grab my hand, and I look around the room before my shocked eyes move down to where Kane is now kneeling in front of me.

On one knee.

With his hand holding one of mine and the other hand in the air.

Holding a ring twinkling from the lights dancing off it between his fingers.

An engagement ring.

Oh. My. God.

“Kane,” I breathe in shock.

His smile brightens. “Well? How about you help me out here and make one of the greatest nights in my life even better. It’s time to move out of that damn guest house and marry me.”

“Is that a question?” I blurt.

He throws his head back and lets out a booming laugh. “Willow Elizabeth Tate, I love you. Will you marry me?”

I start nodding before he’s even finished, and his smile grows even larger. I feel him slip the cold metal on my finger and then I’m in his arms. His hands cradling my face as he takes my lips in a deep kiss.

When he lifts his head, his lips dance across mine. “You’re finally moving out of my guest house?”

“Oh, yeah.” I giggle.

“Tonight, we celebrate in our bed.”

I know the crowd can’t hear his words, but he’s once again giving the world confirmation of our relationship with one heck of a show. God, I love this man. I throw my head back and laugh with so much carefree abandon. He steps away, takes his award back from Kole, and with a nod to his brother, he turns and walks back toward where the producers are about to go insane to move him backstage. They might have been annoyed by his show-stealing moment, but when the ratings hit, they’ll be thanking him for running over the allotted time.