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“That look isn’t ever for you. You don’t have to worry.” He walks over to me, taking my hands in his. “But anyone who ever tries to hurt you, they should worry.”

He dips his head until I can’t look away, and neither of us blinks. He’s showing me something he doesn’t show everyone, and I’m not sure I can handle it, but he thinks I can. So I will.

“Move in with me, Pep.”

“I just . . . I have to—”

“What’s the real issue? There’s always a real issue behind what you actually say.”

I heave a weighted breath because he’s so right.

“I watched my mom pack up our lives and start from scratch when my dad left. I promised myself I would always have my own space. That I would never be at the mercy of a man like that.”

“You don’t trust me to take care of you?”

He frowns, bending closer, eliminating the space between us. I pull back enough to think. Enough to make my point.

“I don’t want you to take care of me.”

Why does he still not get that?

“Pep, but I can. While you are making your way, I can. Have you thought any more about quitting The Note?”

I have considered it. Not for the reasons he probably thinks.

“I’m quitting.” I raise a hand when his face lights up. “I’m quitting because it’s a circus. Photographers come in since it’s a public place. All the customers take pictures of me. Everyone asks about you. It’s just . . . a joke.”

“Can’t say I’m sad about it.” He tries to seduce me with those long lashes, going in for the kill. “So about you moving in . . .”

“I thought we were going to the studio.”

“Oh, yeah. Marlon’s gonna kill me if I’m late.” He grins, slapping my butt. “I can just blame it on you.”

“Oh, yeah, because he’s such a fan of me already.”

It upsets me that Rhyson’s best friend doesn’t trust me. Bristol, I can’t make myself care about because she’s probably an apple that didn’t fall far enough from her mother’s cold-hearted tree. But Grip is like a brother to Rhyson, and I know he only wants what’s best for him. For him to think that isn’t me hurts.

“I don’t care if he isn’t a fan yet. He will be. Soon everyone will be a fan of you. But I’m your biggest fan.” Rhyson drags me out of the music room by one hand, looking over his shoulder with that irresistible grin. “Don’t forget that when you’re big time.”

By the time we pull up to Wood, Rhyson is fifteen minutes late. He’s such a consummate professional, it does bother him. The whole way there, he’s tapping the steering wheel, honking at slow drivers, and driving too fast. I can barely keep up with his long legs on the best of days, much less when he’s speed walking to get to this session. He barrels through the front door of Wood, and I barely have time to take in the glass reception desk with mahogany accents or appreciate the mural of famous musicians painted on the walls before we are down a long carpeted hallway on our way to the studio.

“So each studio has a theme,” Rhyson says over his shoulder, giving his version of an abbreviated tour. “Oak. Mahogany. Pine. You get the picture.”

“Hey, Rhyson!” A girl calls from the end of the hall we just left.

We both turn to look at her. She looks ethnically mixed, her light caramel skin, smooth and unblemished. Blonde dreadlocks fall past her shoulders and to her waist. Her grey-green eyes are clear and a little too warm when they settle on my boyfriend.

“Kai, this is Amber, our receptionist,” Rhyson says, his voice impatient. “Amber, Kai, my girlfriend. What’s up?”

She looks at me an extra moment, those beautiful eyes cooling before she speaks.

“Just wanted you to know Marlon moved from the Maple room to Cherry.” Her eyes go wide. “Oh! And nemesis is in Birch.”

“Great,” Rhyson mutters. “This night just got better.”

“Problem?” I hold his hand as he negotiates the maze of hallways, passing various studios with their huge soundboards and the booths I would kill to get in.

“No, she was just giving me a heads up that Drex is here.”

Rhyson stops because I have. He tugs on my hand, but I’ve dug my heels into the hallway carpet like they’ve dried into cement.

“Pep, I’m already late.” He gives me a quick frown. “Come on.”

“I’m-I’m not feeling well.”

I have to get out of here. As vindictive as Rhyson says Drex has always been toward him, it’s a small miracle he hasn’t already made sure Rhyson knows about our one night together. Everyone else knows we’re dating. I know Drex knows. And I know he remembers me. If he hears Rhyson and I are here together at Wood . . . I can’t take the chance.

“What?” Rhyson leans in, cupping my face, frowning, concerned. “What kind of not feeling well? Like fever? Stomach? What’s wrong?”

I ignore the guilt gnawing at my insides and clutch my stomach.

“I think it was that hummus.” I grimace, biting my bottom lip.

His face clears and he grins ruefully.

“I hate to say I told you so, but I did say that hummus tasted like butt.”

I give a weak grin, pressing my hand deeper into my stomach.

“I’ll take you home.” He starts us back down the hallway.

“No, Grip’s already waiting for you.” I place a staying hand on his chest. “I’ll catch a bus. I saw a stop just up the block.”

“No way.” He looks torn for a second. “I’ll have Gep come get you. He’ll take you home, and I’ll be back in a couple of hours.”

I’m not crazy about it. I want out of this place like right now, but it’s probably the best I’ll do.

“Tell him to hurry.” I fake a stomach cramp. “I need to lie down.”

“I’m sorry, baby.”

He pushes a door open behind him. The only noise in the room is the hum of a refrigerator. It’s a break room of sorts, furnished with just a few chairs and tables, a water cooler, and a couple of couches against the wall. He walks me over to a couch, pressing my shoulder until I’m horizontal.

“Just lie down here for a little bit. I’ll call Gep.” He kisses the corner of my mouth. “Let me find Marlon. I’ll be back.”

I lie down, staring at the tiles above me, wondering how my life got this complicated. My eyelids drift closed, for a few minutes blocking out all the threats to the best thing in my life. A finger tickles across my eyebrows.


I open my eyes, and my worst nightmare stares back at me, wearing a disguise of blue eyes and dark brown hair, prone to curl. Most women would think he’s handsome. I did the first day I met him on set.

“Drex, hi.” My voice dries up. I swallow to irrigate the words. “I . . . it’s good to see you.”

“Is it really?” His grin is made of trouble and malice. “Long time, no see. You never returned my calls or texts.”

“I was busy.”

I sit up, putting distance between us, scooting to the other end of the couch. He follows, his body crowding me. I walk over to lean against the wall by the refrigerator.

“Where’s your boyfriend?”

I keep my face straight, raising my lashes to stare back at the man who can send everything tumbling down with just a few words.

“Drex, please don’t.”

“Oh, I’ve been watching you, sweet girl.” He walks over to me, and my heart thumps harder with every step he takes closer. “All over the blogs and tabloids. Rhyson Gray finally found his girl. How shocked was I when I realized it was you, my little dancer from months ago. A night I’ll never forget.”

He rolls a knuckle down my cheek, leaning forward, until his breath feathers across my lips. I tolerate his touch for a second, before pulling away ready to reason with him.

“Drex, you don’t have to—”

“Did you know we hate each other?”

I don’t nod or acknowledge his question. There isn’t a right way to respond. Anything I say or do, he’ll use against me.

“And knowing that, didn’t you wonder why I hadn’t rubbed it in his face already?” He smirks. “Our night together, I mean.”