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“Yeah, I’m good. Just leaving class.”

“How was it? Any trouble with reporters?”

“Just a few, but it was no big.”

“Where you off to now?”

How to answer? If I tell him I’m meeting Dub, we may argue, and things have been perfect between us. I’ve been staying at his place for the most part, falling deeper and harder every day. Between the one-night stand with Drex and meeting Dub for lunch, the things I’m keeping from him are piling up, and I hate it.

But I have to. On both fronts, I have to.

“Just grabbing lunch.”

“Then you’re coming home?”

Home. It sounds so good when he says it. Would it freak him out if he knew home for me is wherever he is? That I’d move in tomorrow if he asked me? Where is that girl who was scared to trust him? Who wanted to take things so slow? After little more than a week together, my heart is unreservedly his.

“Yeah. Then I’ll be home.”

“Can Gep come get you?”

“Um, I’ll be fine.”

“Pep, I don’t like you taking the bus.”

“San will bring me to your place later. I need to swing by my apartment to grab a few things.”

“You sure?”

“I’m sure.” Someone tugs the rope to stop, and I realize I need to get off too. “Hey, this is my stop.”

“Okay.” His voice drops. “I’m at home writing. Missing you.”

“I miss you too.” I look around at the other passengers, wondering if any of them recognize me. Wondering if any of them are surreptitiously aiming their camera phones at me. “I need to go.”

“Love you.”

I catch the eye of a girl staring at me just a tad too long for comfort. Does she know who I am? Or at least who I’m dating?


“I heard you. Me too. I’ll see you later.”

There’s a pause before he answers.

“Okay. See you.”

As soon as I’m off the bus, and oriented to where I’m supposed to meet Dub, I pull my phone back out and text Rhyson.

Me: There were people all around and I wasn’t sure if any of them recognized me so I didn’t want to say it, but I live you too.

R. Geritol: You LIVE me? Thanks, Pep. I live you too.

Me: LOL! Damn autocorrect. I LOVE you, idiot. TTYL.

I scan the tables lining the sidewalk, searching for Dub’s broad shoulders and platinum hair.

“Kai, over here.” He waves me over to the table where he’s already seated.

I sit across from him, and immediately wonder if it was a good idea to meet in such a public place. This needs to be fast. I don’t want to be rude, but we need to cut to the chase. I ignore the menu at my elbow and meet his eyes directly.

“So you got the footage?”

He raises his brows and turns his mouth down at the corners.

“Well, aren’t you all business?”

“Sorry. I don’t mean to be.” I glance around at the other diners on the patio. “Just been kind of crazy for me the last week, and being out has been tough.”

“Oh, yeah. You and Rhyson.”

I look up at him, not responding with anything but a nod.

“Look, I know it might be a little awkward now that you’re dating Rhyson,” Dub says, “Seeing as how I asked you out a couple of times before.”

A couple? Try six, but who’s counting?

“Okay, more than a couple.” His self-deprecating laugh reaches me across the small table. “But I didn’t know you were Gray’s girl.”

“I wasn’t at the time. We were just friends.”

“I’m not sure you were ever just friends.” Dub lifts one dark eyebrow, a wide grin showing off his white teeth. “Even when I saw you at Jimmi’s party, he was pissed off when we danced together.”

“You knew that?” I tilt my head and consider him. “Did you provoke him on purpose?”

“Maybe a little.” Dub shrugs those massive shoulders and grins. “Not many people in this town seem to have the balls to go head to head with him, but I got my start boxing in Ireland. I don’t back down from nobody.”

“Yeah, well, now you know, and Rhyson knows that you and I are just friends.”

“If things change between you two . . .” He lifts and lowers his dark eyebrows suggestively.

“They won’t.” I laugh like he knew I would and pick up the menu. “Now what’s good?”

After we’ve both ordered our salads and mineral water, Dub pulls out his phone to show me some of the footage from the video.

“Oh, wow.” My hand covers my mouth. I can’t believe that’s me. I look like . . .

“You’re a star, Kai.” Dub nods when the video ends. “It’s obvious.”

“Thank you so much for the opportunity. I can’t believe how well it’s turned out. Is Luke pleased?”

“Oh, hell yeah. Everyone is, including John Malcolm.”

“John Malcolm?” I take a sip of my water, trying to place the name. “Who’s that?”

“He’s one of the executive producers on Total Package. He flipped when he saw you dancing. When I told him you sing too, he said he had to hear for himself.”

“Are you serious?” Excitement dries my mouth out, so I take a giant gulp of my water.

“Can you be ready to audition for him in a couple weeks?”

I almost spew my water, catching the dribbles with a napkin.

“Sure, I can.”

“He wants you to audition for this season.”

“I can’t believe it.” I shake my head, unable to fully absorb this opportunity.

“Believe it.” Something catches Dub’s eye across the street. “Looks like we got company.”

I follow his glance. The camera lenses reflect the sunlight, blinding me for a moment. At first it seems to be just a few, but then I realize there are several more gathering up and down the sidewalk. They start snapping pictures.

“This won’t look good.” Dub doesn’t look upset. He tosses a few bills down on the table and stands up abruptly.

I stand up too, conscious of my capri workout pants and the cropped top. My hair is scooped up in a high ponytail and I’m wearing no makeup. I’ve never thought so much about what I’m wearing than in the last week with my own photo booth trailing my every move.

Dub and I cross the street, headed for the lot where he’s parked.

The questions bounce off us like pellets.

“Are you still with Rhyson, Kai?”

“Does he know you’re seeing someone else?”

“So are you exclusive or not?”

Their line of questioning shows me just how dangerous lunch with Dub was. This could have ended really badly. Fortunately, Dub’s car is close by. He grabs my hand so that when he increases the pace, I can keep up. He has me in his car and we’re pulling off before they get many more pictures.

They really blindsided me that time. I don’t get their interest me. I mean, maybe I do. Rhyson’s never shown any interest in one particular girl, and they probably wonder what’s so special about me. As we zip through the streets toward my apartment so I can pack a few things and go to Rhyson’s house, I can’t help but wonder the same thing.

My Soul to Keep _46.jpg

My Soul to Keep _9.jpg

I’VE TRIED THE SONG IN A different key. I’ve rearranged the notes. Adjusted the rhyme on the lyrics. I’ve done everything I can think of, but it’s still not working. My fingers fly over the piano keys, reverting to Chopin like I always do when I’m stuck. Something about the technical demand of his pieces forces my mind to work and maneuver around musical problems until I find the solution.

“Stuck, huh?” Marlon asks from the doorway.

“Nothing Chopin can’t handle.” I gesture toward the floor cushions scattered around my music room. “Pull up a chair.”

“So we working on my song today or what?” Marlon leans back, folding his hands behind his head.

“I’m kind of lodged in this song.” I pick out a medley using only the black keys. “Tomorrow?”

“Nah. I got shows. Leaving tomorrow.” Marlon grabs another cushion, sliding it behind his back against the wall. “Can you do next week at Wood?”