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“Like you fuckin’ don’t?”


Mav points at them both. “Knock it the fuck off.” Taz and Bodie trade glares but don’t say another word.

“You back in or what, little stray?” Taz snaps a second later while he rolls his shoulders and pops his chin in my direction. I’m about to say no thanks, but Dozer nudges me. Twice.

“Okay, but I’m getting tired. I’m going to call it a night pretty soon.”

The game resumes and talk turns to the party.

“Cajun called. Said him and Kite and their crew will be down for the party,” Dozer tells Mav.

“I want every HOC here. That way if the GBs don’t like what our decision is, we’re ready.” Mav’s arm comes around the back of my chair. Whether he means to or not he’s touching my shoulder blades. “We’re goin’ all out. Invite the girls from the club and have Lily, Rigor, and Nick stock up on all the food, liquor, and beer we’re gonna need.”

They discuss a few more details about the party as the poker game continues. Bodie plays a couple of hands, but then stands. While meeting Taz’s gaze, he calls the twins over, puts his arms over their shoulders, and escorts them down the hallway.”

“Haven’t seen Davis around. Ortega wisen up and fire his ass?” Griz asks Mav.

“No, but he’s been warned if he comes within two hundred feet of the clubhouse, he will be. Ortega stuck him with a rookie too. The kid’s reporting his whereabouts twenty-four-seven. So he’ll be out of our hair for a while.”

I let out a long, pent up breath I don’t remember holding.

Davis is gone.

I can leave.

Although, if I do, Davis might make me a more wanted woman than I already am.

“You’re up, Babe.” Dozer waves his hand in front of my face. I come out of my daze, but only long enough to fold. My head’s no longer on the game. I need to go up to Dozer’s room. I need time to think.

Faking a yawn, I say, “Honestly, I can barely keep my eyes open. I’m going to go to bed.” I push my remaining chips to Dozer. “This should cover what I owe you. Please, keep the rest.” Dozer frowns but I think he catches on to my pleading tone, because he pulls them over to him without another word.

I get to my feet, but before I can leave, a warm hand curls around my fingers.


The strength in Mav’s grip sends my tummy a flutter, and from where we’re joined, little pinpricks of electricity shoot up my arm. He peers at our hands for a moment and then his maple eyes meet mine.


He doesn’t say anything for what seems like eternity. “The old ladies are comin’ in to discuss details for the party tomorrow. Make sure you and the other girls make yourselves scarce when they get here.”

My chest tightens. So he considers me one of them. A clubpiece. I nod and he lets my hand go.

“You not walkin’ her to your room?” he questions Dozer.

Dozer shrugs. “It’s a couple of stairs, man. What trouble she gonna get into?”

Mav’s silent. However, his scowl says it all. He still doesn’t trust me. “That’s not the deal.” Mav stands and grates out, “I’ll take her.”

“No.” Dozer lets out frustrated huff. “I’ll do it. Watch my stash.” He grabs my hand. “Come on, Babe.” Then proceeds to drag me down the hall and up the stairs.

It sounds like an orgy’s in full effect on the second floor. Bodie’s door is open and he and the twins are doing their best to bring down the house, maybe even on purpose.

Dozer unlocks his door and pushes it open. I thought he’d simply say goodnight close the door and go back to the game, but instead he pulls me over to the bed and sits down beside me. Right away, my nerves go into hyper drive. What is he doing?

“Why’d you throw the game? Because of Mav?”

I sigh, relieved when he just wants to talk. “How’d you guess?”

He shrugs. “You got all twitchy and stopped playing, like your head wasn’t in it.”

I’m not going to deny it. “He’s looking for any reason to toss me out on the street. I wasn’t about to hand him one on a silver platter.”

“You didn’t have to do that. Bluffin’ your way through a card game isn’t gonna get you tossed.” Dozer pulls me onto his lap. He’s touching me more than usual. Getting braver maybe. I don’t like that he can easily move me around like I’m a rag doll. It scares me.

I sweep my hair out of my face. “I wasn’t sure what he’d do. I thought it might be safer to just throw the game. Next time, I’ll just play straight up.”

Dozer’s hand rests on my thigh. I want to brush it off or stand up to remove it, but I force myself not to react. I must not be a very good actor tonight though, because he says, “Easy, babe. It’s just me and you.”

His fingers start caressing small circles into my skin. His eyes, normally a gray-blue color, are darker tonight. They’re dilated and he smells like weed. He didn’t smoke any while I was at the table, but he could’ve taken a hit or two while I was in the bathroom.

A question is residing in his gaze. One I think I know the answer to. He wants to kiss me. And he wants to know if he should. If I want him to.

How can I say no to him when he’s done so much for me? He’s the reason I’m not on the street right now giving out sexual favors for money. Or part of the reason. I swallow the lump in my throat and rest my hand on his chest.

“You’ve been really good to me Dozer. I won’t ever forget that,” I tell him.

He eyes me curiously. “You goin’ somewhere, babe?”

I shake my head. Although it is a possibility, I haven’t made up my mind yet.

Am I leaving now that I can? Or will I stick it out until the party? Until I fulfill my end of the deal and Mav fulfills his? I need more time to think it through. I’ll be staying tonight, but I’m not too sure what tomorrow will look like.

“I really want to kiss you.”

“What about Mav?”

“Mav doesn’t need to know.”

As my brain scrambles for an excuse, he says, “Don’t know that I’ve ever waited this long to kiss a girl. It seems like I’ve been waitin’ forever to get this close to you without someone watchin’ us.”

Then he leans forward and his lips land on mine. His arm circles my back, while the other comes up to cup my neck and bring my face closer to his. His tongue sweeps out and probes my lips. He tastes like beer and his mouth is so much larger than mine, it’s overwhelming.

His grip tightens around me.

My instinct tells me to run. Escape.

Instead, I count the seconds until I can politely pull away.

What do I say when he tries to do more than this? He’s been drinking . . . more than usual. What if he doesn’t handle my rejection well? What if he doesn’t want to stop after the one kiss? Dread pools at the bottom of my stomach.

“Babe,” he speaks against my lips. “Relax, it’s just a kiss.”

“I know. I just don’t have anywhere else to go if he finds out. Sorry. I didn’t mean to ruin it.”

“You didn’t. And I’m not gonna let him kick you out. Actually, I was thinkin’ tomorrow I’d tell Mav to start lookin’ for someone else for Edge.” His eyes meet mine. “I don’t want you with anyone else, like that.”

My jaw drops.

He chuckles softly and lifts me from his lap. He really is very handsome. I wish I could feel something, anything for him.

Standing over me now, he bends down, kisses the top of my head and says, “Think about it. We could be good together.”

Then as he locks the door, he says, “Night, babe. Sleep good.”

Burning Ember _20.jpg

There is good that comes from every trial we face. If you look hard enough at the wreckage, you can see how the debris shaped you.


I’m sitting at the same table drinking with Taz and Griz, lost in my own thoughts. Staring at the amber liquid, seeking answers it simply won’t give.

Since last night, Doll’s been awkward around me. At first, I thought it was because of our near kiss. Or maybe she’s waiting to be reprimanded for calling me an asshole. Then I came closer to watch her kick everyone’s ass at poker and her entire body tensed. She suddenly lost all sense of concentration. Stopped paying attention to the game, how the others were playing, and started losing.