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He was so incredibly tall and strong. It was one of the first things Eve had noticed about him: that strength and easy power that he wore so effortlessly.

Moving to her, his hands framed her face, and though she hadn’t expected it, she watched in surprise as his head lowered to cover her lips with his.

The kiss was deep, searing, and intimate.

His tongue brushed over her lips, then over her tongue. He sipped at her lips, kissed them, drew her deeper into the twisting storm of sensation rushing through her.

“God, how pretty you are,” he whispered, reaching out to touch her. “Come here, baby.”

He sat down on the padded bench and his hand wrapped around the back of her neck. He pulled her to him. This time the feel of his lips moving over hers dragged a cry from her. The sound was so ragged it startled her, so filled with hunger it was shocking, even to her.

Running his hands down her back to her thighs, Brogan pressed her legs apart before he moved one to make her straddle him before pulling her closer to him.

She found herself straddling his lap, her rear resting on his knees as he kissed her with pure carnal demand. His hands gripped her rear, slowly pulling the curves apart until Eve felt the tingles of heat as the nerve endings in her puckered rear entrance revealed themselves.

Was she insane to have pushed him as she had? To have revealed how much she had enjoyed the pleasure-pain sensations he had given her the night before? But how could she have hidden the knowledge of it from him when she responded so readily to the more intense pleasure?

Whatever had happened the night before to bind them together hadn’t been the aberration she had thought it to be. It was still there, and she wasn’t the only one feeling it.

As he urged her closer she knew where he wanted her, knew he wanted her as he helped her remove the cami and her bra.

Easing his lips from hers, he kissed the line of her jaw, moving lower, drawing a cry from her as pleasure began washing through her.

Kissing his way from her lips to her neck, he laid more of the stinging kisses to the base of her neck, where he paused, caressing the skin there with a sharp, fiery kiss that dragged a startled moan from her lips.

Then one hand moved from her rear, slid beneath her breast, and lifted it, and he surrounded the small, pebbled tip with the heat of his mouth.

“Brogan,” she cried out, her arms wrapping around his neck as she arched against him. “Oh, yes, please.”

As he suckled at her nipple, his hand moved back to her rear, pressing beneath the fragile material of her skirt to find the naked flesh revealed by her thong panties.

The hardened width of his cock was pressed between them, the heated stalk grinding against her clit as her hips moved, rubbing the tortured bud against the fierce heat of the iron-hard flesh.

As she did she felt the hidden zipper at the side of her skirt release, easing down before Brogan pushed the material down her hips and let it puddle on the ground.

She was all but naked in his arms now. The cool mountain air touched her body, stroking it as the breeze drifted over it.

His hands moved to her rear again, caressing and cupping the curves as his lips moved to her other nipple. He sucked it inside as well, laving the tip with his tongue and sending starbursts of pleasure exploding in her womb.

One of his hands lifted, though she wasn’t certain what he was doing, because he didn’t move it to caress any other part of her body.

Then it landed against the rounded curve of her rear in a firm, heated little tap of his fingers.

“Oh, God!” Eve jerked in his hold, the muscles of her rear clenching, a shudder working through her body at the sensations flooding her system now.

It wasn’t a hard blow. There was nothing painful about it, just a little startling.

Then another landed.

His lips drew on her nipples, first one, then the other. His teeth rasped against them, tugging at the taut tips as she arched in his hold. Her nails bit into his shoulders now, her head tipping back, her hair flowing around her and caressing her naked skin.

The tap came again, this one just a little firmer, just a little heated against flesh that had already grown warm from the taps before it. With each heated caress a flame began to lick beneath her flesh and spread outward.

With each firm, quick little tap to each cheek of her ass, Eve felt the heat blooming in her rear spread to her clit, to the delicate muscles and tissue in the clenched emptiness of her pussy.

Sensations as shocking as they were arousing began to consume her, drawing muted, muffled little cries from her lips that she fought to contain.

The next tap was followed by his fingers slipping between her thighs, gathering the slick, heated moisture flowing from her vagina. Drawing her juices back from her pussy, he used the tip of a finger on the other hand to rub against the clenched entrance of her anus.

Another solid tap to her rear heated the flesh more, the sensation a stinging pleasure she was beginning to crave. She couldn’t get enough. It wasn’t burning enough. It wasn’t firm enough.

His fingers slipped between her thighs again, drawing even more of the slick heat from her pussy and easing it to her anus. As his hand delivered another hot little tap, a fingertip rubbed more firmly against her back entrance.

No more than two taps later he was able to use the same hand to gather the moisture outside her pussy to lubricate her anus further. His fingertip pressed against the little hole, pushing the slick moisture just inside the snug entrance.

The next little slap had his fingertip pressing further inside as she ground her clit against the stalk of his cock. The hard shaft pressed against her pussy, the iron-hard, iron-hot flesh torturing her with the awareness of how desperately she needed to be fucked.

With the next little blow to her rear cheek, Brogan gathered more of her juices as they spilled to his fingers, lubricated her anus further.

“Push against my finger with your muscles here,” he ordered her roughly as he began rubbing the little hole. “Open for me, baby; I’ll do the rest.”

His hand landed again; more of her juices were used to slick the little hole further; then, as his fingertip pressed against it, Eve fought to relax the muscles he caressed, pushing against the pressure.

His finger slipped inside.

Instantly the little hole clamped shut, shocking electrical flares of heat suddenly erupting in the nerve endings being stretched around the digit. He’d already penetrated the tight entrance, though. Her body’s instinct to clench around the intruder and then to try to push it out only aided in allowing his heavily lubricated finger to push farther inside.

His hand delivered another firm, heated pat, the gentle slaps driving her crazy with the burning heat flaring beneath her flesh. Between the cheeks of her ass his finger moved inside her, stretching the tight entrance around it and burying inside her again.

Pulling free, he dragged more of the juices collecting outside her pussy back to the tender entrance, pressed two fingertips against it, and began working them inside the tender channel.

Rising and falling against him, Eve worked her hips against the broad heat of his cock, her clit on fire. Her pussy clenched and wept the slick lubrication he was using to penetrate her rear; she was desperate to be filled by the throbbing shaft pulsing between them.

The two fingers penetrated her again, sliding inside her in one smooth thrust as Eve cried out, stilling against him as shudders raced through her body.

“Lift,” he ordered harshly.

She lifted against him, her knees braced on the padded edge of the bench as he used his free hand to maneuver his cock between them.