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“Safe colors?”

“Trust me. You don’t want to be caught wearing another clubs or gangs colors. Some guys might let it slide when you’re new, but it’s better to be safe than sorry.”

She combs her fingers through her hair and flips it to the other side. “When you’re a part of the club, people scrutinize everything you do and say. As an old lady, everything I do, or don’t do for that matter, reflects on the club.

“You’re not a clubpiece and word will get around that you’re”—she uses air quotes with her fingers—“‘a virgin’. So they won’t be expecting you to dress like one or put out like the rest of the girls here. So wear something kinda sexy-cute, but comfortable. You want to be somebody they want to look at, talk to, but not something they want to drag off to their room for the night. Make sure you stick close to me or Dozer, especially the next few nights. At least until word gets around who you are and that you’re not to be touched.”

“Okay.” I pick through the pile of clothes.

“I hope you’re not mad about the virginity thing. And about putting you on the menu for Edge’s party. I just didn’t know what else to do to get Mav to agree. He’s not too keen on redheads, as you know by now.”

I hold up a few strands of my hair. “Right. Should I dye it purple? Think that would help?”

She pulls my hair away. “Don’t you dare. In fact, I’ll bring you some special shampoo tomorrow to strip what’s left of that awful brown color out of it. What did you use anyway?”

“I don’t know. A box from the store.”

She looks horrified at my admission. When she recovers, she says, “Don’t let what Mav said get to you. He may not like redheads but there are plenty of guys here that do. Dozer for one, which is surprising.” She hurries on to add, “Oh, not because you’re not gorgeous”—she winks—“he’s just had a thing for someone for a long time.”

“Let me guess, Bethany?”

“Yep. But she’s not into him. Or well she is, but she’s not doing anything about it. It’s a long story. Short version is her husband was a brother. He died . . . last year . . . motorcycle accident. I guess her and Dozer had something going on years ago before she ever got with her old man, but it didn’t work out. Dozer got sent on a tour of duty and she fell for Hodge while he was gone. I thought maybe now they’d finally . . . you know, hook up and resolve their problems.”

“But they haven’t?”

She shakes her head no.

Holding up each item, I ask myself two things… Will it fit and am I brave enough to wear it?

Lily chuckles, and grabs a shirt and a pair of shorts out of the pile. Both black. She throws them at me. “Here. I didn’t steal any bras or underwear because that’s just . . . yuck. For now, wear yours and I’ll pick you up some new stuff tomorrow.”

I take the items into the bathroom to change. Lily laughs as I go and snickers, “So modest.”

The top is loose and falls off my shoulder. The shorts are shorter than my cut offs and hang on my bony hips, but they’ll do.

When I step out, Lily clasps her hands together and beams at me. “You look hot. Let’s steal of pair of Jade’s heels to show off those nice legs of yours then you’ll be all set. Mav’s gonna be chokin’ on his words.”

I perk up an eyebrow. “You think?”

She nods. “Definitely. But it might be smart to stay out of his way and let him get used to you. We don’t want to press our luck.”

What luck? The negative thought rockets though my mind. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Then she’s chewing on her thumbnail deep in thought as she examines me.

“What?” I ask.

“Did I do the right thing? Bringing you here?”

“I think so. I was out of options. Living on the street’s been a nightmare, and I was running out of money even before all my stuff was stolen today. I thought it would be easier to find a job.”

“Why won’t anyone hire you? You look hirable.”

“No ID . . .”

For a second, I think I’ve said too much but Lily replies, “I figured you were on the run with how jittery you were around Davis. Don’t worry. I’m not gonna say anything to the guys.”

She pulls one knee up on the bed and plays with the zipper on her boot. “I know what it’s like not to have a safe place to run to. My step-father was a hopeless alcoholic and had a very warped idea of how a father should treat his little girl. My mother still to this day doesn’t see how evil he is. And yeah I thought it would be so much better if I just left. That I could make it on my own. Get a job, rent an apartment. But it’s a fucking cruel world out there, especially for young girls without a home.”

My thoughts drift to Ivy. “It is.”

Her head lifts. “You ever notice how fucked up women are in general because of men?”

“Yeah.” I don’t tell her my mother was the screwed up one in our family. That if it weren’t for her bailing on Sundown and me, I probably wouldn’t have ended up with Warner.

“You can’t live without them though. Not when men like Goose have the skills to give you multiple mind-blowing orgasms.”

I laugh and shake my head. “Wow. TMI.”

She laughs too.

“In all seriousness though, you seem happy here. Are you really?”

A luminous smile flashes over her face. “With Goose. Yes, very happy.” Her eyes shine. “I never thought I’d see the day that I’d let a man see all of me. The ugly stuff. The dark stuff, you know? The secrets I thought I’d never share with another person. But he knows it all and he still looks at me like I’m everything he’s always wanted.”

“How long have you been together?” I ask.

“Officially and monogamously? Two months.”

“How long have you been here?”

“Almost two years.”

We’re both quiet for a moment before she speaks again. “Maybe it won’t be a short stop for you either? Dozer probably can’t wait to get his hands on you again.” She stands and says, “I love Bethany like a sister, but if she’s not going to scoop him up, then why can’t you?”

Um . . . Do I want to scoop up Dozer?

Amber eyes and a dark stubbled face flash through my mind. A man I shouldn’t want because he’s so much like the man I’m running from.

Hot and cold. Dangerous. Unpredictable.

Burning Ember _11.jpg

A picture is only a small glimpse of a person’s life . . . yet it tells an entire story.


Rigor’s leaning against the hallway wall when we come down the stairs. There’s a party brewing behind him, people laughing, drinking, and dancing to the heavy metal music blasting through the main room.

Rigor stands as we approach. His ever-present frown seems more severe than usual. Spreading his arms as we near him, he creates a barrier between us and the party.

“Hey. What’s up?” Lily asks while giving him a bewildered expression.

He kicks his head back and to the side. “Go ahead, Bird. Pumpkin you need to come with me.”

“What? Where you takin’ her?” Lily’s voice sharpens.

“Mav wants to see her.”

Her hand goes to her hip. “Why?”

He sighs before saying, “No idea. And I wasn’t about to question him.”

“Does Dozer know?” she fires back.

Rigor takes a hold of my arm. “No. He left to go to the hospital. Doc’s updatin’ him and Nick on Cap’s condition. Nick called, ripped him a new one for not being there. He told me to watch her”—he tips his head in my direction—“as he hauled ass outta here.” He shrugs. “But what can I do? If Mav wants to have a word with her . . .”

The idea of facing Mav again has my hopeful mood plummeting, and dread circles like a whirlpool in my stomach.

A high-pitched voice interrupts my thoughts. “Rigor, I thought we were goin’ for a ride?”

We all turn to see a tall blonde woman sauntering up behind us. She eyeballs Rigor’s hand on my arm for a second. She’s pretty, tall, and thin, but her make-up’s a bit too dark. Her lipstick a touch too pink and her silicone boobs are a little over the top. Literally.