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“You don’t want this right now, Zoey.” Pure steel filled his voice, but pain raged in his eyes. Just as lust was beginning to rage through him. His erection was clearly visible behind the cotton material of his pants.

“You think?” She gripped the hem of the top and pulled it up her body, over her head.

Before it fell from her hands a sharp, pleasure-filled cry tore from her lips.

Heat, rasping, hungry damp heat surrounded her nipple; the force of the pleasure, the rough, desperate need in his sucking lips, the hard hands that lifted her to him, and the male groan that surrounded her instantly pushed her into blinding, chaotic wantonness.

Sexual heat rose like wildfire, overtaking her senses, surging through her bloodstream and filling her with a voracious need.

She needed him. She needed the fiery hedonism she’d only ever experienced at his touch. At the ravenous, ravishing hunger he touched her with.

“You shouldn’t have come here,” he groaned, his lips lifting from one nipple, moving to the next. “You should have left it alone.”

His lips surrounded it, sucking it into his mouth, exerting a firm, heated suction that sent electric pulses of frenzied abandon to sweep through her. Her womb clenched; heated moisture spilled from her vagina, coating the outer lips with a slick lubrication that only made her hotter, her clit more sensitive. And it made her wilder. The silky slide of it along sensitive tissue was like a teasing caress, a hint, a shadow of what she needed.

“I would have stayed away from you,” he breathed out, his voice so rough and filled with carnal intensity that it stole her breath.

“Why?” Her nails rasped down his side until they reached the elastic band of the pants circling his waist. “Take them off, Doogan. Pleasure me.”

So she could pleasure him. So she could steal the sorrow and the loneliness she’d glimpsed in him for just a few moments. For the space of time that he was a part of her, that he was as lost in the pleasure they created as she was.

“God, yes,” he muttered, his lips moving to her neck, his tongue licking, tasting her, his teeth rasping and nipping. “Let me pleasure you, Zoey. Let me give to you. Give to you . . .”

Her panties were ripped from her hips. A second later the band of his pants cleared the thick, throbbing head of his cock. Zoey gasped as he lifted her, pushed her against the wall, and slipped between her thighs.

“Put your legs around me.” The order was followed by a nip to her neck and the fingers of one hand lifting her thigh, guiding her legs into place around his hips.

She lifted her legs, curled them around him as the broad crest of his cock parted the folds of her pussy and began pressing inside.

Zoey ground her head into the wall behind her, lips parting as she fought for breath, her lashes nearly closing, so heavy as sensual weakness began flooding her. Pleasure and pain clashed and merged as the iron-hard width of his erection began pushing inside her, slowly. So slowly. Stealing her breath and her mind with the incredibly erotic sensations.

“Doogan.” She whimpered his name, her eyes locked with his as he took her, pushing inside her, stretching her, killing her with the need for more.

“You’re so sweet. So tight and wet.” Pulling back, pushing forward, taking more of her with each thrust, his expression tightening with each cry that spilled from her.

She was dying for more of him and he wanted to take his sweet time entering her?

“Look at your face,” he groaned, his voice growing guttural, his thrusts deeper. “So pretty. You’re so fucking pretty, Zoey.”

Her fingers tightened on his shoulders, her thighs clenching desperately at his hips. She lifted, settled against him, used the powerful muscles braced between her legs to anchor herself as she moved against him.

“That’s it, baby.” His fingers gripped her rear, moving her, lifting her until only the broad crest remained inside her, stretching her. “Now, take me, Zoey. Take all of me.”

“Doogan.” She cried his name, nails digging into his shoulders, her neck arching as the engorged width thrust partially inside her.

His expression twisted, a grimace pulling at his lips.

“You like that, don’t you, Zoey? All that pleasure and that bite of pain?” He pulled back, his hands tightening at her rear again, holding her still for just a second before pushing harder, deeper inside the clenched tissue.

A wail spilled from her lips, shudders tearing through her as rapture threatened to explode through her senses.

“You love giving it,” she panted, her pussy rippling around the intruder, milking the hard flesh throbbing inside her. “You love it, Doogan. Every second of it,” she sobbed.

“Love it.” Something flashed in his gaze. Something gentle, something filled with regret as he lifted one hand, cupping the side of her face and lowering his lips to brush against hers. “Hold on to me, Zoey. Let me give you more.”

His hips bunched, pulled back, and in the next breath his hips slammed forward, his cock burrowing hard and deep, filling her to the hilt and dragging a keening wail from her lips as she felt her orgasm explode with brutal strength through her pleasure-tortured senses.

“Doogan . . .” The shattered cry tore from her lips, the feel of hard, desperate thrusts extending the ecstasy, pushing it higher and forever binding her pleasure to his touch alone.

She felt it. Felt the invisible brand that went inside her, and accepted it.

“Fuck. Zoey. Baby. Ah hell . . .” His lips buried at her neck, his cock pulsing, spewing his seed inside her.

His hips jerked with each ejaculation, pushing his cock deeper inside her, the flex of the wide crest stroking her internally. Holding to him, Zoey buried her head at his shoulder to hide the tear that escaped, spilling it against his skin, knowing he’d never know, never realize how much of her he owned. That she’d given him all her heart, all her soul, and watching him walk away would tear both to shreds.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered as she lay against him long moments later, fighting to catch her breath. “I’m so sorry, Zoey. I never wanted to hurt you.”

She lay still, silent, waiting, feeling it coming.

“You know I have to leave,” he finally whispered. “We agreed. Just for a while . . .”

“Just remember, you promised to come to me when it snows.” The sobs were held back; the hoarseness of her voice could be excused by the aftermath of pleasure. “Don’t forget me when it snows, Doogan. I get cold . . .”

Breathe. Just breathe. She was dying inside. Every dream she’d tried not to build around him was exploding inside her.

He released her slowly, letting her legs slide from his hips until she had her feet on the floor and he stepped back from her.

“Zoey? Please don’t cry,” he whispered, turning her face up to him, his gaze tortured.

Zoey shook her head, forcing a smile to her lips. “No tears, Doogan,” she promised, though they were tearing her apart inside. “No tears.”

Stepping away, she gathered her clothes and left the gym. She felt exhausted, drained. The tears she’d promised she wouldn’t shed were choking her, strangling her with every breath she took.

She forced herself upstairs and into the shower. Forced herself to step beneath the heated spray of the water before she let herself break the promise she’d made him. And there, in the corner, water raining down on her, Zoey slid to the floor, her forehead resting against her knees, silent sobs shaking her shoulders as she let herself accept the fact that it was almost over. He was almost gone, and when he walked away, it would kill her.


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His pants once again around his hips, his entire body drained, Doogan sat on the wide bench next to the rack of weights close to where he’d fucked Zoey against the wall.